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Oldham - Furlough Players or Redundancy

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:51 pm
by Thor
The chairman at Oldham has told the players to accept being furloughed on the government scheme or be at the risk of redundancy. Here is what the press release said.

'The Oldham Athletic players will be paid their full March salaries, but with income vastly reduced and no dates for resumption of football, we must limit our outgoings. In order to safeguard the future of the club, we have therefore had to take the very difficult decision of furloughing our playing staff.

'All players have been spoken to individually and as a group to explain the reasoning and how we'll work with them on the resumption of football to return to normality as quickly as possible. Players can decide whether to accept the furlough and should they do so, they'll receive the full level of Government support and their contracts will remain in place.

'In the unfortunate instance that furlough is rejected, normal employment practice decrees that they are placed at risk of redundancy. We must stress that this is a last resort and we are continuing discussions with all players and their agents to avoid this outcome for any player.'

Re: Oldham - Furlough Players or Redundancy

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:40 am
by Rich Tea Wellin
Pretty standard for most companies I guess. Probably a bit of a hit, as I assume even Oldham players are earning more than £2500 gross a month.

Re: Oldham - Furlough Players or Redundancy

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:23 am
by LittleMate
Sounds like they have not even been paid (in full) for March yet.

Another club on the critical list...

Re: Oldham - Furlough Players or Redundancy

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:38 pm
by Smendrick Feaselberg
Apple Wumble wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:40 am Pretty standard for most companies I guess. Probably a bit of a hit, as I assume even Oldham players are earning more than £2500 gross a month.
They could furlough them and make up the difference to their full salary themselves. It would at least save them some money.

Re: Oldham - Furlough Players or Redundancy

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:34 pm
by Thor
If you read my post their statement says it’s only furlough and the shortfall will not be made up by the club.

Re: Oldham - Furlough Players or Redundancy

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:11 pm
by Smendrick Feaselberg
Thor wrote: Thu Apr 23, 2020 7:34 pm If you read my post their statement says it’s only furlough and the shortfall will not be made up by the club.
I did read your post and it did not specifically say whether any shortfall will or will not be made up by the club, just that they could choose to reject furlough