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Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:50 pm
by tuffers#1
Gilso cant you calm him down ?

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:56 pm
by Long slender neck
What happened to Chloe Middleton the 21yo who is said to have died from covid19 and had no underlying illness? A few days ago the guardian posted an article about how this was false, the cororner had put it down to covid19 simply because she had a cough and she actually died of a heart attack. The article has been taken down since.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:05 pm
by o-no
What do you think happened? Are you suggesting the article was removed for some nefarious purpose?

Maybe they just removed it because they had previously reported that she died of C-19 (I believe her family reported this initially) then they had to correct it based on the coroners report, so the whole point of the original article - that she was one of the youngest people without an underlying condition to die - was wrong, and perhaps unnecessarily scary for those not willing to read or understand the later correction.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:09 pm
by tuffers#1
Prestige Worldwide wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 5:56 pm What happened to Chloe Middleton the 21yo who is said to have died from covid19 and had no underlying illness? A few days ago the guardian posted an article about how this was false, the cororner had put it down to covid19 simply because she had a cough and she actually died of a heart attack. The article has been taken down since.
Most death certificates have more than 1 cause of death

My mums was

1 a Lower respiratory tract infection
1 b bronchiectasis.

Had she not suffered with b then a , most likely would not have killed her.
If i had the lower respiratory infection my mum had , strong anti-biotics would have
Cleared it.

If the lungs are under immense stress as would happen with covid it is probable
that other major organs would fail , ie a heart attack .

Had Chloe Middleton not had Covid symptoms/virus then it is probable
she would not have died from a heart attack

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:16 pm
by Long slender neck
o-no wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:05 pm What do you think happened? Are you suggesting the article was removed for some nefarious purpose?

Maybe they just removed it because they had previously reported that she died of C-19 (I believe her family reported this initially) then they had to correct it based on the coroners report, so the whole point of the original article - that she was one of the youngest people without an underlying condition to die - was wrong, and perhaps unnecessarily scary for those not willing to read or understand the later correction.
The link just now says the article is under review. Maybe they made a mistake, maybe theres a legal thing, if I knew I wouldn't be asking.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:47 pm
by Currywurst and Chips
Uplifting to hear George Alagiah has beaten Coronavirus despite having terminal bowel cancer

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 9:29 pm
by tuffers#1

Hey Thor

You'll love this.
Its all because of 5G


Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:08 pm
by Thor
I've heard that one. It's funny that countries that don't have 5g don't have coronavirus. Interesting.......

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:49 pm
by Thor
This report seems honest and on the ball. ... X/fulltext

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:58 pm
by Lovejoy

Enough here to keep Thor happy for a few days.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:15 pm
by Real Al
Thor wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:08 pm I've heard that one. It's funny that countries that don't have 5g don't have coronavirus. Interesting.......
Interesting? As in, "that's complete and utter bollocks believed by the unhinged" presumably.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:41 am
by Thor

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:59 am
by o-no
Totalitarian regime in "trying to control the news" shocker. Well, hold the front page.

You should ring some Chinese people to find out what's happened, they're required by law (LAW) to have mobile phones!!

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:28 am
by slacker
He’s a tw*t, the head of the ridiculous Free Speech Union, and serial whiner about The Evil Of State Tyranny. He also sounds here like the Auschwitz Accountant explaining to his boss what’s the best way to keep the Camp costs down, but I link to it because I suspect many of our Libertarian friends (and Faragists, & taxi-driver-speaks types) will agree with him:

Tl:dr version: this lockdown is all a bloody overreaction. Just let’s get back to normal now and let a few extra oldies and sickos die - they’ll be dead enough soon anyway.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:54 am
by BoniO
Toby Young should have been exposed on the hillside at birth. A totally obnoxious waste of a human being.

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:05 am
by A Pedant
Thor wrote: Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:08 pm It's funny that countries that don't have 5g don't have coronavirus. Interesting.......
Incorrect. 34 counties have 5G (source), Covid-19 is affecting 203 countries as of today (source).

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:18 am
by Ronnie Hotdogs
Can’t work out if Gilso is playing a character, as he did with that Takingthemic, or if he really is this batshit crazy....?

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:10 am
by NuneatonO's
Despite some people believing that this Tory Government is doing 'a great job', The Guardian today covers some key questions that despite the daily BS briefings, remain unanswered ( despite being asked continually):

Coronavirus: key questions over UK government's handling of crisis

The government is coming under increasing scrutiny over the way it has handled the response to the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some of the unanswered questions that have arisen from key areas:

1 Why did the UK decide to abandon testing and tracing contacts of everyone with symptoms in spite of a plea by the World Health Organization to “test, test, test”?
2 The government has pledged to reach 100,000 tests for infections a day – but when?
- And will that include carers and other essential workers as well as those on the NHS frontline?
3 The Prime Minister has said an antibody test will be a game changer. But when will the home test be available?
- And how can restrictions on those who test positive in the community be lifted in a fair and safe way?

1 Why did the British government decide not to take part in the EU scheme of bulk-buying of ventilators?
2 Some ventilator manufacturing firms have reported selling their machines to other countries – after receiving no response when offering them to the UK government.
- Is this true?
- Were there too few officials liaising with business on this vital project?
3 The Government has now made a number of bulk orders for ventilators.
- But will enough be ready in time to meet demand at the expected peak of the outbreak?
- And what are the contingency plans if they do not?

Personal Protective Equipment

1 Given the first cases of coronavirus in Britain emerged on 30 January, why has the NHS in recent weeks had such limited stocks of vital PPE such as FFP3 masks, visor/goggles and surgical gowns?
2 Why did Public Health England decide to issue advice to NHS staff on PPE that is different to that of the World Health Organization, and on what evidence was the decision based?
3 Given the concerns about asymptomatic transmission, should all patients be considered potential Covid-19 carriers?
- This would mean PHE guidelines being applied to all hospital areas, not just those containing confirmed Covid-19 patients

1 Other countries, including Israel, Russia, Japan, Germany, France, moved much more quickly to fly their citizens home.
- Why has it taken so long for the UK Government to do the same?
2 On Monday, the foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, said that where possible, commercial “airlines will be responsible for getting passengers home” and “that means offering alternative flights at little to no cost where routes have been cancelled”.
- But what if airlines are charging in some cases £3,000 per person to get from places such as Pakistan or Thailand? (In my case, Australia & New Zealand).
- Is the government going to subsidise airlines – or will it reimburse British passengers?
3 What is the government’s policy on repatriation of EU citizens or other foreign nationals who are settled in the UK?
- Can they get a seat on the charter flights if they have settled status or indefinite leave to remain and can demonstrate they live in the UK?

So there you have it. In particular, PPE and other shortfalls of equipment for NHS Staff are the primary concern here; particularly as my Wife works as a Nurse. As a Travel Agent, I have particular interest in the Repatriation angle as well. The response of the Government and FCO to date has been nothing short of an absolute disaster. They truly have been utterly clueless.

Notwithstanding that, I have watched all of the daily briefings; they fail to inspire us with any confidence whatsoever. Hand on heart, this isn't because we are members of the Labour Party. Rest assured, if our Party were handling this situation in the same chaotic manner, we would be just as similarly disgusted as we are under the leadership of Johnson & Co. :clown

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 12:13 pm
by Ronnie Hotdogs
NuneatonO's wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:10 am Despite some people believing that this Tory Government is doing 'a great job', The Guardian today covers some key questions that despite the daily BS briefings, remain unanswered ( despite being asked continually):

Coronavirus: key questions over UK government's handling of crisis

The government is coming under increasing scrutiny over the way it has handled the response to the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some of the unanswered questions that have arisen from key areas:

1 Why did the UK decide to abandon testing and tracing contacts of everyone with symptoms in spite of a plea by the World Health Organization to “test, test, test”?
2 The government has pledged to reach 100,000 tests for infections a day – but when?
- And will that include carers and other essential workers as well as those on the NHS frontline?
3 The Prime Minister has said an antibody test will be a game changer. But when will the home test be available?
- And how can restrictions on those who test positive in the community be lifted in a fair and safe way?

1 Why did the British government decide not to take part in the EU scheme of bulk-buying of ventilators?
2 Some ventilator manufacturing firms have reported selling their machines to other countries – after receiving no response when offering them to the UK government.
- Is this true?
- Were there too few officials liaising with business on this vital project?
3 The Government has now made a number of bulk orders for ventilators.
- But will enough be ready in time to meet demand at the expected peak of the outbreak?
- And what are the contingency plans if they do not?

Personal Protective Equipment

1 Given the first cases of coronavirus in Britain emerged on 30 January, why has the NHS in recent weeks had such limited stocks of vital PPE such as FFP3 masks, visor/goggles and surgical gowns?
2 Why did Public Health England decide to issue advice to NHS staff on PPE that is different to that of the World Health Organization, and on what evidence was the decision based?
3 Given the concerns about asymptomatic transmission, should all patients be considered potential Covid-19 carriers?
- This would mean PHE guidelines being applied to all hospital areas, not just those containing confirmed Covid-19 patients

1 Other countries, including Israel, Russia, Japan, Germany, France, moved much more quickly to fly their citizens home.
- Why has it taken so long for the UK Government to do the same?
2 On Monday, the foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, said that where possible, commercial “airlines will be responsible for getting passengers home” and “that means offering alternative flights at little to no cost where routes have been cancelled”.
- But what if airlines are charging in some cases £3,000 per person to get from places such as Pakistan or Thailand? (In my case, Australia & New Zealand).
- Is the government going to subsidise airlines – or will it reimburse British passengers?
3 What is the government’s policy on repatriation of EU citizens or other foreign nationals who are settled in the UK?
- Can they get a seat on the charter flights if they have settled status or indefinite leave to remain and can demonstrate they live in the UK?

So there you have it. In particular, PPE and other shortfalls of equipment for NHS Staff are the primary concern here; particularly as my Wife works as a Nurse. As a Travel Agent, I have particular interest in the Repatriation angle as well. The response of the Government and FCO to date has been nothing short of an absolute disaster. They truly have been utterly clueless.

Notwithstanding that, I have watched all of the daily briefings; they fail to inspire us with any confidence whatsoever. Hand on heart, this isn't because we are members of the Labour Party. Rest assured, if our Party were handling this situation in the same chaotic manner, we would be just as similarly disgusted as we are under the leadership of Johnson & Co. :clown
Now is not the time for questions, we need to unite and get behind our Government etc etc

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 1:38 pm
by BoniO
Well, well, article last night in the Torygraph - even they are recognising the incompetence. ... -mounting/

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:32 pm
by Long slender neck
563 deaths in 24 hours :(((

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:53 pm
by Ronnie Hotdogs
Still no f*cking testing and still inadequate PPE for our frontline medical staff. This f*cking government. :x

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:02 pm
by NuneatonO's
RedO wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:53 pm Still no f*cking testing and still inadequate PPE for our frontline medical staff. This f*cking government. :x
Be patient.

I'm sure that the next Tory Press Briefing will contain the usual BS, rhetoric, meaningless drivel and question-dodging by these incompetent @rseholes in charge of our lives.

My Wife and her colleagues are now at their wits end. I have never seen her so utterly frustrated; nor feeling so helpless with what they are expected to deliver. :(((

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:04 pm
by Long slender neck
Testing seems like a shambles, how hard can it be?

Re: Coronavirus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:12 pm
by NuneatonO's
Prestige Worldwide wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:04 pm Testing seems like a shambles, how hard can it be?
If you are a member of the Royal Family or Johnson & Co.clearly not very.