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No EFL Clubs gone to the Wall....Yet

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:13 pm
by Top of the JES
I have pinched this from an excellent article by Col U Chairman Robbie Cowling on footballs finances explaining to fans why they won't be signing players anytime soon and why no club has yet folded.

1 The EFL gave all clubs an interest free loan.

2 The Taxman has allowed clubs to defer PAYE payments.

3 The VAT man has allowed clubs to defer VAT payments.

4 Some clubs, have deferred player wages.

5 Most clubs, have already sold next season's Season Tickets.

6 The EFL have advanced club distributions.

7 The Premier League have advanced Solidarity payments.

8 Clubs have furloughed their players and staff.

9 That’s eight tin cans, (and there are more), that clubs have kicked down the roadLet's hope crowds can attend games soon.

Re: No EFL Clubs gone to the Wall....Yet

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:16 pm
by EliotNes
And I wonder how much of the above has found it's way into unscrupulous owners pockets. But then again, I admit I'm a cynical so and so where football and money is concerned.

Re: No EFL Clubs gone to the Wall....Yet

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 6:54 pm
by spen666
Top of the JES wrote: Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:13 pm I have pinched this from an excellent article by Col U Chairman Robbie Cowling on footballs finances explaining to fans why they won't be signing players anytime soon and why no club has yet folded.

1 The EFL gave all clubs an interest free loan.

2 The Taxman has allowed clubs to defer PAYE payments.

3 The VAT man has allowed clubs to defer VAT payments.

4 Some clubs, have deferred player wages.

5 Most clubs, have already sold next season's Season Tickets.

6 The EFL have advanced club distributions.

7 The Premier League have advanced Solidarity payments.

8 Clubs have furloughed their players and staff.

9 That’s eight tin cans, (and there are more), that clubs have kicked down the roadLet's hope crowds can attend games soon.
Is it not 7.5 cans kicked down the road. All those payments deferred still have to be paid sometime in the future.

The furloughed staff ( not players) won't have to be paid anything. For the players, they are entitled to insist on the club topping up the 20%

all in all, its a worrying prospect still and clubs are in trouble - more than perhaps people realise

Re: No EFL Clubs gone to the Wall....Yet

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:25 am
by kokomO
Surely they could ask for some cash from our phoney, corrupt governments magic money tree 🤷🏻‍♂️

Re: No EFL Clubs gone to the Wall....Yet

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:56 pm
by Adz
2 and 3 have often been the thing that have tipped teams over the edge, suspect it will be again but on steroids