Liverpool game

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Liverpool game

Post by moonwalk19 »

Why was the Liverpool game last night not cancelled. The outbreak of the virus in Spain particurly in Madrid which has over 1000 persons who currently have the virus with over 30 deaths. Apparently over 3000 Madrid fans travelled to the game last night.Where is the sense in that. We should follow the USA and start banning incoming flights from all parts of Italy and Spain
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Re: Liverpool game

Post by Howling Mad Murdock »

You are right.I did wonder why he took Oxlade Chamerlian off at the time and Adrian had a nightmare.

I'm no Ross Embelton though even though I've won many trophies on Championship Manager and know a good formation when I see one.😅
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Re: Liverpool game

Post by ComeOnYouOs »

moonwalk19 wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:45 am Why was the Liverpool game last night not cancelled. The outbreak of the virus in Spain particurly in Madrid which has over 1000 persons who currently have the virus with over 30 deaths. Apparently over 3000 Madrid fans travelled to the game last night.Where is the sense in that. We should follow the USA and start banning incoming flights from all parts of Italy and Spain
Absolutely.......100% correct. The governments attitude to Covid-19 is very lackadaisical . Having 3000 people from one of the highest infected places, mingling with Liverpool people, is ridiculous. Same with Cheltenham.......up to 500 million people from all over the world, mixing in close proximity with each other, is foolhardy at the least.
Large gatherings of people should have been banned 2 weeks ago, like it has in Italy, and other places. Its almost as if the Government is happy for anyone to get the virus,m and eventually it will die away, and we'll be back to normal.....after all its only the plebs who will get it and die
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Re: Liverpool game

Post by Howling Mad Murdock »

Yup still buisness as usual till it all kicks off.
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Re: Liverpool game

Post by Ronnie Hotdogs »

ComeOnYouOs wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:48 am Same with Cheltenham.......up to 500 million people from all over the world, mixing in close proximity with each other, is foolhardy at the least.
Blimey, is it that big?
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Re: Liverpool game

Post by Thor »

RedO wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:05 pm
ComeOnYouOs wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:48 am Same with Cheltenham.......up to 500 million people from all over the world, mixing in close proximity with each other, is foolhardy at the least.
Blimey, is it that big?
People moan we have too many people in this country, no wonder when cheltenham brings in 500 million people, now I understand why they moan.🤓
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Re: Liverpool game

Post by tuffers#1 »

Thor wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:03 pm
RedO wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:05 pm
ComeOnYouOs wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:48 am Same with Cheltenham.......up to 500 million people from all over the world, mixing in close proximity with each other, is foolhardy at the least.
Blimey, is it that big?
People moan we have too many people in this country, no wonder when cheltenham brings in 500 million people, now I understand why they moan.🤓
Nearly as silly as claiming that an illness is really a SECRET Biological weapon 🤓
Last edited by tuffers#1 on Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Liverpool game

Post by Thor »

Tuffers, they are closing down countries, they don't do that with the flu, they didn't do this with Ebola, they didn't do this with SARS. We are not being told the truth in what the hell is going on.

Flu - 650k people a year die with it. That's a lot of people I'm sure you agree. Yet nothing happens in terms of what we are seeing now. Only a few thousand people have died and they are locking down countries, making people isolate themselves. Mate wake up, it's bad really bad and we have not been told why this has exploded to what we are seeing, hearing, and watching.
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Re: Liverpool game

Post by Beradogs »

It’s nothing to do with the amount of deaths vs the flu. It’s to do with peoples perception and the economic cost. People are panicking about one and don’t care about the other. When celebrities start recovering, death rates are stable at 1% or less and treatments are available then it will not be a thing anymore. There is something in the human psyche that doesn’t like the clear known in terms of the virus jumping from animals into humans and the Chinese connection as well.
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Re: Liverpool game

Post by tuffers#1 »

Thor wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 6:20 pm Tuffers, they are closing down countries, they don't do that with the flu, they didn't do this with Ebola, they didn't do this with SARS. We are not being told the truth in what the hell is going on.

Flu - 650k people a year die with it. That's a lot of people I'm sure you agree. Yet nothing happens in terms of what we are seeing now. Only a few thousand people have died and they are locking down countries, making people isolate themselves. Mate wake up, it's bad really bad and we have not been told why this has exploded to what we are seeing, hearing, and watching.
Its all abouth TRUTH

KIN hell Thory Boy
In December you didnt give a F*ck about " THE TRUTH " When Bojo & Cummings were lying to ya .

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