Power cut?

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Power cut?

Post by LeytonOstone »

This is on UK Power Network website
https://www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk/power ... D-230496-J
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Howling Mad Murdock
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Re: Power cut?

Post by Howling Mad Murdock »

Ah LeytonOstone...Happened to me two days back.I was in bed as I was up at 3am.

Power cut warning light came on which comes on when the power is cut (hopefully)...Also wakes me up at a set time also.Thought it was time to get up.Then realised no power and after checking MCB's realised it was a power cut.Last time I rang them up and made myself look like a berk because it was a main MCB tripped..

Had checked my neighbours hall light and that didn't come on either.Checked the house next door but they had power but I learn't last time we had a power cut some houses are on a different circuit.Went back to bed but was woken up just before twelve as a motion bulb lit due to the power being restored.

Got a text next day warning me of power cut but I don't really waste too much time staring at my phone so I missed it.
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