Phone calls

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Phone calls

Post by BIGRON »

I know this has been discussed before but I can't find the thread , I've had 5 missed calls the last 5 days all very early in the morning whilst I'm still in my pit , they are different numbers but all have a +39 prefix , on checking they all come from the Vatican city , 🤔🤔🤔 I suppose he could be calling me but I doubt it .
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Re: Phone calls

Post by RedDwarf 1881 »

There is a scam at the moment regarding Amazon Prime . if anybody gets a phone call about renewing this especially if its automated , hang up
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Re: Phone calls

Post by JimbO »

Also got one from someone saying that they were from BT broadband which is also a scam.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by Top of the JES »

Had an email yesterday which claimed to be from TV Licensing stating I owed them money and my license would be revoked if I didn't pay them by sending bank details for payment, other than the license number being wrong and the fact I pay my license in full every Year it was extremely authentic looking.

Reported it to the Cyber crime prevention unit.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by LittleMate »

Top of the JES wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:54 am Had an email yesterday which claimed to be from TV Licensing stating I owed them money and my license would be revoked if I didn't pay them by sending bank details for payment, other than the license number being wrong and the fact I pay my license in full every Year it was extremely authentic looking.

Reported it to the Cyber crime prevention unit.
I got this too and it might have caught me if I was on a lazy day, only it said I paid monthly, which I do not. I also knew that whilst i'd been reviewing my outgoing payments, this would not be something I'd cancel.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by NuneatonO's »

What do people really expect when you do business online; and provide your bank, phone, email details, etc. to all and sundry?
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Re: Phone calls

Post by Dohnut »

Plenty of scammers doing the rounds. I got a nice Tax Rebate, very authentic looking email. Other than sh*t spelling and incorrect details.

Used to get lots of boiler room calls telling me how to invest in schemes that would make me a fortune.

I got a weekly call, lasts about a second but long enough to leave a missed call message, so inviting a call back. I don’t, just block the number. Then the same again but a slightly different number, block that too. Over time the calls slow down as I guess most of the numbers used are blocked. But the occasional new one comes along.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by kokomO »

I Never answer to a number I don’t have in my phone.

I use online , just type in the number and you can normally see straight away if it’s a scam or not. 👍

I always think if it’s genuine they’ll leave a voice message.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by Disoriented »

I got a phone call from someone purporting to be Martin Ling. Knew it was a scam when he asked for my card details to help fund wages for Ouss Cisse.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by tuffers#1 »

There is a way now that they can log any number as the number calling you.

Any number you dont recognise , let it ring off
then call it back , 90 % of the time its a
Not Available number & therefore someone
trying to part you from your wedge
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Re: Phone calls

Post by LittleMate »

The 1 second call that cuts off is to authenticate your telephone number. Companies that sell data for a living ping you a quick call and if it starts to ring they know your number is genuine. they can then sell your data for more money :(((
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Re: Phone calls

Post by AckneyAwks »

I get almost daily calls that normally show up on my phone as "Potential Fraud" this has been going on for over two years. Spoke to O2 who said there was not much they could do suggested i report it to the police. Would not advise anyone to phone the number back as these fraudsters could probably exploit that.
Did google the numbers on a couple of occasions and came up as a Manchester address.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by tuffers#1 »

AckneyAwks wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:54 pm I get almost daily calls that normally show up on my phone as "Potential Fraud" this has been going on for over two years. Spoke to O2 who said there was not much they could do suggested i report it to the police. Would not advise anyone to phone the number back as these fraudsters could probably exploit that.
Did google the numbers on a couple of occasions and came up as a Manchester address.
Let me clarify me calling back
I did so & the nhmbers were not set to recieve calls.

As i said numbers are being cloned .

If i had the ability to do it my number would show up as a different number , most of these numbers would be dead numbers from debters or stolen phones that have been disconnected & therfore not available .

You will not get back to the scanner as there numbers could be shut down as they have been in the past.

You can then just block the number .
Last edited by tuffers#1 on Mon Jun 22, 2020 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by RedDwarf 1881 »

Top of the JES wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:54 am Had an email yesterday which claimed to be from TV Licensing stating I owed them money and my license would be revoked if I didn't pay them by sending bank details for payment, other than the license number being wrong and the fact I pay my license in full every Year it was extremely authentic looking.

Reported it to the Cyber crime prevention unit.
I've had exactly the same email. It was an obvious scam because my licence isn't due for renewal until the end of the year. I immediately deleted it
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Re: Phone calls

Post by Top of the JES »

RedDwarf 1881 wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 1:16 pm
Top of the JES wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:54 am Had an email yesterday which claimed to be from TV Licensing stating I owed them money and my license would be revoked if I didn't pay them by sending bank details for payment, other than the license number being wrong and the fact I pay my license in full every Year it was extremely authentic looking.

Reported it to the Cyber crime prevention unit.
I've had exactly the same email. It was an obvious scam because my licence isn't due for renewal until the end of the year. I immediately deleted it
Forward on any scam emails to the cyber crime prevention unit helps to rack down these con artists.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by Cheshunto »

Disoriented wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 12:26 pm I got a phone call from someone purporting to be Martin Ling. Knew it was a scam when he asked for my card details to help fund wages for Ouss Cisse.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by Cheshunto »

Tax rebates, Asian wives, TV Licence bills, Apple Invoices, Ukrainian Girl friends , I think I’ve had the fcuking lot, not to mention Roger from some Indian call centre asking me about my “ accident”.
It amazes me how some poor folk actually get scammed and it ends up costing them £10k or so.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by Thor »

Like tuffers said just add them to the blocked numbers on your phone and peace and quiet will resume once more for you.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by slacker »

Since lockdown started we’ve had less junk phone calls/scammers, but my email junk file has ballooned in size. Mostly with Bitofacon guff, but the usual smattering of muck and medicine peddlars too. And I get at least one “click here” dubious email from Off’s address a week. I wonder what sites he’s been looking at... ;)
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Re: Phone calls

Post by EliotNes »

Cheshunto wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:45 pm Tax rebates, Asian wives, TV Licence bills, Apple Invoices, Ukrainian Girl friends , I think I’ve had the fcuking lot, not to mention Roger from some Indian call centre asking me about my “ accident”.
It amazes me how some poor folk actually get scammed and it ends up costing them £10k or so.
Well I haven't had any about Asian Wives or Ukrainian girl friends, (mores the pity :lol: ) but like you I think I've had the lot, and am still amazed at how many people get scammed despite all the publicity about this.

But Mrs NES knows 2 ladies who were scammed. When she had spoken to them as part of their counselling, initial greed on their behalf thinking they were going to get some money for nothing, is the way Mrs NES saw it and that is what these scammers prey on.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by StillSpike »

I almost miss the regular scam phone calls / Microsoft security / IT department / HMRC etc etc that used to come in on the landline. Got a phone that only allows through calls from people in my address book (synced with our mobile contacts). Anyone else who wants to get through (e.g delivery drivers etc) has to give their name and then the phone announces them so we can decide if we want to take the call - it's great - cuts out every recorded call and all the human scam ones too.

I sued to quite enjoy leading them along for as long as possible, I guess, but they did tend to interrupt stuff. Dunno what to do with myself nowadays.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by Cheshunto »

StillSpike wrote: Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:41 pm I almost miss the regular scam phone calls / Microsoft security / IT department / HMRC etc etc that used to come in on the landline. Got a phone that only allows through calls from people in my address book (synced with our mobile contacts). Anyone else who wants to get through (e.g delivery drivers etc) has to give their name and then the phone announces them so we can decide if we want to take the call - it's great - cuts out every recorded call and all the human scam ones too.

I sued to quite enjoy leading them along for as long as possible, I guess, but they did tend to interrupt stuff. Dunno what to do with myself nowadays.
Yeah I used to do the same.
When asked about my ‘accident’, I would ask them “Which accident they were referring to ? “. They would reply “The most recent one” and I would respond with “ Well, I had two last week, and three the week before, “ This usually confused “Roger” or “Keith” in their call centre in Bangalore :lol: :lol:
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Re: Phone calls

Post by StillSpike »

Ha - yes I get the "accident" calls on the mobile.

Caller: "I'm calling because I understand you were in an accident?"

Me: "tell me what my name is, then".


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Re: Phone calls

Post by Smendrick Feaselberg »

I've not had any scammers calling me at all.
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Re: Phone calls

Post by Mikero »

I had the Microsoft engineer call to say there was a problem with my computer that needed fixing or I would lose all of my data. So I asked him which computer, as I have several, and if he gave me the MAC code I would know which one was at fault. He hung up.

I have threatened Virgin Media that unless they stopped pestering me to buy a new phone I would cancel all my contracts with them and go to BT, it seems to have worked I havn't had a peep for months.

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