Brewdog IPO (not IPA) help needed

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Tent Keague
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Brewdog IPO (not IPA) help needed

Post by Tent Keague »

I was an early investor into Brewdog using one of their equity schemes. I'm still a tiny investor in the scheme of things but a bit more significant than I thought I was.

Anyway my question is about the IPO that was looking likely for 2020 but is now probably going to happen in 2021, basically am I looking at a windfall? Or a significant return on what I invested?

A bit more in depth is would my number of shares rank pari passu (is that the term?) to the exact same number of shares that would be issued or would there be some kind of consolidation?
Bored office worker
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Re: Brewdog IPO (not IPA) help needed

Post by Oiram »

Sounds like the owners are jumping ship to me and feathering their nest before everything goes tits up.
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