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Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:53 pm
by Long slender neck
I hate dogs, they're rubbish, aggressive animals that crap everywhere. I dont understand the worship they get in this country.

Any actual chance the govt will 'ban' (how will that work exactly?) this mental Bully XL breed? ... m-66775340 I mean, the name says it all. What next? 'Face Ripper 3000' breed?

Another thing bothering me, is people treating their mutts like kids. Ice cream, clothes and cakes for dogs etc. The below is not a joke


Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:41 pm
by Rich Tea Wellin
Mainly agree with you. Find it very odd some of the relationships people in this country have with dogs but if it makes them happy and all that.

When I feel exasperated with the yanks and they’re inability to accept why they should be banned I think that it’s the equivalent of what brits would be like if there was talk of a ban on dogs.

At a minimum you should have to have a licence for both

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:42 pm
by Max B Gold
Long slender neck wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:53 pm I hate dogs, they're rubbish, aggressive animals that crap everywhere. I dont understand the worship they get in this country.

Any actual chance the govt will 'ban' (how will that work exactly?) this mental Bully XL breed? ... m-66775340 I mean, the name says it all. What next? 'Face Ripper 3000' breed?

Another thing bothering me, is people treating their mutts like kids. Ice cream, clothes and cakes for dogs etc. The below is not a joke

Some excellent points in there. As well as the cakes and ice keem you mention, dogs eat a lot of meat and its production is a contributing factor in the global climate crisis. I'm afraid they will all have to go.

I would however be willing to grant an exemption to dogs who are economically active and who make a positive contribution toward GDP.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:46 pm
by Long slender neck
And what about people who kiss their dogs and get licked all over their faces? Disgusting.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:49 pm
by Max B Gold
Long slender neck wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:46 pm And what about people who kiss their dogs and get licked all over their faces? Disgusting.
And the ones who put chocolate on their tadgers and get the dogs to lick it off. More than disgusting IMHO.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:07 pm
by Long slender neck
Who will be first to say that "dogs dont kill people, owners do"?

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:10 pm
by Omygawd
If all the dogs go can we use their kennels for the BTL people?

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:23 pm
by ComeOnYouOs
These XL bully s are plain viscous, and must be banned
They've been killing people for a few years now.
How many more have to die before these devil dogs are banned

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:39 pm
by BoniO
Never trust someone who hates dogs. It’s been scientifically proven that they’re all wrong’uns.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:43 pm
by Give it to Jabo
Capable of immense loyalty and courage.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:47 pm
by BoniO
Long slender neck wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:46 pm And what about people who kiss their dogs and get licked all over their faces? Disgusting.
If you’ve ever kissed a woman, do you know where she’s had her tongue?

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:55 pm
by ContrifibulatoryFred
I have dogs but i do think that dog ownership should be regulated and licenced. Some breeds cannot be trusted all the time so those owners with pit bulls etc who witter on about their ‘Cedric being an absolute angel about kids and other dogs’ are just delusional selfish oafs.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:56 pm
by Friend or faux
I wonder what people with severely limited vision & rely on guide dogs feel about your diatribe? I feel your posting is a WUM as people are not engaging on this site very much for obvious reasons & you are trying to drum up more punters. I hope if any of your family ever go missing, the owners of tracker dogs, will have read your ill-conceived message. I hope you get sniffed by a Police sniffer dog when your pockets are bulging with drugs. If we ever meet, my dog is ready to give you and extremely wet licking.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:11 pm
by Chicken Dhansak
We have a sixteen year old Shih Tzu and we love him to bits. Of course there are dangerous dogs and l really don"t know why people would want to own one of these. I personally know a beautiful woman in Liverpool who was badly facially scarred by a large dog and l'm not even sure the owner was prosecuted. Something has to be done before there are any more tragedies.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:23 pm
by Rich Tea Wellin
Every owner should be able to prove that they can train their dog and that the dog is trainable. So many dogs about who aren’t trained and the owners find it funny. Pure laziness

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:39 pm
by Scuba Diver
I don't have a dog as I don't want the "tie", and the lack of spontaniety they create (e.g. not being able to disappear for a night without putting them in kennels), but I find them generally to be incredibly gentle and docile animals.

If there's dog-crap on the street- it's not the dog's fault but the owners, and the animals do attract the chav, not give a s*** type (as well as tons of decent people of course)

I agree with Fred that to some extent, it should be regulated, and you need to demonstrate you can not only look after a dog effectively but also yourself. What does grind my gears is when people have dogs and don't walk them, which makes the dog fat/immobile/depressed/prone to illness (delete as appropriate). Anything but a tiny dog that can run round a garden needs to be exercised twice a day for 30 minutes at least. People that get dogs and Don't walk them are guilty of animal cruelty in my opinion.

People share their homes with dogs without thought, but of course, all dogs are derived from wolves, so, if you're sharing your home with something that can knock you over (e.g. a Rottweiler or similar) there will always be an element of risk.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:40 pm
by Proposition Joe
Anyone who has a blanket dislike of dogs should be on a Government watchlist but do agree with some of the comments, particularly regarding dog mess being left (absolutely infuriating) and off lead dogs not being trained. The number of times one charges over and winds one of ours up and the owner says "oh they're fine, he/she/they are friendly", while they either don't bother trying to call them back or the dog has no recall is ridiculous. All worse since lockdown.

Don't see why cats get away scott free on the sh!t front though. Most dog owners pick up as they should whereas the moggies are allowed to wander about and crap everywhere and noone says a word. Ridiculous.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:41 pm
by Max B Gold
Rich Tea Wellin wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:23 pm Every owner should be able to prove that they can train their dog and that the dog is trainable. So many dogs about who aren’t trained and the owners find it funny. Pure laziness
Who will train the trainers?

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:42 pm
by Max B Gold
Proposition Joe wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:40 pm Anyone who has a blanket dislike of dogs should be on a Government watchlist but do agree with some of the comments, particularly regarding dog mess being left (absolutely infuriating) and off lead dogs not being trained. The number of times one charges over and winds one of ours up and the owner says "oh they're fine, he/she/they are friendly", while they either don't bother trying to call them back or the dog has no recall is ridiculous. All worse since lockdown.

Don't see why cats get away scott free on the sh!t front though. Most dog owners pick up as they should whereas the moggies are allowed to wander about and crap everywhere and noone says a word. Ridiculous.
Lay off the cats, pal.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:09 pm
by Friend or faux
The most futile thread in years. People wanting dogs to be regulated ( How do you deem a dog dangerous by looking at it? ) Dog owners need to be vetted, trained, tested etc. All this, and we have a Government that allows: schools to collapse; hospitals to collapse; lawlessness & disorder; a dysfunctional criminal justice system; a hopelessly inept & corrupt police force; collapsing NHS, strikes, inflation, a completely broken Britain.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:26 pm
by LittleMate
Proposition Joe wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:40 pm Anyone who has a blanket dislike of dogs should be on a Government watchlist but do agree with some of the comments, particularly regarding dog mess being left (absolutely infuriating) and off lead dogs not being trained. The number of times one charges over and winds one of ours up and the owner says "oh they're fine, he/she/they are friendly", while they either don't bother trying to call them back or the dog has no recall is ridiculous. All worse since lockdown.

Don't see why cats get away scott free on the sh!t front though. Most dog owners pick up as they should whereas the moggies are allowed to wander about and crap everywhere and noone says a word. Ridiculous.
Cats bury their sh*t. Dogs sh*t anywhere and everywhere if allowed to.

Growing up I lived in a pet family. Typically a couple of dogs and cats. Dogs are extremely restrictive; they are like small children. Cats tend to thrive on independence. Today I have neither, since I don't have sufficient free time to look after either animal properly. I doubt I ever will have another pet.

As for dogs generally and dangerous dogs specifically, owners should be made responsible for their pets actions with stiff prison sentences in extreme circumstances; dogs should be licenced/chipped and be insured against attacking people (dog owners are quick enough to buy pet insurance for vets).

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:51 pm
by George M
Long slender neck wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:53 pm I hate dogs, they're rubbish, aggressive animals that crap everywhere. I dont understand the worship they get in this country.

Any actual chance the govt will 'ban' (how will that work exactly?) this mental Bully XL breed? ... m-66775340 I mean, the name says it all. What next? 'Face Ripper 3000' breed?

Another thing bothering me, is people treating their mutts like kids. Ice cream, clothes and cakes for dogs etc. The below is not a joke

100% this

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:26 pm
by Proposition Joe
LittleMate wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:26 pm
Proposition Joe wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:40 pm Anyone who has a blanket dislike of dogs should be on a Government watchlist but do agree with some of the comments, particularly regarding dog mess being left (absolutely infuriating) and off lead dogs not being trained. The number of times one charges over and winds one of ours up and the owner says "oh they're fine, he/she/they are friendly", while they either don't bother trying to call them back or the dog has no recall is ridiculous. All worse since lockdown.

Don't see why cats get away scott free on the sh!t front though. Most dog owners pick up as they should whereas the moggies are allowed to wander about and crap everywhere and noone says a word. Ridiculous.
Cats bury their sh*t.
Must just be the cats round here who are too lazy to bury their crap and leave it all over the gardens then, all the others are model citizens. And no, it's not foxes.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 11:23 pm
by Proposition Joe
Agree about dogs being restrictive though. Bloody nightmare sorting out holidays or time away if they can't come with, especially with two bigger ones.

Re: Dog watch

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 11:30 pm
by CEB
We’re weighing up getting a dog, big part of why we didn’t have kids was liking the freedom of getting away when we want, so it seems mad to choose to restrict our freedom for a creature that won’t have to look after us when we’re incapable