Trump orders GM to make Ventilators

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Trump orders GM to make Ventilators

Post by tuffers#1 »

Trump blames General Motots before ordering
them To make ventilators .
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Re: Trump orders GM to make Ventilators

Post by DonaldRocks »

tuffers#1 wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:06 am

Trump blames General Motots before ordering
them To make ventilators .
Seriously, this Conman/Madman needs to be removed by the 25th Ammendment of the US constitution but he has made this more difficult as aload of the administration around him are just "Acting" rather than Senate appointed (A corrupted Senate under Republican/GOP, Mitch McConnell and friends). In years to come, Conman in Chief, along with many others will and should be locked up. Remember, Everything" Trumps touches dies".
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Re: Trump orders GM to make Ventilators

Post by Mikero »

Why pick on a car company? They don't even make their own air-con systems, like most parts they are outsourced, probably from Asia. Find companies that do similar sorts of things like clean air systems for hospitals, laboratory extraction equipment even vacuum makers.

The cluelessness that keeps on giving.

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Re: Trump orders GM to make Ventilators

Post by DonaldRocks »

Mikero wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:31 am Why pick on a car company? They don't even make their own air-con systems, like most parts they are outsourced, probably from Asia. Find companies that do similar sorts of things like clean air systems for hospitals, laboratory extraction equipment even vacuum makers.

The cluelessness that keeps on giving.

He isn't enforcing the act. He is just hoping that companies end up switching. If their is nothing in it for the "Dear Leader", he will throw you under the bus. This idiot wouldn't last one day in any other company never mind being a CEO.
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Re: Trump orders GM to make Ventilators

Post by o-no »

Absolutely, but the American public are so split down partisan lines that if the Republican party put up a chimp in a hat, they'd still vote for it
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Re: Trump orders GM to make Ventilators

Post by Dohnut »

o-no wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 10:07 am Absolutely, but the American public are so split down partisan lines that if the Republican party put up a chimp in a hat, they'd still vote for it
As do many people in other countries no doubt. The last UK election was quite rare in that people turned on historical loyalties and we all know why.

Your post made me think, so I looked it up. Democrats and Republicans are almost 50/50 in providing presidents over the past 50 years. Suggests to me that each party does, as you suggest, have its core supporters but there are enough floaters to be able to switch the balance of power quite regularly.

So your chimp and Republican Party quip equally applies to the Democrats. Most probably.
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Re: Trump orders GM to make Ventilators

Post by DonaldRocks »

o-no wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 10:07 am Absolutely, but the American public are so split down partisan lines that if the Republican party put up a chimp in a hat, they'd still vote for it
They don't have a Republican Party" anymore! It's been taken over by a Right Wing Racist Trumpist Cult. The real Republicans are now working for the Resistance. The Cult call them RINOS (Republicans In Name Only). Dipshit is trying to threaten and sue the media for showing himself calling it a "Democrat Hoax". Fox News and OANN needs to be shutdown. Alarm bells should have been ringing off the charts when a criminal that has been in court 6,500 times before getting elected. Fook me, thank fook I've only been in court once as foreman of a jury trial.
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Re: Trump orders GM to make Ventilators

Post by tuffers#1 »

Mikero wrote: Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:31 am Why pick on a car company? They don't even make their own air-con systems, like most parts they are outsourced, probably from Asia. Find companies that do similar sorts of things like clean air systems for hospitals, laboratory extraction equipment even vacuum makers.

The cluelessness that keeps on giving.

He's them for.closing 1 of there factories
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