Orient in 5 years time?

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Re: Orient in 5 years time?

Post by kokomO »

RientO wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:16 pm Renamed Red Bull Orient and heading the Championship after taking over the peppercorn rent lease for the Olympic Stadium from Wet Spam whose decline has left them at the bottom of league 2 and playing at the old spotted dog ground. Barry Hearn turns Brisbane Road into flats only to find that post COVID and the £50/day congestion charge, the value of property in London drops by 90%.
There’s a chance I would actually accept being called red bull Orient if all those other things you suggest came true.... :lol:
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Re: Orient in 5 years time?

Post by slacker »

We’ll still be bumbling along in the lower leagues. We’ll all get excited about 1 good season on the pitch, moan about 3 meh ones, and go ballistic over 1 calamitous year. 2 or 3 new managers will come after Boss and Martin Ling will just have a token honorary role, shaking hands with the lunch crew upstairs. We’ll be in Div 3 South, have a 3G pitch, safe standing will be installed at the front of the East Stand, and because of general money worries in football as the PL tv money starts to fall be seriously thinking about going part-time or becoming a feeder club to...West Ham. Bovril lids will still be in short supply.

I reckon Travis will still be around, but not sure about the other “investors” sticking the course and shelling out funds to prop us up long term. Landlord Bazza Hearn will have popped his clogs and Eddie will be immediately scheming to kick us out so he can redevelop. It’s the Little Leyton Orient way.
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