Just random sites by unknown sources. I can see why you take more credence in what they say. I find listening to the bloke down the pub is the best way to find out what's really going on.
Do yourself a favour mate and recognised that the web is filled with theories that can prove everything and anything. Picking a few like you have proves it
Firstly, I'm not your mate.
Secondly, if you bothered to check the information upon those sites; which clearly you haven't bothered to do given your quick response; you'd note that many contributions are from notable experts within their particular industries.
Or for even more evidence of cover up, look no further than the U.S. Govt.-sponsored N.I.S.T. Report. It has been proven to be riddled with both omissions and fabrication.
Mindsweep? It certainly appears to have been.
Has anyone actually involved in any conspiracy around 9/11 ever come forward and admitted it? Ratted out their co-conspirators? There must have been hundreds involved - I can't believe they're ALL keeping their secrets (or have been silenced other ways).
Just random sites by unknown sources. I can see why you take more credence in what they say. I find listening to the bloke down the pub is the best way to find out what's really going on.
Do yourself a favour mate and recognised that the web is filled with theories that can prove everything and anything. Picking a few like you have proves it
Firstly, I'm not your mate.
Secondly, if you bothered to check the information upon those sites; which clearly you haven't bothered to do given your quick response; you'd note that many contributions are from notable experts within their particular industries.
Or for even more evidence of cover up, look no further than the U.S. Govt.-sponsored N.I.S.T. Report. It has been proven to be riddled with both omissions and fabrication.
Mindsweep? It certainly appears to have been.
Name one
Re: London Real TV
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 10:33 pm
by LagerTop
This is covered in very great detail in Icke's latest book the Trigger. I haven't read it as I haven't had time but a close friend has and says the research is immense.
Re: London Real TV
Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 10:49 pm
by tuffers#1
LagerTop wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 10:33 pm
This is covered in very great detail in Icke's latest book the Trigger. I haven't read it as I haven't had time but a close friend has and says the research is immense.
Speaking later on Friday, Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly did not completely rule out the possibility that the component had been lowered to the spot where it was discovered (some rope was entwined with it)
This always intrigued me after the landing gear was found 11 years after the incident.
Why would string be found ?
Re: London Real TV
Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 11:17 am
by StillSpike
StillSpike wrote: ↑Tue May 05, 2020 9:32 pm
Has anyone actually involved in any conspiracy around 9/11 ever come forward and admitted it? Ratted out their co-conspirators? There must have been hundreds involved - I can't believe they're ALL keeping their secrets (or have been silenced other ways).
Actually, now that I think about it, has anyone actually involved in ANY of the great conspiracy theories ever come forward and admitted it.
Moon Landings - there must have been thousands of people involved if that was faked - have any one of them ever come forward and admitted it?? Have they ALL been kept so sweet that not ONE of them has ever got a bit disgruntled and blown the whole thing sky high (geddit?). I'd take much more notice of an actual astronaut coming clean than some wing-nut who thinks he's really good at judging shadows on pictures. It's funny none of the literally thousands of co-conspirators has ever come forwards.
So tuffers i take it you are happy that free speech is being denied? I take you will be happy to only listen to what these big companies decide what you can watch and what you will be allowed to hear. I take it you will be happy that you will no longer be able to hear two sides to the argument and will be happy to just have the narrative that the powers that be what you to watch or hear? How will you be able to form an opinion with only an official narrative being fed to you? Certain people from history will be happy with what's happening today.
London real is far more than the icke interviews, but will possibly be shut down because of it.
Re: London Real TV
Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 8:03 pm
by tuffers#1
Freedom of speech is the right.to speak truths
Not make up bullsh*t lies
I choose what i read & listen to or even watch .
Media isnt the only form of communique or indeed knowledge .
Re: London Real TV
Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 8:21 pm
by Thor
So Dr Buttar has had his video pulled from youtube via london real. He does not tell the viewer what to think just puts across his medical knowledge for you to arrive at your own conclusion. So tell me why was his videos pulled?