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Just on way back from today's non-match

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:36 pm
by kokomO
From watching today I've got a feeling we're going to be a bit of a soft touch away from home this season and we need to get use to plenty of the these drubbings. It's our home form that is going to define our season like it used to when I first started following the O's 30 years back.

What worries me is Macc weren't that good and didn't need to be to turn us over.

My only other observation from today's game was that it was disappointing to see their right back get a fellow pro booked and try to get him sent off. Not on!

Also, total **** up of ticketing arrangements. Why implement a non cash entry system if you've only got one scanner .... :?

Re: Just on way back from today's non-match

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 7:40 pm
by Rich Tea Wellin
Thought the same about us struggling away from home.

We looked very naive, got caught with a simple ball over the top about 6 times (and they scored from 2).

I also didn’t see the effort and aggression I saw last season.