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Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:26 pm
by Disoriented
point nine one eight wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 11:34 am
Disoriented wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 9:16 am
After you Tax.

Hi Dis wouldn't bother me who was in power, Just want to get rid of the threat from this virus, remember I'm older than you so could hit me worse, having said that I believe both me and younger son caught this in February, put me out of action for 8 days, son for 5. stay healthy mate
You too fella.
How is your son now?
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:27 pm
by Story of O
kokomO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 12:03 pm
Harlow wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 10:36 am
Could any of us have imagined just a few months ago that the world would be in its current situation. People are dying, lives turned upside down, jobs lost.
So the govt comes up with something that should help. It doesn't cost us anything but it could help save your life or the lives or others. But NO you won't use it. It is intrusive, insecure, I didn't vote Tory, whatever the reason. Don't be so f*cking selfish. If we all install the App it will help overcome the CV crisis (and be in place should the need arise in future).
If you still don't install it, I hope you or your loved ones don't get ill, I would hate you to need the NHS, or worse not be able to be treated because the NHS is over whelmed
And remember, Daddy/Grandad what did you do to help in the Corona Virus crisis? Nothing son!
That's my rant, yeah I do feel strongly about it and no, I did not vote for Boris. I think successive govts have screwed us with a lack of pandemic preparation but we have to do everything to get through this emergency.
So, if you're sat on a bus and soneone goes past next to you on another bus and 'pings' your phone to say you've been in contact with a 'case'. OR you touch something that's been touched an hour earlier by someone who's got corona. What's more likely to see you catch the virus and which is more likely to see you confined for however long the required quarantine period is? These are questions that need to be answered but won't.
You have to have been in contact with a person for 15 minutes for it to register.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:36 pm
by kokomO
Story of O wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 1:27 pm
kokomO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 12:03 pm
Harlow wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 10:36 am
Could any of us have imagined just a few months ago that the world would be in its current situation. People are dying, lives turned upside down, jobs lost.
So the govt comes up with something that should help. It doesn't cost us anything but it could help save your life or the lives or others. But NO you won't use it. It is intrusive, insecure, I didn't vote Tory, whatever the reason. Don't be so f*cking selfish. If we all install the App it will help overcome the CV crisis (and be in place should the need arise in future).
If you still don't install it, I hope you or your loved ones don't get ill, I would hate you to need the NHS, or worse not be able to be treated because the NHS is over whelmed
And remember, Daddy/Grandad what did you do to help in the Corona Virus crisis? Nothing son!
That's my rant, yeah I do feel strongly about it and no, I did not vote for Boris. I think successive govts have screwed us with a lack of pandemic preparation but we have to do everything to get through this emergency.
So, if you're sat on a bus and soneone goes past next to you on another bus and 'pings' your phone to say you've been in contact with a 'case'. OR you touch something that's been touched an hour earlier by someone who's got corona. What's more likely to see you catch the virus and which is more likely to see you confined for however long the required quarantine period is? These are questions that need to be answered but won't.
You have to have been in contact with a person for 15 minutes for it to register.
If they say so.
Fair point if true but still raises further questions.
Also, if that's a fact 15 minutes, you wouldnt need to be in contact with someone for 15 minutes to catch the virus so how can it be an aide to stop the spread?
Also what is the range for Bluetooth and is Bluetooth secure? I'm not tech minded.
Still more questions than answers as far as I'm concerned.
While we're still accepting people into the country without testing or quarantine it's a NO from me.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:37 pm
by StillSpike
Story of O wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 1:27 pm
kokomO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 12:03 pm
Harlow wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 10:36 am
Could any of us have imagined just a few months ago that the world would be in its current situation. People are dying, lives turned upside down, jobs lost.
So the govt comes up with something that should help. It doesn't cost us anything but it could help save your life or the lives or others. But NO you won't use it. It is intrusive, insecure, I didn't vote Tory, whatever the reason. Don't be so f*cking selfish. If we all install the App it will help overcome the CV crisis (and be in place should the need arise in future).
If you still don't install it, I hope you or your loved ones don't get ill, I would hate you to need the NHS, or worse not be able to be treated because the NHS is over whelmed
And remember, Daddy/Grandad what did you do to help in the Corona Virus crisis? Nothing son!
That's my rant, yeah I do feel strongly about it and no, I did not vote for Boris. I think successive govts have screwed us with a lack of pandemic preparation but we have to do everything to get through this emergency.
So, if you're sat on a bus and soneone goes past next to you on another bus and 'pings' your phone to say you've been in contact with a 'case'. OR you touch something that's been touched an hour earlier by someone who's got corona. What's more likely to see you catch the virus and which is more likely to see you confined for however long the required quarantine period is? These are questions that need to be answered but won't.
You have to have been in contact with a person for 15 minutes for it to register.
So sex partners might not count ?

Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 2:03 pm
by BoniO
Story of O wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 1:27 pm
kokomO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 12:03 pm
Harlow wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 10:36 am
Could any of us have imagined just a few months ago that the world would be in its current situation. People are dying, lives turned upside down, jobs lost.
So the govt comes up with something that should help. It doesn't cost us anything but it could help save your life or the lives or others. But NO you won't use it. It is intrusive, insecure, I didn't vote Tory, whatever the reason. Don't be so f*cking selfish. If we all install the App it will help overcome the CV crisis (and be in place should the need arise in future).
If you still don't install it, I hope you or your loved ones don't get ill, I would hate you to need the NHS, or worse not be able to be treated because the NHS is over whelmed
And remember, Daddy/Grandad what did you do to help in the Corona Virus crisis? Nothing son!
That's my rant, yeah I do feel strongly about it and no, I did not vote for Boris. I think successive govts have screwed us with a lack of pandemic preparation but we have to do everything to get through this emergency.
So, if you're sat on a bus and soneone goes past next to you on another bus and 'pings' your phone to say you've been in contact with a 'case'. OR you touch something that's been touched an hour earlier by someone who's got corona. What's more likely to see you catch the virus and which is more likely to see you confined for however long the required quarantine period is? These are questions that need to be answered but won't.
You have to have been in contact with a person for 15 minutes for it to register.
Really? Where does it say that? If you had to be close to someone for 15 minutes to get infected then we could probably ease a lot of restrictions right away.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 2:36 pm
by faldO
BoniO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 2:03 pm
Story of O wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 1:27 pm
kokomO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 12:03 pm
So, if you're sat on a bus and soneone goes past next to you on another bus and 'pings' your phone to say you've been in contact with a 'case'. OR you touch something that's been touched an hour earlier by someone who's got corona. What's more likely to see you catch the virus and which is more likely to see you confined for however long the required quarantine period is? These are questions that need to be answered but won't.
You have to have been in contact with a person for 15 minutes for it to register.
Really? Where does it say that? If you had to be close to someone for 15 minutes to get infected then we could probably ease a lot of restrictions right away.
I read somewhere (though can't remember where) that if you were stood close to someone talking to them you'd probably need to be doing so for about 10 mins for there to be a reasonable chance of becoming infected by the droplets that they'd exhale or spit and you'd then either inhale or it would land on you and you'd then transmit to your mouth/nose/eyes.
You probably won't catch anything just by being close to somebody for a short period of time without any physical contact, like a handshake or touching something they've touched.
The app will have some kind of algorithm that calculates whether or not you're a candidate for a positive alert by being in contact with someone displaying symptoms or positive (eg 10 mins of unbroken contact), I haven't seen any specific details about that.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 2:37 pm
by Eat The Rich
Trust this government to protect my data? Not bloody likely.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:05 pm
by BoniO
faldO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 2:36 pm
BoniO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 2:03 pm
Story of O wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 1:27 pm
You have to have been in contact with a person for 15 minutes for it to register.
Really? Where does it say that? If you had to be close to someone for 15 minutes to get infected then we could probably ease a lot of restrictions right away.
I read somewhere (though can't remember where) that if you were stood close to someone talking to them you'd probably need to be doing so for about 10 mins for there to be a reasonable chance of becoming infected by the droplets that they'd exhale or spit and you'd then either inhale or it would land on you and you'd then transmit to your mouth/nose/eyes.
You probably won't catch anything just by being close to somebody for a short period of time without any physical contact, like a handshake or touching something they've touched.
The app will have some kind of algorithm that calculates whether or not you're a candidate for a positive alert by being in contact with someone displaying symptoms or positive (eg 10 mins of unbroken contact), I haven't seen any specific details about that.
That doesn't really fit well with the "always stay 2 metres apart" rule though. I'd like to see some scientific proof of the 15 minute rule.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:06 pm
by Sid Bishop
JimbO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 12:38 pm
Same people spouting off that the government didn't do contact tracing in the first place are now the ones making it harder for them to do so.
Exactly !
Similar to the media and others who non stop criticise everything the goverenment has done weeks and months AFTER the decisions were made ! Many individuals seem to resent the personal restrictions that a lockdown brings, yet many of these same people are saying they will refuse to put an app on their phone that may help to bring down the rate of infection in the UK. Seems these type of people take great pains to point out how many deaths have been caused in UK by this awful virus, yet dislike doing anything themselves if it puts themselves out a bit, steps that if taken, may well help towards stamping this virus out.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:10 pm
by StillSpike
Sid Bishop wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:06 pm
JimbO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 12:38 pm
Same people spouting off that the government didn't do contact tracing in the first place are now the ones making it harder for them to do so.
Exactly !
Similar to the media and others who non stop criticise everything the goverenment has done. Individuals who seem to resent the personal restrictions that a lockdown brings, yet refuse to put an app on their phone that may help to bring down the rate of infection in the UK. Seems these type of people take great pains to point out how many deaths have been caused in UK by this awful virus, yet dislike doing anything themselves if it puts themselves out, steps that if taken, may well help towards stamping this virus out.
Have you actually bothered reading the points we've raised about the potential weaknesses in the app? Want to reply to them, or are you just happy to support anything blindly?
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:16 pm
by Sid Bishop
StillSpike wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:10 pm
Sid Bishop wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:06 pm
JimbO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 12:38 pm
Same people spouting off that the government didn't do contact tracing in the first place are now the ones making it harder for them to do so.
Exactly !
Similar to the media and others who non stop criticise everything the goverenment has done. Individuals who seem to resent the personal restrictions that a lockdown brings, yet refuse to put an app on their phone that may help to bring down the rate of infection in the UK. Seems these type of people take great pains to point out how many deaths have been caused in UK by this awful virus, yet dislike doing anything themselves if it puts themselves out, steps that if taken, may well help towards stamping this virus out.
Have you actually bothered reading the points we've raised about the potential weaknesses in the app? Want to reply to them, or are you just happy to support anything blindly?
Yes I have read it all on this and many other forms of the media, not just on this goldfish bowl. Main resentment by many on many forms of media seems to be that many fear some sort of BIG BROTHER government tracing their movements now and in the future. I could not give a damn about that myself, they can already do that anyway if they really want to.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:23 pm
by faldO
BoniO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:05 pm
That doesn't really fit well with the "always stay 2 metres apart" rule though. I'd like to see some scientific proof of the 15 minute rule. ... oronavirus
See definition of "exposure". I expect that would form the basis of some kind of "working definition" of whether the app alerts, though it would not know whether someone is coughing or sneezing or simply talking or even just standing next to someone or on the other side of a shop window.
I accept there are many things that are unclear with the app from a technical perspective - perhaps they will be addressed in the trial - but to dismiss it simply because of who developed it (as others have done) or even on the grounds of it being a major privacy invasion I think is wrong.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:29 pm
by kokomO
faldO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:23 pm
BoniO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:05 pm
That doesn't really fit well with the "always stay 2 metres apart" rule though. I'd like to see some scientific proof of the 15 minute rule. ... oronavirus
See definition of "exposure". I expect that would form the basis of some kind of "working definition" of whether the app alerts, though it would not know whether someone is coughing or sneezing or simply talking or even just standing next to someone or on the other side of a shop window.
I accept there are many things that are unclear with the app from a technical perspective - perhaps they will be addressed in the trial - but to dismiss it simply because of who developed it (as others have done) or even on the grounds of it being a major privacy invasion I think is wrong.
Genuine question, if you brought a motor and it was nothing but ball ache, kept going wrong , a right disaster in other words. Would you go back to the same car dealer next time.
That is why I have to question your point about people dismissing this because who developed it (I assume your are referring to the government by this?)
Like everything in life itβs about having confidence in the provider.........
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:36 pm
by BoniO
faldO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:23 pm
BoniO wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:05 pm
That doesn't really fit well with the "always stay 2 metres apart" rule though. I'd like to see some scientific proof of the 15 minute rule. ... oronavirus
See definition of "exposure". I expect that would form the basis of some kind of "working definition" of whether the app alerts, though it would not know whether someone is coughing or sneezing or simply talking or even just standing next to someone or on the other side of a shop window.
I accept there are many things that are unclear with the app from a technical perspective - perhaps they will be addressed in the trial - but to dismiss it simply because of who developed it (as others have done) or even on the grounds of it being a major privacy invasion I think is wrong.
I can understand why some will dismiss the app. Why would anyone trust this government. That's a very valid point. If the government want a large proportion of people to use the app then they need to explain how it will work and basically answer all the other questions raised already on this thread. That's easy enough to do so I wait with baited breath for that to happen.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:41 pm
by BoniO
Sid Bishop wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:16 pm
StillSpike wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:10 pm
Sid Bishop wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:06 pm
Exactly !
Similar to the media and others who non stop criticise everything the goverenment has done. Individuals who seem to resent the personal restrictions that a lockdown brings, yet refuse to put an app on their phone that may help to bring down the rate of infection in the UK. Seems these type of people take great pains to point out how many deaths have been caused in UK by this awful virus, yet dislike doing anything themselves if it puts themselves out, steps that if taken, may well help towards stamping this virus out.
Have you actually bothered reading the points we've raised about the potential weaknesses in the app? Want to reply to them, or are you just happy to support anything blindly?
Yes I have read it all on this and many other forms of the media, not just on this goldfish bowl. Main resentment by many on many forms of media seems to be that many fear some sort of BIG BROTHER government tracing their movements now and in the future. I could not give a damn about that myself, they can already do that anyway if they really want to.
So you have read all the points about it maybe not working at all, making things worse, the need for suitably qualified people to oversee the process etc etc? Having read all this you still believe that we should blindly run the app?
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 3:43 pm
by StillSpike
Sid Bishop wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:16 pm
StillSpike wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:10 pm
Sid Bishop wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 3:06 pm
Exactly !
Similar to the media and others who non stop criticise everything the goverenment has done. Individuals who seem to resent the personal restrictions that a lockdown brings, yet refuse to put an app on their phone that may help to bring down the rate of infection in the UK. Seems these type of people take great pains to point out how many deaths have been caused in UK by this awful virus, yet dislike doing anything themselves if it puts themselves out, steps that if taken, may well help towards stamping this virus out.
Have you actually bothered reading the points we've raised about the potential weaknesses in the app? Want to reply to them, or are you just happy to support anything blindly?
Yes I have read it all on this and many other forms of the media, not just on this goldfish bowl. Main resentment by many on many forms of media seems to be that many fear some sort of BIG BROTHER government tracing their movements now and in the future. I could not give a damn about that myself, they can already do that anyway if they really want to.
Well for clarity, I really, really, don't care about big brother, or apple or google, tracing my movements. As you say, they already do, and it's often very helpful when I want to know the nearest garage, etc.
That's not what the concerns are about. By definition, this app (if used on its own) is going to throw up a huge number of false positive contacts*, as detailed in many posts above that you've read. Therefore, the consequences of getting a ping on it need to very clearly spelled out and the users will need to understand these.
*that's even if you're in the same room as someone, for a period of time - let alone any passing or "through the wall" contact that the app will throw up.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 5:34 pm
by Chelmsford Swimmer
If the app reacts to one ping there will indeed be many false positives. It the app needs 10,000 pings with the same contact it will probably miss genuine contagion cases. The answer is that a hit rate in between will be needed. What the happy medium is no one knows. You find out by trialling it, using it, and adjusting it. It obviously wont be perfect, but done well it could be beneficial. Then again we can all think it won't be any use whatsoever and not bother trying.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 5:45 pm
by point nine one eight
Disoriented wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 1:26 pm
point nine one eight wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 11:34 am
Disoriented wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 9:16 am
After you Tax.

Hi Dis wouldn't bother me who was in power, Just want to get rid of the threat from this virus, remember I'm older than you so could hit me worse, having said that I believe both me and younger son caught this in February, put me out of action for 8 days, son for 5. stay healthy mate
You too fella.
How is your son now?
Fine thanks, He's main man for second fix carpenter at his firm work starting to come back, same as other son, started back Monday
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 7:13 pm
by KC & sunshine band
Not sure about this, but if I download the app does it stop me getting podcasts about every second of Ross umbertons life
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 9:49 pm
by LagerTop
I think I can safely say that Prof Neil Ferguson who's behind this lockdown wont have the app....... ... op.twitter
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 7:23 am
by Ronnie Hotdogs
Wonder what heβs done to get stitched up like this?
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 7:37 am
by Disoriented
point nine one eight wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 5:45 pm
Disoriented wrote: βTue May 05, 2020 1:26 pm
Fine thanks, He's main man for second fix carpenter at his firm work starting to come back, same as other son, started back Monday
Good luck to you both.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 8:09 am
by Mick McQuaid
RedO wrote: βWed May 06, 2020 7:23 am
Wonder what heβs done to get stitched up like this?
Indeed. Love the way the usual papers are going hard on the utterly filthy way of living where consenting adults can shag who they please and all parties are fine with it. At least our dear leader has the decency to keep his affairs secret from his partner for a while and to sometimes even almost complete a divorce before getting the next one pregnant
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 8:25 am
by Dunners
He's seen as the main architect of the current lockdown policy. Discrediting him is seen by some as a way to discredit the Government's approach. This is all yet another reason why anyone providing public service through expert advice will want to remain anonymous.
Having said all that, it is an error of judgement and, given his increased public profile recently, he had to step down.
Re: Track & Trace App....Will you be installing it?
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 9:33 am
by Sid Bishop
tuffers#1 wrote: βMon May 04, 2020 9:32 pm
They know pretty much everything about us as it is anyway .
We are all easily identified & with in there grasp
at any time now.
I dont know why so many are against it , you've all gone along with it all so far .
Agree with you tuffers, so the same type off people who are forever rightly applauding the NHS are now turning tail and thinking that this Coronavirus NHS tracing app is in FACT all part of a ''Big Brother'' Government conspiracy to monitor their movements and collect their personal data from their smart phones !
As it say below, this is an NHS phone app, just a few things here about it, to read in full, click the link. ... -explainer
''NHS COVID-19 is a new contact-tracing app that has been designed and built by the NHS to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.''
Once youβve installed the app, it will send you an alert if youβve been in close contact with other users of the app whoβve reported that theyβre experiencing coronavirus symptoms. This allows you to take steps to avoid passing the virus on (for example by self-isolating).
If youβd like to install the app (itβs entirely voluntary), youβll be helping to slow the transmission of the coronavirus.
You can decide if you want to tell the app that youβre suffering from coronavirus symptoms.
The app does not collect any of your personal data.
Any information you choose to submit is protected at all times.
Any information you submit is deleted once it is no longer needed to help manage the spread of coronavirus.''
Also......''What data does the NHS collect?
If you choose to submit your symptoms to the NHS, and the symptoms indicate you might have coronavirus, you will be asked to send the details of the encounters your phone has collected.
If you give your consent, the app will securely send these details to the NHS digital team:
no other information is sent
only the NHS has access to the details
the details will determine if any of these encounters might have caused someone to be exposed to coronavirus; this will always be based on the latest medical research
The details you submit let the NHS know how many apps in a postcode area have reported symptoms (or may have been exposed). This will be used to plan your local NHS resources, and to help learn more about the spread of coronavirus.
The NHS can decrypt the daily IDs from the details you submit to find the Installation ID of any apps that need to be notified about possible exposure to coronavirus. The NHS sends these notifications securely to the apps assessed to be at risk, giving the appropriate advice.''