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Re: Macdonalds.
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:12 am
by ComeOnYouOs
Haven't eaten McDonald's for over 20 yrs.
As an aside if all we can get is chlorinated chicken, I'll not eat chicken anymore. It's the only meat I eat nowdays having stopped eating red meat in 1987.
British farmers will be thrown under the bus as this corrupt government bends over backwards to get a trade deal with Trump's gangster regime.
British organic chicken will be the way to go, if it's still available.
Re: Macdonalds.
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:23 am
by Sid Bishop
NuneatonO's wrote: ↑Fri Jun 05, 2020 10:11 am
Apple Wumble wrote: ↑Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:20 am
o-no wrote: ↑Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:08 am
What will be interesting to see is whether McDonalds themselves guarantee not to use US chicken.
And if they don't, if that makes any difference at all to the people queuing up to get their nuggets.
Unfortunately, people are uneducated about food and people are poor.
Some may not have a choice about what chicken they buy or know the health implications.
Sad all round really. But it’s obviously only an issue because British farmers can’t meet demand, hence why we needed the EU but let’s not offend the brexiters
Not sure how much McDonalds costs - but I don't think it's cheap crap, is it?
You can buy rice, pasta and fresh veg - and if you aren't a veggi, mincemeat, for not very much money at all. You can make a few meals out of it.
This is a point often made by my Missis to her young Sister (who has four kids, including twins - so at least we know two of them had the same Father). She's forever pleading abject poverty and on the ponce; but thinks nothing of taking them to McDonalds or KFC ; or ordering take-away food deliveries to their house. On the odd occasion when she can drag herself away from Facebook and does bother to turn the oven on, it's to chuck in a tray of chicken nuggets and fries; or some other processed filth.
Look each to their own - I just get annoyed when I hear utter BS such as "I haven't got time to cook". Then, when I see three of my young Nieces overweight, I know it just isn't being fair on them. They'll potentially suffer because of her 'can't be arsed' attitude.
From what I hear, many parents are the same. Look no further than (as mentioned above by someone) the amount of fat kids waddling about these days. No wonder we are the most obese country in Western Europe.
Rant over.
All very true, far healthier, tastier and lot cheaper to cook your own food. I also have a small garden and in the summer I grow runner beans and tomatoes. I have planted 50 runner bean plants so will give excess produce to relatives, friends and neighbours, last year I was at times picking a full shopping bag a day of runner beans. This year purchased a packet of moneymaker tomato seed from Lidl for 29 pence, said 80 seeds approx on the packet, soaked them for one day in water, planted them in compost and 135 seedlings came up. All reared and ready to plant out now so will plant around 30 and rest given away to friends etc also my neice has key worker friends so given them some of the excess as well.
Re: Macdonalds.
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:26 am
by o-no
I watched something a while ago about a couple who moved from the States to Mexico, and it struck me that one of them said that a host of mysterious stomach issues cleared up the moment they stopped eating mass produced American food. If you ever go to so the supermarkets there you can't help but notice the size and shininess of their fruit compared to ours. I'm pretty sure it isn't just that their farmers are much better at farming than everyone elses.
Re: Macdonalds.
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:55 am
by Currywurst and Chips
Thinking about starting a thread on George Foreman grills and seeing if people can derail it into a thread about Conservatives/Brexit as well
Re: Macdonalds.
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:09 pm
by ComeOnYouOs
Digby Chicken Caesar wrote: ↑Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:55 am
Thinking about starting a thread on George Foreman grills and seeing if people can derail it into a thread about Conservatives/Brexit as well
Try it and see what happens
Re: Macdonalds.
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:42 pm
by Rich Tea Wellin
First time out in Chelmsford today after a trip to Broomfield And treated myself to a five guys

it’s not bad but extortionately priced but a little treat
Re: Macdonalds.
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:38 pm
by Thor
I flew my family out to join me in Santa Barbara and during one trip to I think Disney they asked for a McDonalds so I duly pulled in to one.
Not sure if people remember the pink slush chicken that they had going on? Anyway there was a sign in the window warning you it may cause cancer!! Holly molly I was like what is going on here!!
I told the kids no nuggets!!!
Re: Macdonalds.
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:56 pm
by Sid Bishop
In Harlow, went out to do a bit of shopping and local roads near two McDonalds ( which are on the opposite sides of the town ) traffic come to a stand still, so much so that many cars, including myself, turning round in the road and trying to find other ways to get to were they wish to go, or in my case, giving up and going home ! Ridiculous state of affairs and means that unless prepared to sit in your car for a long time, best way to get to shops near a McDonalds is to walk there or use a bike.