Team vs Wallsall

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Sid Bishop
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Re: Team vs Wallsall

Post by Sid Bishop »

Ross needs to stick to just being a trainer and putting the cones out. When it comes to tactics, game management, team selection and a presence about him, plus many other things a good manager needs in his locker, he is really lacking. Also seems to have made some players, Clay for instance, ''undropables'' Lastly, just do not understand why Hector has not had a chance of a game over Christmas and New year.
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Re: Team vs Wallsall

Post by DonaldRocks »

RoryRocks wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:23 pm
Smendrick Feaselberg wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:21 pm
RoryRocks wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:08 pm Almost every other manager rotates a squad during the festive period apart from RE, maybe I will be proven wrong but he does appear to be clueless. The undropables have a huge hold on this manager or coach or whatever he is supposed to be.

Anyway, all the best for the new year to all you O's
Really? There's been quite a generous amount of time inbetween games compared to past years and we're not playing on Saturday so why rotate players?

Perhaps to freshen things up with people who may have the legs to last 90.
I had a feeling this was going to happen, sure what do I know.
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