How does ross pick the team?

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How does ross pick the team?

Post by Pandy »

I reckon he hides the shirts around the ground and who ever finds one gets to play in any position they want.
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by Max B Gold »

He doesn't. Ling does.
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by tuffers#1 »

He picks who is the least sh*t in training.
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by Frogger »

It’s so hard to choose from a huge squad of sh*t.
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by Horient »

With a proper manager this squad is just fine to compete for mid-table in this division. For a reason that actually beggars belief, we have an utterly poo poo manager that hugely impacts their ability.
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by RedDwarf 1881 »

Horient wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:57 pm With a proper manager this squad is just fine to compete for mid-table in this division. For a reason that actually beggars belief, we have an utterly poo poo manager that hugely impacts their ability.
Ross has no safety net . If results don't improve and sharpish, he will get sacked .
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by BiggsyMalone »

Gets Stevie Wonder to do a Tombola
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by Disoriented »

Does anyone have any clue?
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by Lucky7 »

Disoriented wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2020 8:43 am Does anyone have any clue?
Well we know your clueless about politics and football
What’s your excuse?
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by Chicken Dhansak »

What he does is get a squad photograph and a hat full of pieces of paper with playing positions on them. He then blindfolds
himself and throws the dart at the photo. You've got Lingy pulling out a position and that's the player playing and what his
position will be.
I know that sounds daft, but how else can Embleton manage to produce these set ups week in and week out. :roll:
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by LittleMate »

Horient wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2020 11:57 pm With a proper manager this squad is just fine to compete for mid-table in this division. For a reason that actually beggars belief, we have an utterly poo poo manager that hugely impacts their ability.
I don't think RE is poo poo but the make up of the management team does not give the right blend to getting the best out of the team. RE = nice bloke; DW = nice bloke; Jobi = nice bloke. They probably have to lose their rags, which is not natural to them, to get a reaction. We need an enforcer around the club - that's what JE was. He imposed the discipline and the demands with Ross and Danny running around providing a shoulder to lean on. That does not mean that RE can't manage the squad, but the management team needs a harder edge in its approach that it probably does not have. Ling can't help in that, as he's a wet lettuce. He had Dean Smith for that. The quicker we provide that balance, the faster we improve.
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by OyinbO »

He holds a séance
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by Rich Tea Wellin »

In this order:

1) Relations of staff
2) Justins mates
3) Whoever can be shoehorned into an unnatural position

The remaining slots are dictated by the following equation goal threat - age. Lowest numbers get in first.
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Re: How does ross pick the team?

Post by KC & sunshine band »


really made me laff and spot on

Like 50 years ago over Hackney marshes when the shout was " who can fit into this shirt "

My mate Sidney was the fatest and always ended up in goal

I was always right back - dont ask

and Albert only played because he was the only one with a ball
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