Government Ministers

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Government Ministers

Post by moonwalk19 »

What does the forum think of the government ministers involved in Covid 19 and their performance so far We have puppets like Hancock .Williamson and Shappes who all have no experience of their jobs and have been appalling in decision making. The Education secretary has had 5 months to come up with ideas to tackle Exams -Shameful. The transport secretary closing down travel to other countries with less than 24 hours notice. These closures should have taken place when the epidemic first started in Italy. The Health secretary lying on testing,the lack of PPE and putting old age persons from hospitals into care homes. Are these decisions made by Boris or perhaps Boris is also a puppet to Dominic Cummings who I believe has a lot more say than we know about. I was not impressed by Nicola Sturgeon but I have to give her credit how she has handled things in Scotland
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by PoliticOs »

For my 70th birthday my Mum made me Chief Inspector of the Met. You're obviously missing out.
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by PoliticOs »

For the record I was kidding!

It was the Kent Police.
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by Rich Tea Wellin »

The system is broke. It makes it extremely easy for people from a certain background to forge a career in politics, and people from a poor or minority background almost impossible. It also rewards people who are careerist/power hungry and not the people who actually know their stuff and want to make positive change.

But the older I get, the more I realise that at least a quarter of the population are blagging it, have very little common sense and surround themselves with similar people to ensure that they dont get found out. Politics isn't any different.
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by Beradogs »

Apple Wumble wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:49 pm The system is broke. It makes it extremely easy for people from a certain background to forge a career in politics, and people from a poor or minority background almost impossible. It also rewards people who are careerist/power hungry and not the people who actually know their stuff and want to make positive change.

But the older I get, the more I realise that at least a quarter of the population are blagging it, have very little common sense and surround themselves with similar people to ensure that they dont get found out. Politics isn't any different.
More like 3/4. One guy I know has earnings close to 75m on public record and is blagging it. Forget degrees, blagging it and most importantly, luck, is all you will ever need. I don’t mind the class system. No skin off my nose if the Royal family have hundreds of millions. Doesn’t stop anyone else doing well if they work hard and get lucky. Politicians on the other hand. The people nobody listened to at school that always got double wedgies in the playground. Life’s purpose was to pay everyone back for bullying them. Vile creatures.
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by Rich Tea Wellin »

Beradogs wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 1:45 pm
Apple Wumble wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:49 pm The system is broke. It makes it extremely easy for people from a certain background to forge a career in politics, and people from a poor or minority background almost impossible. It also rewards people who are careerist/power hungry and not the people who actually know their stuff and want to make positive change.

But the older I get, the more I realise that at least a quarter of the population are blagging it, have very little common sense and surround themselves with similar people to ensure that they dont get found out. Politics isn't any different.
More like 3/4. One guy I know has earnings close to 75m on public record and is blagging it. Forget degrees, blagging it and most importantly, luck, is all you will ever need. I don’t mind the class system. No skin off my nose if the Royal family have hundreds of millions. Doesn’t stop anyone else doing well if they work hard and get lucky. Politicians on the other hand. The people nobody listened to at school that always got double wedgies in the playground. Life’s purpose was to pay everyone back for bullying them. Vile creatures.
Sorry I did mean 75% of people. Possibly more.

Agree though.
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by tuffers#1 »

moonwalk19 wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 11:54 am What does the forum think of the government ministers involved in Covid 19 and their performance so far We have puppets like Hancock .Williamson and Shappes who all have no experience of their jobs and have been appalling in decision making. The Education secretary has had 5 months to come up with ideas to tackle Exams -Shameful. The transport secretary closing down travel to other countries with less than 24 hours notice. These closures should have taken place when the epidemic first started in Italy. The Health secretary lying on testing,the lack of PPE and putting old age persons from hospitals into care homes. Are these decisions made by Boris or perhaps Boris is also a puppet to Dominic Cummings who I believe has a lot more say than we know about. I was not impressed by Nicola Sturgeon but I have to give her credit how she has handled things in Scotland
To be fair to Hancock he came across very well during the daily updates & seemed
To be very compassionate with what was going on .

Unfortunately he reverted to party politics if asked to talk about anything else
away from daily briefings
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by Clive Evans »

The Brexit schism in the Tory Party, had a bad effect when BOJo became the leader. He took a very hard line. Many were thrown out the Party. Most of the Brexiteers never had much power. So Boris very much has a cabinet of second raters.
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by Dohnut »

Beradogs wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 1:45 pm
Apple Wumble wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 12:49 pm The system is broke. It makes it extremely easy for people from a certain background to forge a career in politics, and people from a poor or minority background almost impossible. It also rewards people who are careerist/power hungry and not the people who actually know their stuff and want to make positive change.

But the older I get, the more I realise that at least a quarter of the population are blagging it, have very little common sense and surround themselves with similar people to ensure that they dont get found out. Politics isn't any different.
More like 3/4. One guy I know has earnings close to 75m on public record and is blagging it. Forget degrees, blagging it and most importantly, luck, is all you will ever need. I don’t mind the class system. No skin off my nose if the Royal family have hundreds of millions. Doesn’t stop anyone else doing well if they work hard and get lucky. Politicians on the other hand. The people nobody listened to at school that always got double wedgies in the playground. Life’s purpose was to pay everyone back for bullying them. Vile creatures.
Work hard and get lucky. Absolutely right. But I find the harder you work the luckier you get. But you still need that bit of good fortune for sure.
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by ComeOnYouOs »

Dont expect things to change. Those at the top who make the rules are doing very nicely out of the system, so they aint going to change it any time soon.
The only way things will change here is with an armed revolution, like the Soviet Bolsheviks in 1917. It would need the armed services onside, and that will never happen, so basically, the Establishments system is here forever.
Besides, you give most people, football, coronation Street, Pubs etc, and theyre happy as Larry.....which is why the Establishment gives us those things in the first place
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by Dohnut »

Bunch of tossers. It’s a prerequisite of the job. The higher up they get the bigger tossers they are.
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Re: Government Ministers

Post by Disoriented »

They have shown themselves up for the incompetent chancers they are.

Been embarrassing with Hancock the worst - totally disingenuous.

Rishi the best of a bad lot.
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