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A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:38 am
by Fanny
It’s coming up to a year since the last “normal” game, with an unrestricted crowd, was played. We beat Cambridge 2-1 at home on 7th Mar 2020.

I appreciate that some did attended the restricted capacity games a few months back, but for those who haven’t been to a live football game in 12 months what have you learnt in that time?

Here’s a few starters from me:

1. I do not enjoy watching football on TV. I sort of knew this already and only tuned in for big international fixtures (World Cup, euros etc) but the last 12 months really have reaffirmed that it’s just not for me. I’ve watched a handful of the live streamed Orient games but getting excited about 3pm isn’t the same when all you will be doing is sitting in front of the box

2. I missed more people than I thought I would. There are peole I go to games with who I know personally and have been in touch with, however there are plenty of characters who sit around me and who I would bump into regularly at away games who I find myself missing. Wondering how they are and what they are up to. Most of these people I don’t even know by name. The are just folks I would chat to every couple of weeks but I do miss that contact

3. Away days are much more than just the football. Travelling to away matches was a fortnightly adventure. Visiting a new and/or distant place, even if it it’s a bit of sh*thole was incredibly fun and eye opening. I think travelling across the country seeing places you’d have no other reason to go to gives you a rounded view of our nation and takes you out of your social and economic bubble. Sure, you might be able to find yourself but travelling to India or Thailand, but you can also learn a bit about the world with a trip to Plymouth or Tranmere.

4. When this is all over I’ll never take football for granted again. I’ll never moan about a cold wet Tuesday night game in January. I’ll go to every away fixture I am able to, even if it’s a 6 hour drive to Barrow. If we’re getting stuffed 4-0 at halftime, I’ll just think back to the time when I didn’t even have the option to watch this shambles in person.

5. Overpriced tea in a polystyrene cup served in a football ground has a unique flavour which I am unable to replicate at home

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:01 pm
by gshaw
Funny enough it's the total opposite for me. I remember coming out of that Cambridge game saying it'd be the last game we see for a long time.

1. I really like being able to watch Orient on TV like we've been used to with Prem games for so long.

2. Getting to see away games is handy, won't ever travel to the likes of Grimsby (or most places to that matter) so it's been nice to be able to watch those on-demand. Definitely a commercial opportunity there if the other clubs weren't so blind to it.

3. Enjoying not having the entire Saturday taken up by travel to / from the game, especially over winter and while we've been playing terrible football with poor results

4. Empty stands really don't bother me, my eyes became accustomed to it very quickly and doesn't detract from the game

5. If streaming isn't continued next season this may be my last ST as there's no way in hell I'd sit outside in a mask for hours (plus whatever other restrictions are kept on making the matchday experience more like a strict school environment than a leisure activity)

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:25 pm
by Story of O
I thought all restrictions were going to be lifted by the start of next season

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:52 pm
by kokomO
It’s been a very poor alternative in my opinion (and very much sadder for it) the sooner we get back to ‘normal’ the better. I’m expecting us to be back to normal by the start of 21-22 season, no masks, no restrictions, otherwise football will die.

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 1:52 pm
by Scuba Diver
Huxley wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:38 am It’s coming up to a year since the last “normal” game, with an unrestricted crowd, was played. We beat Cambridge 2-1 at home on 7th Mar 2020.

I appreciate that some did attended the restricted capacity games a few months back, but for those who haven’t been to a live football game in 12 months what have you learnt in that time?

Here’s a few starters from me:

1. I do not enjoy watching football on TV. I sort of knew this already and only tuned in for big international fixtures (World Cup, euros etc) but the last 12 months really have reaffirmed that it’s just not for me. I’ve watched a handful of the live streamed Orient games but getting excited about 3pm isn’t the same when all you will be doing is sitting in front of the box

2. I missed more people than I thought I would. There are peole I go to games with who I know personally and have been in touch with, however there are plenty of characters who sit around me and who I would bump into regularly at away games who I find myself missing. Wondering how they are and what they are up to. Most of these people I don’t even know by name. The are just folks I would chat to every couple of weeks but I do miss that contact

3. Away days are much more than just the football. Travelling to away matches was a fortnightly adventure. Visiting a new and/or distant place, even if it it’s a bit of sh*thole was incredibly fun and eye opening. I think travelling across the country seeing places you’d have no other reason to go to gives you a rounded view of our nation and takes you out of your social and economic bubble. Sure, you might be able to find yourself but travelling to India or Thailand, but you can also learn a bit about the world with a trip to Plymouth or Tranmere.

4. When this is all over I’ll never take football for granted again. I’ll never moan about a cold wet Tuesday night game in January. I’ll go to every away fixture I am able to, even if it’s a 6 hour drive to Barrow. If we’re getting stuffed 4-0 at halftime, I’ll just think back to the time when I didn’t even have the option to watch this shambles in person.

5. Overpriced tea in a polystyrene cup served in a football ground has a unique flavour which I am unable to replicate at home
Have to say I agree.
Missing not only the people I know personally, and still talk to, but those we bump into as well.

Football on the telly, particularly without the crowds, but even with, just isn't the same. I've never been one for watching the Prem anyway, so it's been a complete change for me.

The aways particularly are great fun. Although I appreciate being able to watch them for £10, which I've done regularly, and may even do so when the grounds re-open it feels weird watching us at Exeter, knowing you're in your lounge. Looking forward to these games particularly once it's an option.

There is a lot of banter and talking rubbish at grounds, and this is singularly what I most. The small screen just doesn't cut it; albeit the view is more rounded.

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:39 pm
by Real Al
I've missed the live experience so much that I've set up a tape loop in my left earhole of someone repeatedly shouting "Get it forward"

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:56 pm
by Ronnie Hotdogs
Blimey, so it was.

I remember the kids running around in the undercroft pre-match playing 'corona touch'. :oops:

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 5:22 pm
by Rich Tea Wellin
I haven’t been since Nov 2019, which is mental. I honestly don’t miss it as much as I thought i would. Although, it seems a lot worse in person than on TV.

Do agree on the away day thing though. A few years ago when me and a few of my mates did pretty much every away game it created some great memories. Even when I went on my own to a few I strangely enjoyed it. Definitely saw parts of the country I’d never see otherwise.

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:04 pm
by Orient Punxx
Miss, building a trip around an Orient away fixture and meeting my kids at Brisbane Road.

Love, Orient TV and having a season ticket in my front room.

Looking forward to combining the 2 next season.

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:20 pm
by George M
Huxley wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:38 am It’s coming up to a year since the last “normal” game, with an unrestricted crowd, was played. We beat Cambridge 2-1 at home on 7th Mar 2020.

I appreciate that some did attended the restricted capacity games a few months back, but for those who haven’t been to a live football game in 12 months what have you learnt in that time?

Here’s a few starters from me:

1. I do not enjoy watching football on TV. I sort of knew this already and only tuned in for big international fixtures (World Cup, euros etc) but the last 12 months really have reaffirmed that it’s just not for me. I’ve watched a handful of the live streamed Orient games but getting excited about 3pm isn’t the same when all you will be doing is sitting in front of the box

2. I missed more people than I thought I would. There are peole I go to games with who I know personally and have been in touch with, however there are plenty of characters who sit around me and who I would bump into regularly at away games who I find myself missing. Wondering how they are and what they are up to. Most of these people I don’t even know by name. The are just folks I would chat to every couple of weeks but I do miss that contact

3. Away days are much more than just the football. Travelling to away matches was a fortnightly adventure. Visiting a new and/or distant place, even if it it’s a bit of sh*thole was incredibly fun and eye opening. I think travelling across the country seeing places you’d have no other reason to go to gives you a rounded view of our nation and takes you out of your social and economic bubble. Sure, you might be able to find yourself but travelling to India or Thailand, but you can also learn a bit about the world with a trip to Plymouth or Tranmere.

4. When this is all over I’ll never take football for granted again. I’ll never moan about a cold wet Tuesday night game in January. I’ll go to every away fixture I am able to, even if it’s a 6 hour drive to Barrow. If we’re getting stuffed 4-0 at halftime, I’ll just think back to the time when I didn’t even have the option to watch this shambles in person.

5. Overpriced tea in a polystyrene cup served in a football ground has a unique flavour which I am unable to replicate at home
Well put. Agree with all of that and it has reminded me of what I miss. Can’t wait to get back

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:59 pm
by StockholmO
Ronnie Hotdogs wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:56 pm Blimey, so it was.

I remember the kids running around in the undercroft pre-match playing 'corona touch'. :oops:

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:55 pm
by Ronnie Hotdogs
StockholmO wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:59 pm
Ronnie Hotdogs wrote: Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:56 pm Blimey, so it was.

I remember the kids running around in the undercroft pre-match playing 'corona touch'. :oops:
Don’t get too excited, they were ugly.

Re: A year since the last “normal” match

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:14 pm
by EliotNes
Miss going to Brizzie with Mrs NES and chatting to supporter friends.

Miss hearing London Calling, Tijuana Taxi and when we win, Rockin' all over the World on the tinny ground loudspeakers.