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Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:12 am
by Sid Bishop
What next, Vitamin D, last week Ibuprofen, now Vitamin K ( never heard of it ? ) all being suggested as possible aids to help fight Coronavirus. We also had the suggestion by that well known medical scientist, Donald Trump, that he had thought the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine might well be a miracle drug that could be used for treating coronavirus. Trump also recently suggested research on injecting household disinfectant and gargling bleach ! ... 56644.html
Patients who have died or been admitted to intensive care with Covid-19 have been found to be deficient in a vitamin found in spinach, eggs, and hard and blue cheeses, raising hopes that dietary change might be one part of the answer to combating the disease.
Researchers studying patients who were admitted to the Canisius Wilhelmina hospital in the Dutch city of Nijmegen have extolled the benefits of vitamin K after discovering a link between deficiency and the worst coronavirus outcomes.
Covid-19 causes blood clotting and leads to the degradation of elastic fibres in the lungs. Vitamin K, which is ingested through food and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, is key to the production of proteins that regulate clotting and can protect against lung disease.
The Dutch researchers are now seeking funding for a clinical trial, but Dr Rob Janssen, a scientist working on the project, said that in light of the initial findings he would encourage a healthy intake of vitamin K, except to those on blood-clotting medications such as warfarin.
Re: Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:19 am
by tuffers#1
Vitamin k is for "thin blood"
Yet sticky blood as they have said is a sign of corona virus is the opposite in effect .
Either blood to slow to clot or blood to quick to clot

Re: Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:28 am
by faldO
Bald men also at risk: ... 60721.html
Apparently been a run on wigs on Amazon already.
Re: Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:59 am
by Sid Bishop
I have hair now that is long like it was in the late 1960s and up to the mid 1970s, it was the fashion then. Just need the beard and mustache that I also had in those days.
Reason for the long hair is that I let it grow over winter time to keep my head warm when I went out, then by the time I wanted to get it cut, the barber had shut down because of the virus. It is now around shoulder length and I like it now, got used to having it long again !
Re: Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:27 pm
by slacker
I eat lots of spinach, eggs & cheese (high in vit K), but also take a daily blood thinner - rivaroxiban in my case - so I guess I’ll be swerving any supplements.
Re: Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:37 pm
by tuffers#1
slacker wrote: ↑Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:27 pm
I eat lots of spinach, eggs & cheese (high in vit K), but also take a daily blood thinner - rivaroxiban in my case - so I guess I’ll be swerving any supplements.
Whats the Rivaroxaban fpr slax ?
Clots or Heart ?
Re: Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:42 pm
by slacker
I’ve had 2 DVTs. 20 years apart and different legs, but the 2nd one (last autumn) was “unexplained” & led to a PE too, so I’ve been put on a daily dose of thinner for life. Rivaroxiban is less restricting and needs less monitoring than warfarin, so is the go to pill for now. Shame there’s no antidote for it if you have a bad cut or internal bleed...

Re: Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 3:42 pm
by DonaldRocks
I'll admit, I never ever heard of Vitamin K. I will stick to the vitamin D.
Re: Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 8:59 pm
by tuffers#1
slacker wrote: ↑Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:42 pm
I’ve had 2 DVTs. 20 years apart and different legs, but the 2nd one (last autumn) was “unexplained” & led to a PE too, so I’ve been put on a daily dose of thinner for life. Rivaroxiban is less restricting and needs less monitoring than warfarin, so is the go to pill for now. Shame there’s no antidote for it if you have a bad cut or internal bleed...
I was going to say be very careful .
My mum took it ,
Im glad you are aware of the danger of it .
My mum was on it & she lost a bit of weight , got up from her chair 1 night to go to bed &
Screamed,.later found out she had ripped muscle off of the bone .
4 days later the 20p bruise had covered half her abdomen & half her leg.
Weight loss can mean dosage is to high ,
Keep an eye on it fella.
Hematologist told us it was due to weight loss , but also leads to thinning of vein walls.
They started her on tinzaparin after the bleeding stopped as it can be reversed a lot quicker.
Still good luck with it fella .
Re: Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 4:16 am
by Adz
Ketamin was known as vitamin k back in the day.
Re: Vitamin K could help fight coronavirus, study suggests
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:21 am
by Sid Bishop
DonaldRocks wrote: ↑Sat Jun 06, 2020 3:42 pm
I'll admit, I never ever heard of Vitamin K. I will stick to the vitamin D.
I have never heard of it either, shall research but I rarely to ever use vitamin supplements, just try to have a balanced diet with home cooked food and eat fresh fruit and vegetables on most days.