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Are we in anew kit this season

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:53 pm
by Give it to Jabo
Wondering. If so, when is it being publicised? Could it carry a tribute to Justin, or is that not allowed?

Re: Are we in anew kit this season

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:13 pm
by Thor
Well as we have a new kit manufacturer in New Balance they suggested to Nigel and Kent in their presentation that they felt it was only right and proper that we wear Admiral and go back to the braces kit. Danny is trying to get Admiral to make up a kit for the first team and has enquired about the availability of fans kits for stock in the new club shop.

New Balance will course pay for this competitor company to provide all the necessary apparel. It is a novel way for Admiral to gain traction back into football on the back of New Balances contract with us.