9/11 - where were you?

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9/11 - where were you?

Post by Rich Tea Wellin »

Hard to believe it’s been 20 years.

I was in a maths class in secondary school. Only found out after school where some bloke told us that someone had bombed the world trade centre (which we’d never heard of) and that there as going to be a war which sh*t us up.

As an aside, enjoyed the 2 bbc documentaries. Surviving 9/11 is truly gut wrenching and hard to watch but a brilliant piece of tv. Inside the presidents room shows how idiotic Bush was and remarkably, still is.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Ronnie Hotdogs »

At Gatwick airport waiting to board a flight to Turkey.

Took a phone call telling me the twin towers had been bombed, thought they meant Wembley as didn’t know of the American version.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Long slender neck »

I was walking to my after school job, a friend drove by and said something about ww3, the old men where i worked thought it was Gaddafi.

I saw the president's war room- felt sorry for Bush, not sure there was anything he could have done better. Although I did laugh at him still waving everytime he boarded airforce one.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by tuffers#1 »

Gants Hill @. Work
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Rich Tea Wellin »

Prestige Worldwide wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:27 pm I was walking to my after school job, a friend drove by and said something about ww3, the old men where i worked thought it was Gaddafi.

I saw the president's war room- felt sorry for Bush, not sure there was anything he could have done better. Although I did laugh at him still waving everytime he boarded airforce one.
I just found it a bit odd that before they even knew that the attacks were over his focus was on ‘kicking-ass’ rather than focussing on stopping other attacks. Guess it’s just the American way?
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Nad2008 »

At school. My badminton teacher told me. I remember the conservation and the rest of the day so vividly.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Clive Evans »

I was at work for BT International. All around the office were large TV monitors, monitoring all International Cables. Suddenly loads and loads of American cables were showing red alarms. This was incredibly unusual, so one of the monitors was switched to the news channel. It was showing the first tower on fire and after a short while we saw live, the 2nd aircraft going into the other Tower. Loads of our New York cables terminated at the World Trade Centre, so the office was really buzzing. It kept us mega busy for months. Very traumatic seeing it pan out as it happened and also dealing with the Telecomms guys in New York.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by BiggsyMalone »

Left school early to get my eyes tested. It was shocking.

I genuinely think it’s one of the reasons ‘millennials’ are so f*cked mentally. Seeing something as traumatic as that at a young age and the world just carried on going to sh*t after
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Max B Gold »

Working in Farringdon Street at the time and my boss was beside himself with grief as we had a client who had an office in the twin towers and there was a hefty bill outstanding. Luckily the bill got paid as the client survived.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Max B Gold »

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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Type high »

Was watching from work, Insurance Broker, phoned my father out shopping, just said dad go home put telly on, my Aunt was due to fly to New York next day, that was cancelled she never got to go there.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by O my gawd »

I was at work, I had only been to New York 2 months before visiting my best mate who was at the time working in the financial district. Remember the news coming in about lunchtime & not much work was done for the rest of the day. I stayed up until around 2am just re-watching the horror. Fortunately my mates brother contacted me to tell me he was safe.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Beradogs »

At work on the 45th floor of Canary Wharf tower. Was amazing how the majority just sat there waiting for instructions on what to do. I just got out as soon as the second plane went in knowing it was terrorists and that they may have targeted the uk at the same time. Sitting in the bar drinking on the ground floor probably not the best choice though.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Chicken Dhansak »

I'd just got in from work, around 4pm, and turned the tv on as I usually did before making a cuppa. Whilst watching, in absolute horror, the
second plane went into the other tower, from that moment I was transfixed. I phoned my partner up and asked her if she was watching it,
and she said she was. The event so unreal as to be surreal, and all in some twisted cause by people who perpetrate this type of atrocity in
name of God.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Millennial Snowflake »

Came home from school at about half 3 and my mum told me there had been several plane crashes in the States

Turned on the tv and saw the clips of the planes going into the towers

I’d poo poo myself whenever I heard a low flying plane for a good while after
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Stowaway »

I was at home on a rest day, and my brother called me around 2pm to say that they’d heard about it. I told him it was probably a light aircraft or something, but I put the tv on and there it was. I went online and of course everyone was all over it. I was a regular on a football site which had a discussion board, and I remember posting when the first tower fell down, no-one believed me. My partner was on nights and I had to wake her at about 5pm and tell that WW3 might just have started.
We lived in Greenford near Ealing at the time which had a lot of air traffic, and I was very jumpy every time a plane flew over.
I had a friend who had gone out to New York at that time, and it turned out she’d gone to Manhattan that morning to meet a friend. She got caught up in the whole show and ended up hiding in a cafe, with everyone thinking they were going to die. She got out ok, and few months later we were in central London when there was a fire alarm at Covent Garden station. She had a massive panic attack and we had to call an ambulance. She ended up with PTSD and several months off work, she was single and we had to arrange a rota of friends to go over and sit with her for weeks, it affected her that badly. Grim times.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Constanza »

Max B Gold wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 11:40 pm Working in Farringdon Street at the time and my boss was beside himself with grief as we had a client who had an office in the twin towers and there was a hefty bill outstanding. Luckily the bill got paid as the client survived.
Reminds me of an old boss who used to listen to the death notices on local radio every morning in case any of them owed us money.
I was in Paris on 9.11 and didn't even know it had happened. The next day we went to Euro Disney which on reflection was not the best move as it was the most americanised thing in Europe. However I did get to meet Snow White and felt a bit Goofy after which I was thrown out.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Clive Evans »

Kimpon :- ( Chief WUM of the Board ). Your messages are getting worse daily and are in extremely bad taste. I would say offensive. If PW et al had any b-llox they would give you a ban, maybe even lifetime.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Adz »

I was on the trade floor at barcap. Remember the news of the first plane hitting coming on the TV's. We all thought it was a tragic accident until we watched the second one hit. We ended up being evacuated later for fear of an attack on canary wharf
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Long slender neck »

Clive Evans wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:26 am Kimpon :- ( Chief WUM of the Board ). Your messages are getting worse daily and are in extremely bad taste. I would say offensive. If PW et al had any b-llox they would give you a ban, maybe even lifetime.
Permanent ban for 'kimpon', been mulling it for a while.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Currywurst and Chips »

Ronnie Hotdogs wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:23 pm At Gatwick airport waiting to board a flight to Turkey.

Took a phone call telling me the twin towers had been bombed, thought they meant Wembley as didn’t know of the American version.
Ronnie Hotdogs :- ( Chief WUM of the Board ). Your messages are getting worse daily and are in extremely bad taste. I would say offensive. If PW et al had any b-llox they would give you a ban, maybe even lifetime
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Ronnie Hotdogs »

Currywurst and Chips wrote: Sun Sep 12, 2021 12:24 pm
Ronnie Hotdogs wrote: Sat Sep 11, 2021 10:23 pm At Gatwick airport waiting to board a flight to Turkey.

Took a phone call telling me the twin towers had been bombed, thought they meant Wembley as didn’t know of the American version.
Ronnie Hotdogs :- ( Chief WUM of the Board ). Your messages are getting worse daily and are in extremely bad taste. I would say offensive. If PW et al had any b-llox they would give you a ban, maybe even lifetime
Whilst I don’t dispute the general tone of your message, why have you attached it to that particular post? That’s all true.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Scuba Diver »

Was on the roof of a house working in High Wycombe, in the days when I used to fit aerials and sat tv

The customer shouted up to me about it: at first, I thought it was a strange wind-up.
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Admin »

Working in Ilford. No one I worked with had a scooby who Osama Bin Laden was.
Ex Mrs FTC was working for Amex in Victoria and was evacuated from the building she worked in. From memory she had colleagues who worked for Amex in one of the towers close by in NY and saw the first plane hit. They didn’t wait much past the second one before evacuating
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Re: 9/11 - where were you?

Post by Top of the JES »

Holiday in France with my wife, been out and about that morning and had stopped off to book some golf for the following day and saw on TV the first tower had been hit. We drove back to the chateau where we were staying trying to find an English speaking radio station so we could keep up with events. We got the Ferry back a few days later and the security was unbelievable which was reassuring and unnerving in equal measures.
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