EFL League Two Salary Cap.

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EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by Top of the JES »

Being voted on 6th August was going to be this Wednesday 29th July. As far as I can make out the outline proposal is for each club in league two to have a budget capped at £1.5million (£2.5million for league one). For the coming season players signed before August 6th 2020 will be be counted as earning £1250 per week or £65,000 a year if their contract exceeds that figure. So if we have Cisse or anyone else on £2k a week for instance only the first £1250 a week would count toward the salary cap.

Players under 21 would not count toward the budget. It now appears that the majority of clubs will be in favour and the vote and it will pass.

As the EFL can't organize a piss up in a brewery at the best of times going to be a bit messy trying to enforce I think. Also be think there could be a glut of transfers next week to beat the 6th August cut off.
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by DuvB »

Interesting. Thanks for that.
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by JimbO »

I would've thought that would have screwed us I'm sure a while back I read that our figure was 1.7 million.

Would've thought it would be % of turnover as a better resolution.

But it will really affect the big clubs in leagues one and two Such as Bolton who would've harboured plans that they could've spent their way out of the division.
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by Top of the JES »

JimbO wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:19 am I would've thought that would have screwed us I'm sure a while back I read that our figure was 1.7 million.

Would've thought it would be % of turnover as a better resolution.

But it will really affect the big clubs in leagues one and two Such as Bolton who would've harboured plans that they could've spent their way out of the division.
The proposal should be drawn up, finished and on the table by now but the reason the meeting has been delayed is that clubs cant agree the figures £1.5million is the latest proposal but not yet agreed. I don't think we will have a problem this season as we have a lot of players in the last year of their contract but whose salary will only count up to £1250 week. Next season when we have lots of players out of contract will be challenging.

You are right about the bigger clubs in L1 they have been really unhappy.
Last edited by Top of the JES on Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by kokomO »

JimbO wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:19 am I would've thought that would have screwed us I'm sure a while back I read that our figure was 1.7 million.

Would've thought it would be % of turnover as a better resolution.

But it will really affect the big clubs in leagues one and two Such as Bolton who would've harboured plans that they could've spent their way out of the division.
Bolton have made a lot of signings already (in anticipation of this I would imagine)
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by AckneyAwks »

Toure before August the 6th???
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by Real Al »

AckneyAwks wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:51 am Toure before August the 6th???
That'd be 5 season's salaries gone in one hit.
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by ComeOnYouOs »

I have mixed feelings about a salary cap. It will mean Bolton & Salford will not be able to buy their way out of league 2, it means we would never be able to attract better class players here.
It would also mean, it is in clubs best interests to find their own young players and nurture them through
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by kokomO »

ComeOnYouOs wrote: Tue Jul 28, 2020 11:30 am I have mixed feelings about a salary cap. It will mean Bolton & Salford will not be able to buy their way out of league 2, it means we would never be able to attract better class players here.
It would also mean, it is in clubs best interests to find their own young players and nurture them through

Too late sadly as it looks like Bolton and Salford already have and will continue to do so before the deadline. As with most things related to EFL it's not fit for purpose. :roll:
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by EH16 »

Maximum wage for footballers - abolished decades ago because it didn't work
Financial Fair Play regulations - wrecked because clubs will always find a way round them
Salary Cap will go the same way.
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by Rich Tea Wellin »

Just another half arsed measure to be seen as doing something. I'd imagine that the detail means its going to be easier for clubs to bypass it compared to todays FFP rules.

All that will happen is bigger sign on bonus', appearance bonus', turning up to training bonus' etc...
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Re: EFL League Two Salary Cap.

Post by Ornchurch »

A salary cap, or annual salary budget for playing staff, is a good idea in theory but as said will never work in practice.

Every other business can only spend on its employees based on what it takes in income otherwise they go bust.

If clubs don't want to be protected from themselves then they can have no sympathy when they go out of business.
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