Sid Bishop wrote: ↑Tue May 19, 2020 1:11 pm
banqo wrote: ↑Tue May 19, 2020 12:55 pm
North Stand Dave wrote: ↑Tue May 19, 2020 12:39 pm
No I don't need to investigate it as you say, i have a cousin who's lived in Spain for the last 14 years & an Uncle who lives in France for the last 20 years & they keep me updated with true events what are ACTUALLY happening in their countries & not through our media & what they choose to write.
And from the stuff their both telling me it's not all rosy & everything going smoothly in those countries either.
But your Kuenssbergs & your PESTons of the media only choose to point out the good points for comparison.. conveniently.
Do they report that in Spain when a majority of patients in a care home have the virus the carers pull themselves out lock the door behind them & let them all die together? Well you know the answer otherwise you would of heard about it but oh no wonky mouth Kuenssberg wont compare that will she & thars just one of MANY stories I'm being.
All I'm saying as I'm not defending Boris is it's not easy out there & yes he is making some mistakes but then on a majority of issues he's taking scientific advise & if Corbyn was standing up there he would be doing the same.
So don't patronise me about head in the sand as my family doesn't make this up.
Spot on, North Side. And as for Clownsberg, Peston and all, the least said the better.
They have changed from Brexit knocking to Coronavirus knocking, never any positive suggestions just, ''ohh now IF you had done this and IF you had done that'' Blah Blah Blah !!
God this thread is depressing. But ultimately not surprising.
Sid - with all due respect, the government have handled this crisis with breathtaking incompetence which has led to an inconceivable amount of deaths. Even the Torygraph, Boris's biggest fan-mag this morning are reporting that 75% of deaths could have been avoided had Boris not dithered on lock-down. If correct, that's tens of thousands of deaths. That's before we even consider the lack of tracing, PPE, protection for care home residents (ring of protection - me arse) and a litany of other failures. I'm still looking for someone to provide evidence that the Tories haven't just treated the elderly as disposal in this pandemic.
And yet you want to dig out those who are raising and criticising this government. Your answer is for us all to be more positive? Hate to tell you this, positive thinking aint getting anyone out of the hole that Boris and his chums have put us all in. As someone of advanced years Sid, I'd be sh*tting myself if I was you because it looks like they aren't interested in prioritising you if you go down with Covid-19 in a bad way.
The latest insult? Charging those non-uk citizens putting their lives on the line £624 to use the service they work in. Stuff like that makes me want to vomit.
Unfortunately, people like you are part of the problem. You're happy to just accept this government's word without query. Well f*** that for a game of soldiers, I aint playing.
Brexit? Yep - you're likely to get your way with a no-deal now as Europe really doesn't give a toss about us anymore. They're happy to forget about us. I work with a lot of French and German clients who quite frankly view GB with sadness at the way this country's government has gone about negotiating an exit that might work for all. Their patience with us eroded and they are not going to miss us. I really hope it's a success though because woe betide all of you who chose this option if it isn't and my kids futures are ruined by an ideology that blamed the EU (and more to the point immigration) for this country's failings. I think the early signs are pretty sh*t though if we cant get anyone to pick fruit?