So there we are, after 64 bands were entered into this epic competition, we're down to the final 2. I think we all know who's favourite here, but lets see who triumphs.
Here's the route to the final they both took
Last edited by StillSpike on Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Not a music fan so have taken no part in this but a.very well done for keeping the music lovers sane
Well you know what i mean when i say sane
I mean less mad that they already are
Loved the Who live at the O2 doing Quadrophenia , Ringos son Zack drums for them and is a better drummer than his old man ever was , alas I am also a massive Beatles fan and reckon they must win this vote , i personally reckon they are the best ever
BIGRON wrote: ↑Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:39 pm
Loved the Who live at the O2 doing Quadrophenia , Ringos son Zack drums for them and is a better drummer than his old man ever was , alas I am also a massive Beatles fan and reckon they must win this vote , i personally reckon they are the best ever
I'd have thought you were more of a Stones man myself.
Surely ‘won’t get fooled again’ even in isolation is better than all the Beatles ‘efforts’ Combined ? Ringo v Keith?..... Keith. C’mon people, vote. WHO.
'GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNING’. It was only ‘YESTERDAY’ or was it ‘THE NIGHT BEFORE’ when I thought just ‘ACT NATURALLY’ and vote for the one you really like. When my partner said ‘YOU CAN’T DO THAT’ I said ‘TELL ME WHY’. ‘PERHAPS I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER’ than to say that to her as now ‘SHE’S LEAVING HOME’ and ‘I’LL CRY INSTEAD’. I hope we can ‘COME TOGETHER’ ‘BECAUSE’ ‘I’M SO TIRED’ of arguing. ‘I DON’T WANT TO SPOIL THE PARTY’ but as you can see I have a penchant for The Beatles. If The Who win then ‘I’M A LOSER’. But ‘HELP’ me and vote for The Beatles and ‘PLEASE PLEASE ME’!
This is the equivalent of a race between a Vauxhall Corsa and a Lambo ......between a Ming vase & a cheap vase from Poundland, a match between Man city & Southend.....
The Beatles are so much the greatest band of all time. You really had to live through the 60's to really appreciate what they meant to society, not just music