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Yes, I know this should be in the tickets section, but .

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 3:22 pm
by Fairbrother, Yes
Have already posted this 'plea' there, but not sure people actually read it.

I have been a regular in the South Stand all season, but don’t buy a season ticket as my girlfriend likes to come along whenever she can, but is often working. To make sure we sit together I therefore buy tickets for each game instead. When I went to buy Braintree tickets a few weeks ago all the South Stand was sold out and had to buy East Stand. I know it is a long shot, but if anyone has two South Stand tickets for the Braintree game and they aren't fussed about where they sit, I will be more than happy to buy the South Stand tickets off them and then give you my two East Stand tickets free of charge.

Apologies for posting in the wrong section, but just want to try all avenues!

Up the O's