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Attn prediction league and mr mad
Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:52 pm
by Beradogs
Murdock. Leading the prediction table comes with great responsibility. Boarders always looking for my view on a particular subject matter. Calls for bera to fit into the clubs management structure humbling. The suggestion that bera should head a new fraternity kappa lambda o’s less humbling more worrying. Anyway., I will not be able to send in scores for the next few weeks. Back soon.
Re: Attn prediction league and mr mad
Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:31 am
by Howling Mad Murdock
Just send them in advance if possible. on the latest table thread.I will pick it up no problem.(That's not a bad idea actually as I always have to check the last table before I update it.)
Even if I do miss it the tables can be updated as long as the score is left before the start of the match.
You can send as many scores as you want in advance for upcoming matches.
Latest Table thread....put them here.
Re: Attn prediction league and mr mad
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 3:36 am
by Howling Mad Murdock
Last active: Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:51 pm
Ok Mr Bera,what's this all about?
Is this a look at me thread?
Is this a Mr Klopp inspired winter break?