Leaves ALARM, ALBUM,ALIBI,ALLAY,ALPHA,ALTAR for the last guess. Average of 1/12.5 from the first guess.
Using repeat letters early is definitely suspect as in my opinion is using a different starting word daily , but impossible to quantify on individual games. Could possibly get something meaningful from the chance of picking such a good starting word compared to the average over time. Research continues.
Leaves ALARM, ALBUM,ALIBI,ALLAY,ALPHA,ALTAR for the last guess. Average of 1/12.5 from the first guess.
Using repeat letters early is definitely suspect as in my opinion is using a different starting word daily , but impossible to quantify on individual games. Could possibly get something meaningful from the chance of picking such a good starting word compared to the average over time. Research continues.
ALBUM shut up with your nonsense ya wordle woke snowflake !