Went with Octopus last year. Haven't got a yearly bill yet so cant comment but prices seem comparable, it's all renewable and they come out top for customer service on loads of different metrics.
What I don't understand is when they say things like EDF or E.On have bad customer services.
Literally all you do is sign up and pay and then at the end of your contract you switch with uSwitch or a similar site.
What do you need customer services for?
Same with most utility companies. They've ultimately got us all by the bollocks unless you're on an introductory offer or a deal. You have to keep switching.
I just don't understand why you'd be more inclined to go with a company with better customer services.
Things like insurance and home care arrangements are different. You want a decent level of customer service to get the right service and you do get what you pay for.
Tent Keague wrote: ↑Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:28 pm
What I don't understand is when they say things like EDF or E.On have bad customer services.
Literally all you do is sign up and pay and then at the end of your contract you switch with uSwitch or a similar site.
What do you need customer services for?
Same with most utility companies. They've ultimately got us all by the bollocks unless you're on an introductory offer or a deal. You have to keep switching.
I just don't understand why you'd be more inclined to go with a company with better customer services.
Things like insurance and home care arrangements are different. You want a decent level of customer service to get the right service and you do get what you pay for.
Easy to think that until they do something like f*** up your bill. Never happened to me with utilities but had poor experience with 'quotemehappy' insurance.
Prestige Worldwide wrote: ↑Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:31 pm
FFS. Why have they pulled the cheap deals?
Because the cost of wholesale gas/electric has rocketed according to the suppliers, but my assumption is that the energy suppliers are losing money hand over fist with people either racking up debt, or unable to pay due to being furloughed/sacked.
Like car insurance, if you phone the companies direct rather than comparison sites, you ten to get a better deal especially if you ‘white lie’ and say you have had a better quote. Once they have you on the phone , they won’t want to lose you. I have always found British Gas the best , if I get out of contract I negotiate a newer long term deal. Agree with the above by keeping the utilities separate though. Seems that ordinary people are paying for those who have swimming pools , air conditioning indoors garden lighting and now electric car charge points who I’m told by engineers I know , never pay the energy for such luxuries as they all have them connected up on the fiddle.
Kimpon wrote: ↑Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:29 am
Like car insurance, if you phone the companies direct rather than comparison sites, you ten to get a better deal especially if you ‘white lie’ and say you have had a better quote. Once they have you on the phone , they won’t want to lose you. I have always found British Gas the best , if I get out of contract I negotiate a newer long term deal. Agree with the above by keeping the utilities separate though. Seems that ordinary people are paying for those who have swimming pools , air conditioning indoors garden lighting and now electric car charge points who I’m told by engineers I know , never pay the energy for such luxuries as they all have them connected up on the fiddle.
Finding that last part a little hard to believe. People who have these things don't need to fiddle the lecky, they've got bigger fish to fry.
Kimpon wrote: ↑Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:29 am
Like car insurance, if you phone the companies direct rather than comparison sites, you ten to get a better deal especially if you ‘white lie’ and say you have had a better quote. Once they have you on the phone , they won’t want to lose you. I have always found British Gas the best , if I get out of contract I negotiate a newer long term deal. Agree with the above by keeping the utilities separate though. Seems that ordinary people are paying for those who have swimming pools , air conditioning indoors garden lighting and now electric car charge points who I’m told by engineers I know , never pay the energy for such luxuries as they all have them connected up on the fiddle.
Finding that last part a little hard to believe. People who have these things don't need to fiddle the lecky, they've got bigger fish to fry.
Kimpon wrote: ↑Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:29 am
Like car insurance, if you phone the companies direct rather than comparison sites, you ten to get a better deal especially if you ‘white lie’ and say you have had a better quote. Once they have you on the phone , they won’t want to lose you. I have always found British Gas the best , if I get out of contract I negotiate a newer long term deal. Agree with the above by keeping the utilities separate though. Seems that ordinary people are paying for those who have swimming pools , air conditioning indoors garden lighting and now electric car charge points who I’m told by engineers I know , never pay the energy for such luxuries as they all have them connected up on the fiddle.
Finding that last part a little hard to believe. People who have these things don't need to fiddle the lecky, they've got bigger fish to fry.
Oh yes they do. I once had a client who had a swimming pool in his North London house and claimed a proportion of the leccy bill because he also had an office in his home but of course most of the bill was down to heating the pool.
At the other end of the social scale big Charlie from the bowling club always had his dinner late during the summer on account of the street lights not coming on until after 10 and his house was connected up to them as there was a lamp post right next to his house. Charlie could drink 25 pints of lager on a Saturday. He's dead now.
Max B Gold wrote: ↑Tue Jun 15, 2021 11:18 pm
It should come as no surprise to any of youse to learn that I am with People's Energy.
Was one of the best deals on Martin Lewis's Cheap Energy Club. He emails me when deals pop up that save £100 or more. Give it a go.
Cannot wait until Nicola makes energy free.
Yes she creates enough gas talking out of her arse, just got to work on the electricity
This isn't a very funny insult. I don't know why you bothered.
I understand that she is not in favour of generating electricity from gas. You haven't even got the underlying facts right on which to base your joke and it therefore had no resonance.
Kimpon wrote: ↑Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:29 am
Like car insurance, if you phone the companies direct rather than comparison sites, you ten to get a better deal especially if you ‘white lie’ and say you have had a better quote. Once they have you on the phone , they won’t want to lose you. I have always found British Gas the best , if I get out of contract I negotiate a newer long term deal. Agree with the above by keeping the utilities separate though. Seems that ordinary people are paying for those who have swimming pools , air conditioning indoors garden lighting and now electric car charge points who I’m told by engineers I know , never pay the energy for such luxuries as they all have them connected up on the fiddle.
Finding that last part a little hard to believe. People who have these things don't need to fiddle the lecky, they've got bigger fish to fry.
Yes, I read that. It doesn't say ALL the people with swimming pools, electric cars etc have them connected up on the fiddle though - that's just your biases coming through.
The cost of fitting the so called ''Smart Meters'' is also pushing up the price of energy bills. So far I have dodged having them fitted in my house and resent the fact that despite not having them fitted myself, that we are all having to contribute to these waste of time and sometimes unreliable gadgets.
I used to read around 500 meters of various types on a weekly basis as part of my job working as a maintenance engineer on a large company site, so sure i can manage to read my own 2 meter's once every 3 months to let my power company know my up to date meter readings.
Britons left out of pocket as smart meters will cost each household £420 - but experts dismiss them as just plain dumb
Billions of pounds are being spent on installing 'smart' energy meters
Experts fear scheme is a waste of money and meters vulnerable to hackers
One expert says smart meters only shave around a tenner a year off bills. https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bil ... d-420.html
Yes, I read that. It doesn't say ALL the people with swimming pools, electric cars etc have them connected up on the fiddle though - that's just your biases coming through.
No bias here , only thing coming through is your naively.
Last edited by Kimpon on Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yes, I read that. It doesn't say ALL the people with swimming pools, electric cars etc have them connected up on the fiddle though - that's just your biases coming through.
No bias here , only thing coming through irks your naively.