Re: U.S war with China.
Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:57 pm
Don't forget Trumpy has got his "Super Duper" missiles and his Space Force is raring to go. He must be so excited right now, bet he cant wait to play war.
The Unofficial and Independent Leyton Orient Message Board
The best biggest fantastical war ever of all timeThe Mindsweep wrote: ↑Fri May 22, 2020 5:57 pm Don't forget Trumpy has got his "Super Duper" missiles and his Space Force is raring to go. He must be so excited right now, bet he cant wait to play war.
RedDwarf 1881 wrote: ↑Fri May 22, 2020 6:27 pm Stupid OP . Any war with China would probably end up going nuclear very quickly. How on earth would that help Trump win re-election. Afterwards there wouldn’t be a China but there won’t be a US either.
It will be the best war. No American President will have a better one. We will have the best numbers of death.tuffers#1 wrote: ↑Fri May 22, 2020 6:23 pmThe best biggest fantastical war ever of all timeThe Mindsweep wrote: ↑Fri May 22, 2020 5:57 pm Don't forget Trumpy has got his "Super Duper" missiles and his Space Force is raring to go. He must be so excited right now, bet he cant wait to play war.
I.think you mixed up Corona deaths speech for war ...The Mindsweep wrote: ↑Fri May 22, 2020 6:31 pmIt will be the best war. No American President will have a better one. We will have the best numbers of death.tuffers#1 wrote: ↑Fri May 22, 2020 6:23 pmThe best biggest fantastical war ever of all timeThe Mindsweep wrote: ↑Fri May 22, 2020 5:57 pm Don't forget Trumpy has got his "Super Duper" missiles and his Space Force is raring to go. He must be so excited right now, bet he cant wait to play war.
Who gets the most votes or wins the Electoral College in November won't matter, he will declare it null and void for some reason. He has always acted like a 5 year old and nothing suggests he will change. When a 5 year refuses to do as they are told or stop doing something, then sometimes they need to be removed "kicking & screaming ". At that point we would have reached the end of Donald, unfortunately there are not enough adults in the room yet to do it safely.Mikero wrote: ↑Fri May 22, 2020 10:30 pm There are some interesting things happening in the US at present, one of the early fallouts of the States that have been bullied into reopening by Trump, is that people are not voting with their feet, they are staying home. Sales in shopping malls and elsewhere are less than half of what they were before Covid, this after a couple of weeks of opening. If he thought that people would flock to the shops instantly, he was wrong. If this continues shops will go out of business again.
He is losing some of the voting groups that helped him last time by his sheer incompetance and that of his party members. One Republican State Government released a graph showing Covid deaths over time. I clearly showed a decline in cases even after the state reopened. A reporter, being suspicious, zoomed into the graph and found that the dates under the graph ran April, May, May, May, April, April, April. Thus it hid the spike that had occured after reopening. Also everytime he starts laying into President Obama he loses more of the Black vote. Yes many of them voted for him last time because he promised to open the closed factories where they worked, now he has destroyed everything that Obama created including Obamacare and, evidently, the fully written pandemic action plan that Obama had created after the Sars outbreak.
The number of elderly dying of the virus especially in Care Homes and Veterans hospitals are an albatross around his neck, no wonder Biden is points ahead with these groups. Is does not help when he characterises Biden as a elderly bumbler of some kind, he is also the same sort of age and there are the simple things. People are told that masks help you stop passing the virus on to other people and there is Trump refusing to wear one when he is living in a Covid environment that have seen some of his staff proving positive for Covid. Small business owners are not happy with the way his 'Small Business help package' was handled. It was defined as companies with less than 500 staff, which is ridiculous in itself, but of course they were the ones able to afford smart lawyers who snapped the money up before the 'Mom and Pop' corner stores ever had a chance.
If Trump wins it will be by cheating in some way. He is already creating a narrative about postal voting being a terrible thing and open to cheating, yet he always casts his vote in Florida by post.
He has put one of his henchmen in charge of the US Postal Service, as always with very little experience of running a huge organisation and no knowledge of how it works about from posting a letter. This is worrying as it may be that votes are not going to reach their destinations in time. Even if he scraped through the Senate looks to be lost, every Republican Senator is going to be asked in the campaign hustings why they voted not to impeach when the evidence was so clear?
Sure his gun totting friends are going to vote for him but are they enough? Every time he sacks another Inspector General or scientist who gets in his way people take note, it clocks up with them. Trying to restart the Russian invented Hunter Biden case is not going to work either.
Before anyone starts to sing the 'Fake News' song, all of the above is verifiable on the US TV networks CNN, ABC, PSN, NBC etc and the press sites, even his beloved FOX NEWS has started to contridict him. You cannot hope to win an election when you abuse the press on a daily basis.
Mikero wrote: ↑Fri May 22, 2020 10:30 pm Also everytime he starts laying into President Obama he loses more of the Black vote. Yes many of them voted for him last time because he promised to open the closed factories where they worked, now he has destroyed everything that Obama created including Obamacare and, evidently, the fully written pandemic action plan that Obama had created after the Sars outbreak.
Link to Biden story.Dunners wrote: ↑Sat May 23, 2020 7:28 am The left has never got Trump or his supporters, that is true. Their reaction has been to mock and insult, but not to understand. And the more they do that, the more divisions become entrenched.
As for Trump getting reelected, his opponent is Biden. A man who has just told black people that, if they vote Republican, then they're not really black. Aside from the gobsmacking naivety, it's more identity/divisive politics. Clearly the left hasn't learnt, and doesn't want to. So f*** 'em.
Very interesting post. I could write a few bestsellers at this stage. If you want something to read, I recommend Seth Abramson, a former Prosecutor and Professor in New Hampshire University. He has a third book coming that is outlining Trump et al's bribery and curruption just in the past year and which is still ongoing.Mikero wrote: ↑Fri May 22, 2020 10:30 pm There are some interesting things happening in the US at present, one of the early fallouts of the States that have been bullied into reopening by Trump, is that people are not voting with their feet, they are staying home. Sales in shopping malls and elsewhere are less than half of what they were before Covid, this after a couple of weeks of opening. If he thought that people would flock to the shops instantly, he was wrong. If this continues shops will go out of business again.
He is losing some of the voting groups that helped him last time by his sheer incompetance and that of his party members. One Republican State Government released a graph showing Covid deaths over time. I clearly showed a decline in cases even after the state reopened. A reporter, being suspicious, zoomed into the graph and found that the dates under the graph ran April, May, May, May, April, April, April. Thus it hid the spike that had occured after reopening. Also everytime he starts laying into President Obama he loses more of the Black vote. Yes many of them voted for him last time because he promised to open the closed factories where they worked, now he has destroyed everything that Obama created including Obamacare and, evidently, the fully written pandemic action plan that Obama had created after the Sars outbreak.
The number of elderly dying of the virus especially in Care Homes and Veterans hospitals are an albatross around his neck, no wonder Biden is points ahead with these groups. Is does not help when he characterises Biden as a elderly bumbler of some kind, he is also the same sort of age and there are the simple things. People are told that masks help you stop passing the virus on to other people and there is Trump refusing to wear one when he is living in a Covid environment that have seen some of his staff proving positive for Covid. Small business owners are not happy with the way his 'Small Business help package' was handled. It was defined as companies with less than 500 staff, which is ridiculous in itself, but of course they were the ones able to afford smart lawyers who snapped the money up before the 'Mom and Pop' corner stores ever had a chance.
If Trump wins it will be by cheating in some way. He is already creating a narrative about postal voting being a terrible thing and open to cheating, yet he always casts his vote in Florida by post.
He has put one of his henchmen in charge of the US Postal Service, as always with very little experience of running a huge organisation and no knowledge of how it works about from posting a letter. This is worrying as it may be that votes are not going to reach their destinations in time. Even if he scraped through the Senate looks to be lost, every Republican Senator is going to be asked in the campaign hustings why they voted not to impeach when the evidence was so clear?
Sure his gun totting friends are going to vote for him but are they enough? Every time he sacks another Inspector General or scientist who gets in his way people take note, it clocks up with them. Trying to restart the Russian invented Hunter Biden case is not going to work either.
Before anyone starts to sing the 'Fake News' song, all of the above is verifiable on the US TV networks CNN, ABC, PSN, NBC etc and the press sites, even his beloved FOX NEWS has started to contridict him. You cannot hope to win an election when you abuse the press on a daily basis.