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Re: Israel

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 2:29 pm
by Neptune's Spear
You've got to pronounce it 'Isreel', thats the cool way to do it these days.

Re: Israel

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:50 am
by orientexpress10-4
Please read the statement below-especially for all the Israel haters:

Hi, I’m Leo Dee and I’d like to tell you about my idea for tonight - it is an international Dees DAY to be celebrated today, the 10th of April.
First of all, let me introduce myself.
I am the husband of Lucy Dee and the father of five beautiful kids.
That is, until Friday morning at 10:52 AM.
The seven of us set off in two cars from our Home in Efrat, near Jerusalem, on Friday morning to meet my parents, sister and nephews who were driving up in a third car for a holiday in
Lucy was with Maia and Rina in our white Nissan Micra and I was with Tali and Yehuda in our brown Nissan Micra.
We were ahead of the other cars. At 11:07 I received a call from my sister who had set off with my parents an hour behind us. She told us that there had been an attack on a car on the route up North, she had been diverted - were we OK? Yes I said, but let me call Lucy.
I called Lucy. No answer. I called Maia. No answer. I called Rina. No answer. Then I saw a missed call from Maia 10:52. I hadn’t noticed it ring and had not picked up the phone. The feeling that she called me during the attack and I wasn’t able to speak to her will come back and haunt me for a while.
I checked Google Family link and saw that they were all located at the Hamra junction. At the same moment, however, Tali had seen, posted on Instagram, a photo that a passing car had taken of the wreck where she saw the back of a white car with a bullet hole and suitcases on the back seat with blood on. The suitcases were ours.
I immediately turned round and drove like a lunatic to the Hamra junction. We got there around 12:30. They wouldn't let us see the car. By this point we knew that two younger girls had been killed by a terrorist with an automatic Kalashnikov rifle (20 bullets) and the older woman had been airlifted to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem.
I wanted to go to be with Lucy in the hospital but we couldn’t believe that this was our car, our family. So I wanted to see the girls, or at least the car for myself.
After what seemed like a lifetime (it was actually three lifetimes) I convinced them to bring us an ID card that they had rescued from the scene. It was Maia’s.
I went numb. I didn’t cry yet. I was highly rational. I went back to the car and drove another hour and a half to the hospital.
Lucy had had two bullets, one through her brain stem and one lodged at the top of her spine. There was an operation, there was reason for hope. But alas, our family of seven is now a family of four.
Today is the first time that the three festivals of Pesach, Easter and Ramadan have coincided for 30 years.
Pesach and Easter are both festivals about redemption making the world into a better place. Fasting on Ramadan, I have learnt, generates empathy for those in need and thereby is also about making the world into a better place. Making the world into a better place is a GOOD THING.
All world religions believe that we have the power to tell the difference between good and evil so that we can choose to do good. And if we choose good then we make the world into a better place.
I am saddened that recently - maybe over the past 20 years of my life, this innate ability to differentiate between good and evil has been gradually lost from humanity.
That’s why I wish to designate today, the 10th April, as Dees day.
The day we Differentiate between good and evil, right and wrong.
And how do we differentiate between good and evil?
We use our gut feeling. Yes. There’s no better formula. We can’t trust an app. We can’t trust the news - sorry gentlemen.
We can only trust our intuitions.
So how would I like you to celebrate Dees-Day this year?
If you feel that it was wrong to shoot dead at close range three beautiful innocent young ladies in the prime of their lives then please post a picture of you or your spouse or your children with an Israeli flag. Or just post a picture of an Israeli flag and share it on Facebook, Instagram or whatever social media app you use.
If you don't have an Israeli flag, make one.
I'll show you how.
For too long we have let a small minority try to convince us there is no right and wrong.
Everything is relative
And it's cathartic to do this sometimes because when we do wrong we know we have to make up for it.
But if we pretend that there is no such thing as right and wrong, maybe we can get away scot free?
But that attitude to life is like a cocaine addiction. I am told you can take one shot of cocaine and feel good. And likewise when you convince yourself that there is no right and wrong so the terrible thing I did was not terrible after all.
But then you do something worse and need two shots of cocaine to numb the pain which is caused because your soul really knows it did wrong. Before you know it you're taking 20 shots a day and convincing yourself that any terrorist is justified to kill any innocent civilians because he has HIS cause.
On the other side, my beautiful wife (late wife), Lucy and I have tried to bring up our children with strong moral values
Helping others
Caring for others
Building community
And Baruch Hashem, thank God, I believe that Tali, Keren and Yehuda will do that in their lives and pass those values down to their children and hence play their part in building a better world.
This anonymous terrorist with the Kalashnikov - what did he achieve? A temporary victory? Some marks he can carve into his gun? Where's his future ? Is he spending the time with his children to teach them decent life values? Does he even have children or is he a child himself? A product of a broken culture that does not differentiate between good and evil, so he cannot see a future for himself. He is taking 20 shots of cocaine (one for each bullet) in order to numb his soul which is telling him: YOU ARE PURE EVIL.
The Bible, the best selling book of all time, teaches us one major lesson: We can all make the choice of good and bad. And not only that, we can all recognize good and bad, through our gut feeling (although as Jews we believe that studying it thoroughly makes us even better at getting that gut feeling
Sometimes we see a news article or a social media post that demonises someone good and idolises someone bad. It gets many likes. So we like it too although in our heart of hearts we sort of feel that it's not good for us or mankind. That's a sort of shot of cocaine for us. We overcome the pain of doing something bad by clicking on like which gives a short term (millisecond) high. And so we contribute to the problem because now there are more likes and more people who will share it on.
So let’s reverse this negative loop.
I urge you to post an Israeli flag in a good way (you be the judge) and share it with all your friends and let them share it onwards.
Today is Dees day when we can all differentiate between good and bad by sharing a picture with an Israeli flag.
Let the Israeli flag today send out a message to humanity which is:
We will never accept terror as legitimate
We will never blame the murder on the victims
There is no such thing as moral equivalence between terrorist and victim. The terrorist is ALWAYS BAD.
Imagine children at the beach. I had many years of that.
One girl builds a sand castle, beautiful, skillful, detailed.
A little boy comes along and kicks it over.
An adult who is not the parent of either child tells the mother of the girl who built the sand castle - your daughter is guilty of causing this violence because she built the sand castle in the first place.
Another adult agrees and a third and a fourth.
Isn't that how the world media treats Israel?
We build, they murder us, they destroy. It's your fault, since you built it in the first place.
So let’s make today Dees day, remembering Rina, Maia and Lucy Dee and also remembering the beginning of the turnaround in the second world war when the forces of good started to overcome the forces of evil. And the Dee also stands for Differentiate, because on Dees Day we have to differentiate between good and evil.
The Israeli flag is the sign of good, it is the sign of building something worthy.
The most successful modern state, 75 years old and one of the global leaders in clean technology, saving lives all over the world through drip irrigation, agricultural technology, medicine, computer and phone chips, voice mail, Waze, electric car technology, Intel chips, lab grown meat and so much more
Yes, Israel and GOOD is about building.
Evil is about destruction.
Israel is GOOD
Evil is BAD
Today is a day to say yes to building a better future.
And saying no to anyone who just wishes to destroy it with no better plan about how to build it better, stronger.
World media: show me your true colours.
Do you really believe in moral equivalence?
Will you continue to support evil by giving it a voice?
Am I and my family really a threat to world peace? We who teach kindness and love? We who value life over anything else?
Is this anonymous killer really justified? Is he progressing moral values and a future for himself?
Come on! Wake up! Listen to your souls.
Do you really believe it? Or does it just sell advertising space for material goods that none of us really need?
Is it just blaming the builder for making something that someone else can destroy? Like the parents on the beach.
Have we gone mad?
Or can we still rescue this world from not seeing the difference.
The Israeli flag is a sign of building a better future. And we all know that. It represents the best of Jewish culture which is about building a better world.
Dees day is a day of saying: Differentiate and do not destroy.
The time has come to look at Israel in a new light. First we Jews brought you the Bible, now we bring you a country that has so much good it can share with humanity.
Israel is the startup nation, a builder of so much of what is good for humanity.
My plea to the world is: Support Israel’s cause, don't stand in our way.
Support good over evil.
If we support the good and reject the evil then we can all play our part in building a better world.
So make today Dees day, share a post with an Israeli flag and let the message out:
If we differentiate between good and evil then we can all help make this a better world.
Do it for your soul
Do it for the souls of Maia, Rina and Lucy Dee
Do it for all of humanity
And do it NOW - it has never been more important!
Thank you

Re: Israel

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:03 am
by The Mindsweep
People that are against the Israeli State do not hate its people, Jewish or otherwise. Just as people who are against Putin's Russia etc want what's best for the people. The Israeli State, like the Saudis and others is barbaric with its systematic oppression of peoples within its borders.

Not in the same league of course, but the UK government does not speak for me and criticism of it does not mean the criticism of us all.

Re: Israel

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:54 am
by BoniO
I don’t believe for one second that the account of the terrible incident was written by the father/husband of the victims.

Re: Israel

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:21 am
by Max Fowler
What has happened to this family is so sad but it's pretty sickening seeing the father/husband of the victims making political capital from their murders.

All this death and destruction over whose sky fairy is the true sky fairy. :(

Re: Israel

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:26 am
by Proposition Joe
"My kids are dead, please use this occasion to unequivocally state that an apartheid regime is a good thing, actually".

Actually agree with BoniO, very much doubt that was written by anyone affected though. More than likely some kind of boomer/far right meme bollocks that will be circulated by the unthinking.

Re: Israel

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:28 am
by CEB
orientexpress10-4 wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:50 am Please read the statement below-especially for all the Israel haters:

Hi, I’m Leo Dee and I’d like to tell you about my idea for tonight - it is an international Dees DAY to be celebrated today, the 10th of April.
First of all, let me introduce myself.
I am the husband of Lucy Dee and the father of five beautiful kids.
That is, until Friday morning at 10:52 AM.
The seven of us set off in two cars from our Home in Efrat, near Jerusalem, on Friday morning to meet my parents, sister and nephews who were driving up in a third car for a holiday in
Lucy was with Maia and Rina in our white Nissan Micra and I was with Tali and Yehuda in our brown Nissan Micra.
We were ahead of the other cars. At 11:07 I received a call from my sister who had set off with my parents an hour behind us. She told us that there had been an attack on a car on the route up North, she had been diverted - were we OK? Yes I said, but let me call Lucy.
I called Lucy. No answer. I called Maia. No answer. I called Rina. No answer. Then I saw a missed call from Maia 10:52. I hadn’t noticed it ring and had not picked up the phone. The feeling that she called me during the attack and I wasn’t able to speak to her will come back and haunt me for a while.
I checked Google Family link and saw that they were all located at the Hamra junction. At the same moment, however, Tali had seen, posted on Instagram, a photo that a passing car had taken of the wreck where she saw the back of a white car with a bullet hole and suitcases on the back seat with blood on. The suitcases were ours.
I immediately turned round and drove like a lunatic to the Hamra junction. We got there around 12:30. They wouldn't let us see the car. By this point we knew that two younger girls had been killed by a terrorist with an automatic Kalashnikov rifle (20 bullets) and the older woman had been airlifted to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem.
I wanted to go to be with Lucy in the hospital but we couldn’t believe that this was our car, our family. So I wanted to see the girls, or at least the car for myself.
After what seemed like a lifetime (it was actually three lifetimes) I convinced them to bring us an ID card that they had rescued from the scene. It was Maia’s.
I went numb. I didn’t cry yet. I was highly rational. I went back to the car and drove another hour and a half to the hospital.
Lucy had had two bullets, one through her brain stem and one lodged at the top of her spine. There was an operation, there was reason for hope. But alas, our family of seven is now a family of four.
Today is the first time that the three festivals of Pesach, Easter and Ramadan have coincided for 30 years.
Pesach and Easter are both festivals about redemption making the world into a better place. Fasting on Ramadan, I have learnt, generates empathy for those in need and thereby is also about making the world into a better place. Making the world into a better place is a GOOD THING.
All world religions believe that we have the power to tell the difference between good and evil so that we can choose to do good. And if we choose good then we make the world into a better place.
I am saddened that recently - maybe over the past 20 years of my life, this innate ability to differentiate between good and evil has been gradually lost from humanity.
That’s why I wish to designate today, the 10th April, as Dees day.
The day we Differentiate between good and evil, right and wrong.
And how do we differentiate between good and evil?
We use our gut feeling. Yes. There’s no better formula. We can’t trust an app. We can’t trust the news - sorry gentlemen.
We can only trust our intuitions.
So how would I like you to celebrate Dees-Day this year?
If you feel that it was wrong to shoot dead at close range three beautiful innocent young ladies in the prime of their lives then please post a picture of you or your spouse or your children with an Israeli flag. Or just post a picture of an Israeli flag and share it on Facebook, Instagram or whatever social media app you use.
If you don't have an Israeli flag, make one.
I'll show you how.
For too long we have let a small minority try to convince us there is no right and wrong.
Everything is relative
And it's cathartic to do this sometimes because when we do wrong we know we have to make up for it.
But if we pretend that there is no such thing as right and wrong, maybe we can get away scot free?
But that attitude to life is like a cocaine addiction. I am told you can take one shot of cocaine and feel good. And likewise when you convince yourself that there is no right and wrong so the terrible thing I did was not terrible after all.
But then you do something worse and need two shots of cocaine to numb the pain which is caused because your soul really knows it did wrong. Before you know it you're taking 20 shots a day and convincing yourself that any terrorist is justified to kill any innocent civilians because he has HIS cause.
On the other side, my beautiful wife (late wife), Lucy and I have tried to bring up our children with strong moral values
Helping others
Caring for others
Building community
And Baruch Hashem, thank God, I believe that Tali, Keren and Yehuda will do that in their lives and pass those values down to their children and hence play their part in building a better world.
This anonymous terrorist with the Kalashnikov - what did he achieve? A temporary victory? Some marks he can carve into his gun? Where's his future ? Is he spending the time with his children to teach them decent life values? Does he even have children or is he a child himself? A product of a broken culture that does not differentiate between good and evil, so he cannot see a future for himself. He is taking 20 shots of cocaine (one for each bullet) in order to numb his soul which is telling him: YOU ARE PURE EVIL.
The Bible, the best selling book of all time, teaches us one major lesson: We can all make the choice of good and bad. And not only that, we can all recognize good and bad, through our gut feeling (although as Jews we believe that studying it thoroughly makes us even better at getting that gut feeling
Sometimes we see a news article or a social media post that demonises someone good and idolises someone bad. It gets many likes. So we like it too although in our heart of hearts we sort of feel that it's not good for us or mankind. That's a sort of shot of cocaine for us. We overcome the pain of doing something bad by clicking on like which gives a short term (millisecond) high. And so we contribute to the problem because now there are more likes and more people who will share it on.
So let’s reverse this negative loop.
I urge you to post an Israeli flag in a good way (you be the judge) and share it with all your friends and let them share it onwards.
Today is Dees day when we can all differentiate between good and bad by sharing a picture with an Israeli flag.
Let the Israeli flag today send out a message to humanity which is:
We will never accept terror as legitimate
We will never blame the murder on the victims
There is no such thing as moral equivalence between terrorist and victim. The terrorist is ALWAYS BAD.
Imagine children at the beach. I had many years of that.
One girl builds a sand castle, beautiful, skillful, detailed.
A little boy comes along and kicks it over.
An adult who is not the parent of either child tells the mother of the girl who built the sand castle - your daughter is guilty of causing this violence because she built the sand castle in the first place.
Another adult agrees and a third and a fourth.
Isn't that how the world media treats Israel?
We build, they murder us, they destroy. It's your fault, since you built it in the first place.
So let’s make today Dees day, remembering Rina, Maia and Lucy Dee and also remembering the beginning of the turnaround in the second world war when the forces of good started to overcome the forces of evil. And the Dee also stands for Differentiate, because on Dees Day we have to differentiate between good and evil.
The Israeli flag is the sign of good, it is the sign of building something worthy.
The most successful modern state, 75 years old and one of the global leaders in clean technology, saving lives all over the world through drip irrigation, agricultural technology, medicine, computer and phone chips, voice mail, Waze, electric car technology, Intel chips, lab grown meat and so much more
Yes, Israel and GOOD is about building.
Evil is about destruction.
Israel is GOOD
Evil is BAD
Today is a day to say yes to building a better future.
And saying no to anyone who just wishes to destroy it with no better plan about how to build it better, stronger.
World media: show me your true colours.
Do you really believe in moral equivalence?
Will you continue to support evil by giving it a voice?
Am I and my family really a threat to world peace? We who teach kindness and love? We who value life over anything else?
Is this anonymous killer really justified? Is he progressing moral values and a future for himself?
Come on! Wake up! Listen to your souls.
Do you really believe it? Or does it just sell advertising space for material goods that none of us really need?
Is it just blaming the builder for making something that someone else can destroy? Like the parents on the beach.
Have we gone mad?
Or can we still rescue this world from not seeing the difference.
The Israeli flag is a sign of building a better future. And we all know that. It represents the best of Jewish culture which is about building a better world.
Dees day is a day of saying: Differentiate and do not destroy.
The time has come to look at Israel in a new light. First we Jews brought you the Bible, now we bring you a country that has so much good it can share with humanity.
Israel is the startup nation, a builder of so much of what is good for humanity.
My plea to the world is: Support Israel’s cause, don't stand in our way.
Support good over evil.
If we support the good and reject the evil then we can all play our part in building a better world.
So make today Dees day, share a post with an Israeli flag and let the message out:
If we differentiate between good and evil then we can all help make this a better world.
Do it for your soul
Do it for the souls of Maia, Rina and Lucy Dee
Do it for all of humanity
And do it NOW - it has never been more important!
Thank you

…and then everyone on the bus stood up and applauded

Re: Israel

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:07 pm
by Max B Gold
orientexpress10-4 wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:50 am Please read the statement below-especially for all the Israel haters:

Hi, I’m Leo Dee and I’d like to tell you about my idea for tonight - it is an international Dees DAY to be celebrated today, the 10th of April.
First of all, let me introduce myself.
I am the husband of Lucy Dee and the father of five beautiful kids.
That is, until Friday morning at 10:52 AM.
The seven of us set off in two cars from our Home in Efrat, near Jerusalem, on Friday morning to meet my parents, sister and nephews who were driving up in a third car for a holiday in
Lucy was with Maia and Rina in our white Nissan Micra and I was with Tali and Yehuda in our brown Nissan Micra.
We were ahead of the other cars. At 11:07 I received a call from my sister who had set off with my parents an hour behind us. She told us that there had been an attack on a car on the route up North, she had been diverted - were we OK? Yes I said, but let me call Lucy.
I called Lucy. No answer. I called Maia. No answer. I called Rina. No answer. Then I saw a missed call from Maia 10:52. I hadn’t noticed it ring and had not picked up the phone. The feeling that she called me during the attack and I wasn’t able to speak to her will come back and haunt me for a while.
I checked Google Family link and saw that they were all located at the Hamra junction. At the same moment, however, Tali had seen, posted on Instagram, a photo that a passing car had taken of the wreck where she saw the back of a white car with a bullet hole and suitcases on the back seat with blood on. The suitcases were ours.
I immediately turned round and drove like a lunatic to the Hamra junction. We got there around 12:30. They wouldn't let us see the car. By this point we knew that two younger girls had been killed by a terrorist with an automatic Kalashnikov rifle (20 bullets) and the older woman had been airlifted to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital in Jerusalem.
I wanted to go to be with Lucy in the hospital but we couldn’t believe that this was our car, our family. So I wanted to see the girls, or at least the car for myself.
After what seemed like a lifetime (it was actually three lifetimes) I convinced them to bring us an ID card that they had rescued from the scene. It was Maia’s.
I went numb. I didn’t cry yet. I was highly rational. I went back to the car and drove another hour and a half to the hospital.
Lucy had had two bullets, one through her brain stem and one lodged at the top of her spine. There was an operation, there was reason for hope. But alas, our family of seven is now a family of four.
Today is the first time that the three festivals of Pesach, Easter and Ramadan have coincided for 30 years.
Pesach and Easter are both festivals about redemption making the world into a better place. Fasting on Ramadan, I have learnt, generates empathy for those in need and thereby is also about making the world into a better place. Making the world into a better place is a GOOD THING.
All world religions believe that we have the power to tell the difference between good and evil so that we can choose to do good. And if we choose good then we make the world into a better place.
I am saddened that recently - maybe over the past 20 years of my life, this innate ability to differentiate between good and evil has been gradually lost from humanity.
That’s why I wish to designate today, the 10th April, as Dees day.
The day we Differentiate between good and evil, right and wrong.
And how do we differentiate between good and evil?
We use our gut feeling. Yes. There’s no better formula. We can’t trust an app. We can’t trust the news - sorry gentlemen.
We can only trust our intuitions.
So how would I like you to celebrate Dees-Day this year?
If you feel that it was wrong to shoot dead at close range three beautiful innocent young ladies in the prime of their lives then please post a picture of you or your spouse or your children with an Israeli flag. Or just post a picture of an Israeli flag and share it on Facebook, Instagram or whatever social media app you use.
If you don't have an Israeli flag, make one.
I'll show you how.
For too long we have let a small minority try to convince us there is no right and wrong.
Everything is relative
And it's cathartic to do this sometimes because when we do wrong we know we have to make up for it.
But if we pretend that there is no such thing as right and wrong, maybe we can get away scot free?
But that attitude to life is like a cocaine addiction. I am told you can take one shot of cocaine and feel good. And likewise when you convince yourself that there is no right and wrong so the terrible thing I did was not terrible after all.
But then you do something worse and need two shots of cocaine to numb the pain which is caused because your soul really knows it did wrong. Before you know it you're taking 20 shots a day and convincing yourself that any terrorist is justified to kill any innocent civilians because he has HIS cause.
On the other side, my beautiful wife (late wife), Lucy and I have tried to bring up our children with strong moral values
Helping others
Caring for others
Building community
And Baruch Hashem, thank God, I believe that Tali, Keren and Yehuda will do that in their lives and pass those values down to their children and hence play their part in building a better world.
This anonymous terrorist with the Kalashnikov - what did he achieve? A temporary victory? Some marks he can carve into his gun? Where's his future ? Is he spending the time with his children to teach them decent life values? Does he even have children or is he a child himself? A product of a broken culture that does not differentiate between good and evil, so he cannot see a future for himself. He is taking 20 shots of cocaine (one for each bullet) in order to numb his soul which is telling him: YOU ARE PURE EVIL.
The Bible, the best selling book of all time, teaches us one major lesson: We can all make the choice of good and bad. And not only that, we can all recognize good and bad, through our gut feeling (although as Jews we believe that studying it thoroughly makes us even better at getting that gut feeling
Sometimes we see a news article or a social media post that demonises someone good and idolises someone bad. It gets many likes. So we like it too although in our heart of hearts we sort of feel that it's not good for us or mankind. That's a sort of shot of cocaine for us. We overcome the pain of doing something bad by clicking on like which gives a short term (millisecond) high. And so we contribute to the problem because now there are more likes and more people who will share it on.
So let’s reverse this negative loop.
I urge you to post an Israeli flag in a good way (you be the judge) and share it with all your friends and let them share it onwards.
Today is Dees day when we can all differentiate between good and bad by sharing a picture with an Israeli flag.
Let the Israeli flag today send out a message to humanity which is:
We will never accept terror as legitimate
We will never blame the murder on the victims
There is no such thing as moral equivalence between terrorist and victim. The terrorist is ALWAYS BAD.
Imagine children at the beach. I had many years of that.
One girl builds a sand castle, beautiful, skillful, detailed.
A little boy comes along and kicks it over.
An adult who is not the parent of either child tells the mother of the girl who built the sand castle - your daughter is guilty of causing this violence because she built the sand castle in the first place.
Another adult agrees and a third and a fourth.
Isn't that how the world media treats Israel?
We build, they murder us, they destroy. It's your fault, since you built it in the first place.
So let’s make today Dees day, remembering Rina, Maia and Lucy Dee and also remembering the beginning of the turnaround in the second world war when the forces of good started to overcome the forces of evil. And the Dee also stands for Differentiate, because on Dees Day we have to differentiate between good and evil.
The Israeli flag is the sign of good, it is the sign of building something worthy.
The most successful modern state, 75 years old and one of the global leaders in clean technology, saving lives all over the world through drip irrigation, agricultural technology, medicine, computer and phone chips, voice mail, Waze, electric car technology, Intel chips, lab grown meat and so much more
Yes, Israel and GOOD is about building.
Evil is about destruction.
Israel is GOOD
Evil is BAD
Today is a day to say yes to building a better future.
And saying no to anyone who just wishes to destroy it with no better plan about how to build it better, stronger.
World media: show me your true colours.
Do you really believe in moral equivalence?
Will you continue to support evil by giving it a voice?
Am I and my family really a threat to world peace? We who teach kindness and love? We who value life over anything else?
Is this anonymous killer really justified? Is he progressing moral values and a future for himself?
Come on! Wake up! Listen to your souls.
Do you really believe it? Or does it just sell advertising space for material goods that none of us really need?
Is it just blaming the builder for making something that someone else can destroy? Like the parents on the beach.
Have we gone mad?
Or can we still rescue this world from not seeing the difference.
The Israeli flag is a sign of building a better future. And we all know that. It represents the best of Jewish culture which is about building a better world.
Dees day is a day of saying: Differentiate and do not destroy.
The time has come to look at Israel in a new light. First we Jews brought you the Bible, now we bring you a country that has so much good it can share with humanity.
Israel is the startup nation, a builder of so much of what is good for humanity.
My plea to the world is: Support Israel’s cause, don't stand in our way.
Support good over evil.
If we support the good and reject the evil then we can all play our part in building a better world.
So make today Dees day, share a post with an Israeli flag and let the message out:
If we differentiate between good and evil then we can all help make this a better world.
Do it for your soul
Do it for the souls of Maia, Rina and Lucy Dee
Do it for all of humanity
And do it NOW - it has never been more important!
Thank you
Haven't got time to read that. Can someone summarise and rate it for me.

Re: Israel

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:14 pm
by RedDwarf 1881
BoniO wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:54 am I don’t believe for one second that the account of the terrible incident was written by the father/husband of the victims.
Why ?

Re: Israel

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:24 pm
by Stowaway
RedDwarf 1881 wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:14 pm
BoniO wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:54 am I don’t believe for one second that the account of the terrible incident was written by the father/husband of the victims.
Why ?
Go on, have a guess

Re: Israel

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 7:12 am
by FrankOFile
BoniO wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:54 am I don’t believe for one second that the account of the terrible incident was written by the father/husband of the victims.
You have proof or just feel like wildly speculating?

Re: Israel

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 7:33 am
by Mick McQuaid

Re: Israel

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 7:41 am
by Rich Tea Wellin
All very odd

Re: Israel

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:17 am
by BoniO
OK - I clearly got that one wrong. Whilst I feel for the guy and am amazed that he made such a statement, I don’t agree with his views on the State of Israel being a force for good.

Re: Israel

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:24 am
by Proposition Joe
Holy sh*t, he actually did say that? I have the utmost sympathy for the grief he must be experiencing but he comes across like he's been radicalised.

Re: Israel

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:27 am
by Max Fowler
OTF Photography Ltd wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 7:41 am All very odd
It's not odd at all, what he says given his situation is perfectly understandable.

Re: Israel

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:28 am
by Max Fowler
20 years on and nothing has changed. It's so terribly sad and totally unnecessary :(

Re: Israel

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:55 am
by Max B Gold
TRUMP Plumbing wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:28 am 20 years on and nothing has changed. It's so terribly sad and totally unnecessary :(

It's always been like that. It's an intractable situation. Much like Norn IREland.

Re: Israel

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:59 am
by RedDwarf 1881
Stowaway wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 10:24 pm
RedDwarf 1881 wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 4:14 pm
BoniO wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:54 am I don’t believe for one second that the account of the terrible incident was written by the father/husband of the victims.
Why ?
Go on, have a guess
No . Please enlighten me .

Re: Israel

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:03 am
by Currywurst and Chips
Hamas sending thousands of rockets and gunmen into Israel 22 dead already and hundreds injured :( ... t-67037895

Re: Israel

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:20 am
by Daily Express bot
Let us pray for an an immediate ceasefire and long term peace.

Re: Israel

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:01 pm
by Dunners
Iran is going to fight Israel until the last Palestinian.

Re: Israel

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:16 pm
by Proposition Joe
Weird that this thread has stayed dormant throughout all the Israeli incursions and civilian killings over the previous months yet as soon as Hamas start up, people suddenly want to comment.

Re: Israel

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:28 pm
by Long slender neck
Why didn't you post them?

Re: Israel

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:40 pm
by Rich Tea Wellin
Wouldn’t be surprised if Israel uses nukes. Unhinged state.