They can be varying. My favourites are: 1 In Fawlty Towers you await the inevitable, when Basil has been banned from using O' Riley, you just know he is gonna call him up but you are made to wait about ten minutes. 2 The cabin scene in Night at the Opera, everyone knows ship cabins are small, the Marx Brothers keep piling more and more people in their cabin 3 Some Like it Hot- Tony Curtis declaring that Marilyn Monroe does nothing for him, and she tries to arose him ( Curtis later said it was like kissing Adolf Hitler- yeah right! ) 4 Son of Paleface had some original features- Bob Hope in bed with Roy Roger's horse Trigger, a nice one.
Anyone else think of some original moments
Comedy Devices
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Re: Comedy Devices
Don't know if it was the first time that it was used, but Oliver Hardy 'breaking the fourth wall' and staring straight into camera as if asking the audience "what am I going to do with this guy".
It's now been used in so many situations (and continues to be).
It's now been used in so many situations (and continues to be).
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Re: Comedy Devices
When trigger done a faceKC & sunshine band wrote: ↑Fri May 08, 2020 10:56 am only fools and horses , the chandelier and the bar scene , absolute classic