One rule for us and another rule for

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Orient Punxx
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Re: One rule for us and another rule for

Post by Orient Punxx »

Tony Blair at it now!
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Re: One rule for us and another rule for

Post by Disoriented »

Who cares about yesterday’s men? Why hasn’t Matt Hancock resigned for breaking the 10pm curfew at the HOP bar?

Thor/Gilso mysteriously quiet on that one.
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Re: One rule for us and another rule for

Post by Thor »

Now as Punkx says Blair is all for breaking the quarantine rules. What is it with these people? Again the lefties of this board conveniently ignore it when old champagne socialist does it.

Labour are a joke, when will the yellow belly spineless knight of the realm get a grip of his law breaking party?
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Re: One rule for us and another rule for

Post by Currywurst and Chips »

Thor wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 8:18 am Well the lefties let me down on this one as it didn’t get to 6 pages, I’m most hurt by the lack of disgust concerning corbyns dinner party.

So I’m gonna try again.


Now let’s be having you, where are you? Copy right delia Smith.
He's already apologised mate, Jesus, move on and talk about the Tories
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Re: One rule for us and another rule for

Post by PoliticOs »

Thor wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:39 am Now as Punkx says Blair is all for breaking the quarantine rules. What is it with these people? Again the lefties of this board conveniently ignore it when old champagne socialist does it.

Labour are a joke, when will the yellow belly spineless knight of the realm get a grip of his law breaking party?
Is Blair a 'champagne socialist'. Also, why is that an insult? I know you use marxist, socialist, communist interchangeably and without understanding but if someone has made money or been successful, i.e champagne, and still wants to improve things for others isn't that to be applauded rather than an insult?

I know you're a fascist so you won't get that.
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