Are people allowed out to exercise. They are potentially spreading the disease, and those that couldn’t give a f*** are using it as an excuse to continue outside. Surely even if people haven’t got a garden they can perform exercises in their room, after all a short period without serious exercise doesn’t kill, corona virus does.
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:01 pm
by Lucky7
Redcard wrote: ↑Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:00 pm
Are people allowed out to exercise. They are potentially spreading the disease, and those that couldn’t give a f*** are using it as an excuse to continue outside. Surely even if people haven’t got a garden they can perform exercises in their room, after all a short period without serious exercise doesn’t kill, corona virus does.
Did you really think this through?
Justin Edinburgh died from short exercise
Enough said !!!!
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:45 pm
by Redcard
Lucky 7, you are one big bumhole, and are merely posting nonsense because you enjoy stalking me. Justin sadly died as a result of vigorous exercise in a gym, no doubt pushing himself to the limit. Someone jogging on the spot instead of exercising outside is hardly likely to suffer the same result. At times like this we can all do without an idiot like you purposely being antagonistic.
Redcard wrote: ↑Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:00 pm
Are people allowed out to exercise. They are potentially spreading the disease, and those that couldn’t give a f*** are using it as an excuse to continue outside. Surely even if people haven’t got a garden they can perform exercises in their room, after all a short period without serious exercise doesn’t kill, corona virus does.
Did you really think this through?
Justin Edinburgh died from short exercise
Enough said !!!!
How is that relevant?
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:23 pm
by Redcard
So, light exercise is dangerous, but jogging outside is fine. I am through arguing with idiots, perhaps you tuffers and your cohort lucky 7 should take it up with the orient who have just put on their website a home workout plan.
My pal sadly had a fatal heart attack while changing a light bulb so perhaps that was something we should all avoid.
Light exercises are fine, but that wasn’t the point of my post, it was that allowing people the reason / excuse for exercising outside is potentially contributing uneccessary to the spread of corona virus.
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:26 pm
by Max B Gold
Redcard wrote: ↑Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:23 pm
So, light exercise is dangerous, but jogging outside is fine. I am through arguing with idiots, perhaps you tuffers and your cohort lucky 7 should take it up with the orient who have just put on their website a home workout plan.
My pal sadly had a fatal heart attack while changing a light bulb so perhaps that was something we should all avoid.
Light exercises are fine, but that wasn’t the point of my post, it was that allowing people the reason / excuse for exercising outside is potentially contributing uneccessary to the spread of corona virus.
No its not. So shut up.
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:28 pm
by Lucky7
Redcard wrote: ↑Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:23 pm
So, light exercise is dangerous, but jogging outside is fine. I am through arguing with idiots, perhaps you tuffers and your cohort lucky 7 should take it up with the orient who have just put on their website a home workout plan.
My pal sadly had a fatal heart attack while changing a light bulb so perhaps that was something we should all avoid.
Light exercises are fine, but that wasn’t the point of my post, it was that allowing people the reason / excuse for exercising outside is potentially contributing uneccessary to the spread of corona virus.
There’s a thing called distancing look it up might help you out I go over hollow ponds everyday for a jog for about 1 hour it’s a popular spot but everyone at the moment seems to be respectful to the next persons space etc
Ain’t rocket science don’t really know why your having a big meltdown about it
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:36 pm
by Redcard
Max, better still , you shut up.
Lucky 7, that’s fine for you , but I live in central London where people are still congregating in groups , totally ignoring the warning to stay in doors and using the excuse that they are exercising. Again, exercising indoors does not spread the disease. Other countries have introduced a ban, and we should.
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:51 pm
by kokomO
Redcard wrote: ↑Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:36 pm
Max, better still , you shut up.
Lucky 7, that’s fine for you , but I live in central London where people are still congregating in groups , totally ignoring the warning to stay in doors and using the excuse that they are exercising. Again, exercising indoors does not spread the disease. Other countries have introduced a ban, and we should.
Well if they do it now , it's going to cost them financially. Also, a great way to START clawing back some of the money lost over the last month. Would also make a nice thought that the idiots who think they know best are helping to plug the gap. fines can multiply up to £960 for multiple offenders. Let's hope they go through with this as well.
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:06 pm
by Redcard
Kokomo, yes but unfortunately there is not enough police to enforce it.
My brother in law has mask, scarf round his face , disposable gloves on and a full length coat with the hood up. The reason, his wife has a rare illness which means she has virtually no immunity.
Late at night he went outside to put his rubbish in the communal bin , he had to pass a group of hoodies who started chanting corona man. They were flouting the order not to congregate safe in the knowledge that they wouldn’t be punished , and presumably thought that the virus was a laughing matter.
Answer is obviously that apart from people doing essential work or food shopping the rest of us should be confined to our homes,and exercise therein.
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:15 pm
by Lucky7
Redcard wrote: ↑Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:06 pm
Kokomo, yes but unfortunately there is not enough police to enforce it.
My brother in law has mask, scarf round his face , disposable gloves on and a full length coat with the hood up. The reason, his wife has a rare illness which means she has virtually no immunity.
Late at night he went outside to put his rubbish in the communal bin , he had to pass a group of hoodies who started chanting corona man. They were flouting the order not to congregate safe in the knowledge that they wouldn’t be punished , and presumably thought that the virus was a laughing matter.
Answer is obviously that apart from people doing essential work or food shopping the rest of us should be confined to our homes,and exercise therein.
I have found you the perfect solution
Please aim all your vitriol that way please
I hope he can help you
Your welcome
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:50 pm
by Redcard
Redcard wrote: ↑Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:06 pm
Kokomo, yes but unfortunately there is not enough police to enforce it.
My brother in law has mask, scarf round his face , disposable gloves on and a full length coat with the hood up. The reason, his wife has a rare illness which means she has virtually no immunity.
Late at night he went outside to put his rubbish in the communal bin , he had to pass a group of hoodies who started chanting corona man. They were flouting the order not to congregate safe in the knowledge that they wouldn’t be punished , and presumably thought that the virus was a laughing matter.
Answer is obviously that apart from people doing essential work or food shopping the rest of us should be confined to our homes,and exercise therein.
I have found you the perfect solution
Please aim all your vitriol that way please
I hope he can help you
Your welcome
Johnson says running cycling and walking are allowed
So blame him
Under strict measures to fight the coronavirus outbreak announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier this week, people are only allowed to leave the house for specific reasons:
Shopping for "basic necessities", as infrequently as possible
One form of exercise a day such as a run, walk or cycle
Medical reasons, to provide care, or to help a vulnerable person
Travelling to and from work, but only if it is "absolutely necessary" and cannot be done from home
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:10 am
by Mikero
I walk the quarter of mile to the cornershop across the park and back every morning. If I did walking on the spot I wouldn't have a newspaper or bread or milk or even toilet rolls, which they still have in stock.
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:28 am
by Redcard
Mikero, I am not talking about shopping for food , that’s a basic need.
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:20 am
by Rich Tea Wellin
If you think running on the spot is the same as running outside, you’ve obviously never run outside.
Mentally, people have to get out of the house. It’s a very tough time and it’s amazing what a short run can you for you. Even a walk round the block clears the head when you’ve been stuck inside for so long. If you maintain 2m then I don’t see the issue.
Redcard wrote: ↑Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:23 pm
So, light exercise is dangerous, but jogging outside is fine. I am through arguing with idiots, perhaps you tuffers and your cohort lucky 7 should take it up with the orient who have just put on their website a home workout plan.
My pal sadly had a fatal heart attack while changing a light bulb so perhaps that was something we should all avoid.
Light exercises are fine, but that wasn’t the point of my post, it was that allowing people the reason / excuse for exercising outside is potentially contributing uneccessary to the spread of corona virus.
No its not. So shut up.
Whatever happened to ‘be kinder’ to others in by this current climate, or did you miss that memo?
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:14 am
by Disoriented
RedO wrote: ↑Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:04 am
Who is behind this account?
You did say once not to trust boarders with ‘red’ in their name.
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:58 am
by JimbO
maybe because they know they need to let people out of the house for short periods of time to stop people going mad. As the other boarder said as long as your not standing around in big groups and keep the requisite distance then your hardly likely to catch in the split second you pass someone in the street.
You also obviously don't have young children who need to burn off energy as well my 10 year old daughter is going up the wall at the moment as she's only being let out of the house for 45 minutes a day and this is week one. The people I feel sorry for are the ones who have kids who live in flats in must be hell for them.
Re: Why the hell
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:13 am
by Stamford O
I puts dog in car that's on driveway.go to woods then exercise him.woods are vast and rarely see anyone.if we do we keep our distance.supposed to be a panther in the woods so running a risk of meeting it.
Redcard wrote: ↑Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:00 pm
Are people allowed out to exercise. They are potentially spreading the disease, and those that couldn’t give a f*** are using it as an excuse to continue outside. Surely even if people haven’t got a garden they can perform exercises in their room, after all a short period without serious exercise doesn’t kill, corona virus does.
Did you really think this through?
Justin Edinburgh died from short exercise
Enough said !!!!
Christ. Using Justin’s tragic death to score points on another of your petty feuds.