Preventative medicine

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Preventative medicine

Post by tuffers#1 »

I have been getting checked on & offf since i was 24 ,
My dad had 5 Heart attacks the final one killed him ,
The 2nd one he went into Cardiac arrest but fortunately came through that & lived for nearly another 10 years.

Think i might go get another check up in the not to distant future ,

Anyone else think they should or will go for a full health
Check soon ?

The passing of Justin brings to light the serious question of how brittle life can be for any of us.

Preventative medicine is always the best way to look after your health.

Be well fellow O's .
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Rich Tea Wellin »

No one on here is gonna be able to give you accurate medical advice so go and ask a doctor. As you say, always good to check and be on top of any issues.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by tuffers#1 »

Im not looking for advice.
Last Full check i had was 4 years ago & all was relatively good, im suggesting others should book an appointment & get a check up . 15 minute appointment & an hour out of a day in a local clinic/hospital could save a life.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by LittleMate »

The wife, who only ever comes to finals, has been affected by JE's death in a number of surprising (and less surprising) ways.

As her 55 year old husband, I am now getting pecked to death to have a variety of tests despite the fact that I'm very healthy for my age and with no previous issues. For her benefit alone I will probably go and have a full check up.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Long slender neck »

Is a 'full health check' even a thing on the nhs?
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by eddyO5 »

You can get an over-50s check-up if you are over 50. Probably not as thorough as one paid for privately I'd imagine.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by tuffers#1 »

It all depends on Family History as much as age.

I had the running machine with all the electrodes when i was 24 , which ive done another 4 or 5 times since .

You can get a fats test at your gp from a nurse.
Its pretty much a cholestorol test , blood pressure & blood test anytime you want regardless of age.

If they find something its a lot cheaper to sort it medically with medicines etc rather than have something develop later with a much heavier cost.

Listen im not trying to say people must do it , just something that everyone should look at for themselves & there loved ones.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by tuffers#1 »

Prestige Worldwide wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 2:28 pm Is a 'full health check' even a thing on the nhs? ... tion-plan/
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by DaggerHam »

Maybe not preventative medicine but maybe help to prevent the ultimate.
Can I suggest people encourage places they attend regularly, workplaces, clubs, pubs, schools etc, to install a defibrillator.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by BIGRON »

I take 13 tablets a day including , Diabetes , Blood Pressue , Cholestral , and Chemo tablets for blood cancer , my doctor reckons i could do with losing some weight but says going to the Gym would likely do me more harm than good !!
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Baddo »

Justin's death has affected me in so many different ways. Its a cliche but you does make you realise how precious life is, and he was a fit man who looked after himself. I look at me, albeit ten years younger, but I drink, I smoke, I don't exercise. I've been to the doctors before about heart palpitations, night sweats etc and had tests that found nothing and been told no issues. But things like this do make you think and if there's anything positive that can be taken from Justin's passing is to get yourself checked if any doubt, and to be fair in my case, get healthier.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Howling Mad Murdock »

I had an ECG at work and they wanted me to go to Harley Street for a check up.Never went.

I stopped boozing about two and a half years ago because I just got fed up with being knackered all the time and got bored with booze.It just became a habit.Almost fell down when the doc told me my blood pressure was normal.Don't think I'd ever heard that before.I have target mileage (combined) of Turbo Trainer and Bicycle of 625 Miles a month which I have kept up for two years.Also eat much less junk food and do permament earlies of which I have also done for two years.

The turbo Trainer thing was just to get fitter but I lost two stone in a very short fast actually that many of my workmates asked me if I was ill. :D

Still get comments about it now from people I don't see that often.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Lucky7 »

Preventative medicine don’t stop you getting knocked over freak accident etc etc

Blink of an eye an all that
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by tuffers#1 »

Lucky7 wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:01 pm Preventative medicine don’t stop you getting knocked over freak accident etc etc

Blink of an eye an all that
Well Said Lucky
Awful of me to forget such a great response service that is available in the UK . Simply the Best Ambulance/Paramedic Service in the World .
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by grampus »

Here is Japan every adult gets an annual health check. If you work for a company, they pay for you, otherwise you pay for yourself but it's cheap and takes half a day.

Over 40s get a more extensive health check.

I know many folk who have benefited from these by finding things early before they got worse.

Sure, you can predict an accident but despite how good you feel and appear on the outside, you never know what's going on inside till you get stuff checked out.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Stowaway »

It’s certainly made me think about things, I can tell you. I’m 56, been reasonably for all my life and cycle to work most days, 26 miles a day. But JE was also supposedly as fit as a butcher’s dog and had all the club’s medical facilities to hand, and if he’d felt something beforehand you’d have thought he’d have mentioned it to the doc. The fact that a massive heart attack took him out in one swift hit makes you realise it can literally happen to anyone.
I’ve had a few injuries and been off the bike more than usual since the start of the year and so have got myself about 2 stone overweight. I’ve decided I’m going to present myself to my GP and ask for a full medical and ECG etc, on the grounds that my father died of a heart attack and I just want to be sure before I start dieting and riding hard again. If there’s anything then I want it found, and it’ll also give me some peace of mind.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Long slender neck »

Howling Mad Murdock wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 6:34 pm I had an ECG at work and they wanted me to go to Harley Street for a check up.Never went.

I stopped boozing about two and a half years ago because I just got fed up with being knackered all the time and got bored with booze.It just became a habit.Almost fell down when the doc told me my blood pressure was normal.Don't think I'd ever heard that before.I have target mileage (combined) of Turbo Trainer and Bicycle of 625 Miles a month which I have kept up for two years.Also eat much less junk food and do permament earlies of which I have also done for two years.

The turbo Trainer thing was just to get fitter but I lost two stone in a very short fast actually that many of my workmates asked me if I was ill. :D

Still get comments about it now from people I don't see that often.
And they still let you drive a train even though you didnt get checked?
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Long slender neck »

Lucky7 wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:01 pm Preventative medicine don’t stop you getting knocked over freak accident etc etc

Blink of an eye an all that
No but Justins death wasnt an accident. He probably had an undiagnosed problem.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Howling Mad Murdock »

Prestige Worldwide wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2019 2:58 pm
Lucky7 wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:01 pm Preventative medicine don’t stop you getting knocked over freak accident etc etc

Blink of an eye an all that
No but Justins death wasnt an accident. He probably had an undiagnosed problem.
That's what my ECG at work was about.I was taken off duties for a while but they wern't sure whether it was the machine or me.I remember Whipps X having the same problem with me a few years back.I was cleared by Whipps though AFAIR.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by FargO »

I'm 70 and was getting angina like symptoms last year. My GP had this investigated and I ended up with a quadruple bypass in April this year. I count myself very very lucky. All I can say guys is watch your cholesterol levels and don't ignore any symptoms like tightness of the chest or breathlessness. This is from someone who used to run half marathons, played squash and badminton and veterans rugby.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by tuffers#1 »

Dont know if anyone saw that program with the
Baggies fan Chikds the other day .

Liver disease caused by alcohol abuse is costing the NHS £3.5 billion a year .

If we were to drink responsibly the Drinks companies profits would drop £10 billion a year to £6.5 billion.

The Goverment seem very shy to advertise the dangers of alcohol abuse because they gain so much tax from it.

Proves those in control arent always right even if they tell you they are doing it for the best of reasons.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Thor »

Tuffers I would expect the government to do something about alcohol once the cost to the nhs exceeds the tax intake, like they did with smoking. Until then I guess they will just throw token gestures at it.
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by tuffers#1 »

Thor wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:08 pm Tuffers I would expect the government to do something about alcohol once the cost to the nhs exceeds the tax intake, like they did with smoking. Until then I guess they will just throw token gestures at it.
I think it will start to happen more once the law comes into effect with regards to new labelling
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by Adz »

At what age do you start going for these check ups? I've recently turned 40, but not had any mention of getting a check up
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Re: Preventative medicine

Post by tuffers#1 »

Adz wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:51 am At what age do you start going for these check ups? I've recently turned 40, but not had any mention of getting a check up
Maybe you need to call & make an appointment to.discuss one adz .

Its your Health .
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