tuffers#1 wrote: ↑Sun Sep 13, 2020 8:21 pm
Violence in america
Pretty brutal .
Glad Laurie Cunningham never lived there
Or chidders , lino tunji, Henry etc
Warning anyone who doesnt like blood look away
I really don't think these out of context videos serve any value. Unless you see what has happened prior to the police feeling the need to pin the guy down to restrain him you can't fully conclude the actions of the police are right or wrong. Obviously the incident is going to be under review, I imagine all violent incidents get reviewed.
3 officers suspended , i have already said
He was pulled over for having a broken tail light
Or he broke a tail light . Hardly warrants ,
pounding someones head while they are
On the floor .
2 large sized mem cant make an arrest of a guy
Without the need to do that .
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:16 am
by Disoriented
Agree entirely with Adz. Videos showing domestic violence or aggression towards police do not count obviously.
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:21 am
by Rich Tea Wellin
EastDerehamO wrote: ↑Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:33 am
As I’ve said in other threads I don’t like sport and politics mixing, so from a footballing authorities' perspective it's a slippery slope to take any step down that road. They are selective as to what they choose to sanction, why support BLM and not those impacted by human rights abuses in China and elsewhere? It's easy to infer that those people are seen as mattering less.
It’s a free country so if someone wants to ‘take the knee’ in their own time it’s not for me to tell them not to, as long as it is similarly fine if others choose to ignore it, and without undue pressure being applied to follow the trend.
The PL and FL have no affiliation with BLM. Theres no BLM slogans on shirts and the players are taking the knee themselves.
It's not a BLM movement its a movement against racism.
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:30 am
by Ornchurch
Do EFL players continue to take the knee at all games or do they not bother as they are not televised?
Adz wrote: ↑Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:56 am
I really don't think these out of context videos serve any value. Unless you see what has happened prior to the police feeling the need to pin the guy down to restrain him you can't fully conclude the actions of the police are right or wrong. Obviously the incident is going to be under review, I imagine all violent incidents get reviewed.
3 officers suspended , i have already said
He was pulled over for having a broken tail light
Or he broke a tail light . Hardly warrants ,
pounding someones head while they are
On the floor .
2 large sized mem cant make an arrest of a guy
Without the need to do that .
It's not really relevant what he was pulled over for, more his response after being pulled over which from that clip, we do not know. As I've already said it would be standard procedure to suspend the officers during the investigation. I'll wait till the body cam footage is released and the full story is available before I damn them.
I've absolutely no idea what is required to arrest a grown man, and I suspect you don't either. Sure the violence looks horrific and I hate to think that is in anyway the way it should be done, but without seeing the full video and knowing what police are told they should be doing I can't really comment.
But again you're missing the point. Cherry picked clips like this undermine, rather than further a valid cause because they make you suspicious of what has been excluded.
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:56 am
by Beradogs
If it’s just a movement against racism they already have eradicate racism or such like on the shirts for the whole of next season. I would be amazed if they are still kneeling when crowds come back. Orient may have one or two idiots but I dread to think of the crowd reaction at places like Millwall. I pop onto their website on occasions and they are not a happy bunch with their players doing it. A lot of rugby players are now refusing to kneel but footballers have never been the brightest bunch and are just doing it because they are told to. It’s being forced on people and that is pretty offensive. You say potatoes I say potatoes in terms of is it political. In my opinion it is.
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:00 am
by Rich Tea Wellin
Ornchurch wrote: ↑Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:30 am
Do EFL players continue to take the knee at all games or do they not bother as they are not televised?
Adz wrote: ↑Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:56 am
I really don't think these out of context videos serve any value. Unless you see what has happened prior to the police feeling the need to pin the guy down to restrain him you can't fully conclude the actions of the police are right or wrong. Obviously the incident is going to be under review, I imagine all violent incidents get reviewed.
3 officers suspended , i have already said
He was pulled over for having a broken tail light
Or he broke a tail light . Hardly warrants ,
pounding someones head while they are
On the floor .
2 large sized mem cant make an arrest of a guy
Without the need to do that .
It's not really relevant what he was pulled over for, more his response after being pulled over which from that clip, we do not know. As I've already said it would be standard procedure to suspend the officers during the investigation. I'll wait till the body cam footage is released and the full story is available before I damn them.
I've absolutely no idea what is required to arrest a grown man, and I suspect you don't either. Sure the violence looks horrific and I hate to think that is in anyway the way it should be done, but without seeing the full video and knowing what police are told they should be doing I can't really comment.
But again you're missing the point. Cherry picked clips like this undermine, rather than further a valid cause because they make you suspicious of what has been excluded.
If people 'came quietly' while being arrested then these incidents would not occur.
In the real world however people do not come quietly and situations escalate.
At the end of it the police have to make an arrest if necessary . If they did not and the suspect got away, gave the police a hiding or even shot someone then the police would be criticised for being weak.
There are two sides to every situation and I would guess that in most cases the police officers are as scared as the suspects.
As the old saying goes, walk a mile in someone else's shoes before judging them.
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:06 am
by slacker
I suppose that depends on whether you think anti-racism and tackling white supremacists is politics or just plain common decency, Bera.
My view is any symbolic gesture that's repeated too often loses its effect and withers away soon enough. Like the NHS clapping guff. Still, the annual poppy madness season sort of disproves my point, but at least that's only ( a few weeks now) every year.
Adz wrote: ↑Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:56 am
I really don't think these out of context videos serve any value. Unless you see what has happened prior to the police feeling the need to pin the guy down to restrain him you can't fully conclude the actions of the police are right or wrong. Obviously the incident is going to be under review, I imagine all violent incidents get reviewed.
3 officers suspended , i have already said
He was pulled over for having a broken tail light
Or he broke a tail light . Hardly warrants ,
pounding someones head while they are
On the floor .
2 large sized mem cant make an arrest of a guy
Without the need to do that .
It's not really relevant what he was pulled over for, more his response after being pulled over which from that clip, we do not know. As I've already said it would be standard procedure to suspend the officers during the investigation. I'll wait till the body cam footage is released and the full story is available before I damn them.
I've absolutely no idea what is required to arrest a grown man, and I suspect you don't either. Sure the violence looks horrific and I hate to think that is in anyway the way it should be done, but without seeing the full video and knowing what police are told they should be doing I can't really comment.
But again you're missing the point. Cherry picked clips like this undermine, rather than further a valid cause because they make you suspicious of what has been excluded.
More the attitude of plod than his attitude
Give them a uniform & they act like its
there own personal little approval to do &
Act how the f*ck they want.
There are thousands of video clips of ignorant
Cops in the u.s all over you tube.
American plod is very different to here .
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:13 am
by Rich Tea Wellin
Beradogs wrote: ↑Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:56 am
If it’s just a movement against racism they already have eradicate racism or such like on the shirts for the whole of next season. I would be amazed if they are still kneeling when crowds come back. Orient may have one or two idiots but I dread to think of the crowd reaction at places like Millwall. I pop onto their website on occasions and they are not a happy bunch with their players doing it. A lot of rugby players are now refusing to kneel but footballers have never been the brightest bunch and are just doing it because they are told to. It’s being forced on people and that is pretty offensive. You say potatoes I say potatoes in terms of is it political. In my opinion it is.
Who's telling them to do it?
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:19 am
by Beradogs
Footballers earn a lot of money through sponsorship etc plus the clubs would tell them. Raab said he would not do it and he is the Secretary of State for foreign affairs. He is not a racist. He just feels it’s inappropriate. I would feel the same.
Give them a uniform & they act like its
there own personal little approval to do &
Act how the f*ck they want.
There are thousands of video clips of ignorant
Cops in the u.s all over you tube.
American plod is very different to here .
What about the attitude of people towards those in uniform?
There are also lots of people who like to do what they want and not be pulled up on their actions.
What about it ?
They are public servants ,
Employed to protect the public .
How is pounding a kids head on the floor
protecting the public ?
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:29 am
by Long slender neck
Why do you care about what cops in the US do?
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:33 am
by tuffers#1
Why shouldnt I ?
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:36 am
by Rich Tea Wellin
PW is obsessed with why people care about things in the US - it's weird.
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:22 am
by George M
My objection is not necessarily about taking the knee , although it probably has run its course , it is the fact that they replay it before every game on MOTD. It is supposed to be a football highlight programme.
Also , why do football clubs / leagues take the moral high ground. You would not expect to see this at cricket / golf / athletics, for example. I have never even seen a minutes silence at a cricket game.
I don’t need the knee to make me aware of racism and frankly , I couldn’t care less what goes on in the USA. It is a cesspit of hatred
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:24 am
by Long slender neck
Apple Wumble wrote: ↑Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:36 am
PW is obsessed with why people care about things in the US - it's weird.
Because this isn't the US.
When will they be taking a knee for Chinese persecution of Muslims?
Apple Wumble wrote: ↑Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:36 am
PW is obsessed with why people care about things in the US - it's weird.
Because this isn't the US.
When will they be taking a knee for Chinese persecution of Muslims?
Is racism scared of water? Lucky the Atlantic is in the way.
Whats Chinese persecutions got to do with racism in the US and here? Unless, of course, you are proposing that we dont bother trying to address anything because theres other bad stuff happening in the world?
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:29 am
by Rich Tea Wellin
George wrote: ↑Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:22 am
My objection is not necessarily about taking the knee , although it probably has run its course , it is the fact that they replay it before every game on MOTD. It is supposed to be a football highlight programme.
Also , why do football clubs / leagues take the moral high ground. You would not expect to see this at cricket / golf / athletics, for example. I have never even seen a minutes silence at a cricket game.
I don’t need the knee to make me aware of racism and frankly , I couldn’t care less what goes on in the USA. It is a cesspit of hatred
Taking the knee was probably the most exciting part of our game, before Johnson scored.
Re: "Taking the knee"
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:30 am
by Rich Tea Wellin
Genuine question - do people REALLY think that bias against black people only happens in America? Cant tell if it's a deflection tactic or the ultimate head in the sand.