Death Penalty

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Re: Death Penalty

Post by StillSpike »

Sounds fun
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Max B Gold »

Prestige Worldwide wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 3:45 pm But what about having a load of mentalists on drugs everywhere?
They're all around you already.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by CreamofSumYungGai »

Even when not Boardin'?
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Proposition Joe »

Max B Gold wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:06 pm
Prestige Worldwide wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 3:45 pm But what about having a load of mentalists on drugs everywhere?
They're all around you already.
Or the numbers of addicts will actually reduce, as in the only country to properly try decriminalisation so far: ... 3famp=true

Overused expression but 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results'. That applies very neatly to every single genius on here saying either 'just bang 'em all up', 'make prison sentences LONGER!' or 'make prisons into hell holes and remove everyone's rights, that'll learn them!'.

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Re: Death Penalty

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

Proposition Joe wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:24 pm
Max B Gold wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:06 pm
Prestige Worldwide wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 3:45 pm But what about having a load of mentalists on drugs everywhere?
They're all around you already.
Or the numbers of addicts will actually reduce, as in the only country to properly try decriminalisation so far: ... 3famp=true

Overused expression but 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results'. That applies very neatly to every single genius on here saying either 'just bang 'em all up', 'make prison sentences LONGER!' or 'make prisons into hell holes and remove everyone's rights, that'll learn them!'.

So the answer is.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Proposition Joe »

I mean, the suggestion is there in the post. You could always read it and then comment.

But either way, your ideas have been proven not to work so why do you propose the same stuff again? If you have a headache and find that punching yourself in the face doesn't relieve the symptoms, do you a) stop punching yourself in the face or b) say 'well what ELSE am I going to do, eh?' without considering any other options? Obviously you're gonna say b) but just laying it out there how daft that looks.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

Proposition Joe wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:55 pm I mean, the suggestion is there in the post. You could always read it and then comment.

But either way, your ideas have been proven not to work so why do you propose the same stuff again? If you have a headache and find that punching yourself in the face doesn't relieve the symptoms, do you a) stop punching yourself in the face or b) say 'well what ELSE am I going to do, eh?' without considering any other options? Obviously you're gonna say b) but just laying it out there how daft that looks.
If you read my comment specifically relating to drugs you will see my suggestion that decriminalisation plus NHS supply of drug, combined with rehab was what I suggested. Helping rather than punishing those caught up in the cycle. Perhaps not down to them but the circumstances in which they find themselves. Compassionate.

BUT, having put such a system in place there will be those that choose to ignore it and still supply drugs for their personal gain. These people should be removed from society as they don’t have any other interest other than peddling death and misery. Lock em up as they are beyond rehabilitation. Who gives a sh*t about them, they don’t for anyone else. Don’t give a toss if it done work so long as they are off the streets and unable to continue their disgusting trade.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Lucky7 »

Are you counting legal painkillers etc to that list mr doh nut? As they are the the highest percentage of addictive drugs in the UK
Do the GP’s and hospital drs etc need a long stretch inside to reflect why they are pushing these on people
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by CreamofSumYungGai »

Proposition Joe wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:55 pm I mean, the suggestion is there in the post. You could always read it and then comment.

But either way, your ideas have been proven not to work so why do you propose the same stuff again? If you have a headache and find that punching yourself in the face doesn't relieve the symptoms, do you a) stop punching yourself in the face or b) say 'well what ELSE am I going to do, eh?' without considering any other options? Obviously you're gonna say b) but just laying it out there how daft that looks.
He could get someone else to punch him in the face? Sure there will be no end of willing helpers.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

Lucky7 wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:35 pm Are you counting legal painkillers etc to that list mr doh nut? As they are the the highest percentage of addictive drugs in the UK
Do the GP’s and hospital drs etc need a long stretch inside to reflect why they are pushing these on people
By and large I’m happy to accept decisions made by the medical profession when prescribing drugs. Not too sure they constitute being drug dealers peddling all sorts of illegal sh*t on street corners. But fair enough if you view them that way.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Lucky7 »

dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:38 pm
Lucky7 wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:35 pm Are you counting legal painkillers etc to that list mr doh nut? As they are the the highest percentage of addictive drugs in the UK
Do the GP’s and hospital drs etc need a long stretch inside to reflect why they are pushing these on people
By and large I’m happy to accept decisions made by the medical profession when prescribing drugs. Not too sure they constitute being drug dealers peddling all sorts of illegal sh*t on street corners. But fair enough if you view them that way.
So your happy that the nhs etc has allowed people to become addicted to certain drugs
Your saying it’s ok cos it’s a dr
For me it’s equally as bad
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

Lucky7 wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:43 pm
dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:38 pm
Lucky7 wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:35 pm Are you counting legal painkillers etc to that list mr doh nut? As they are the the highest percentage of addictive drugs in the UK
Do the GP’s and hospital drs etc need a long stretch inside to reflect why they are pushing these on people
By and large I’m happy to accept decisions made by the medical profession when prescribing drugs. Not too sure they constitute being drug dealers peddling all sorts of illegal sh*t on street corners. But fair enough if you view them that way.
So your happy that the nhs etc has allowed people to become addicted to certain drugs
Your saying it’s ok cos it’s a dr
For me it’s equally as bad
So prescribing addictive drugs to alleviate pain, and for no personal financial gain is equally as bad as selling drugs mixed with all sorts of sh*t to kids on street corners, for money are the same, fair enough. I don’t
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Lucky7 »

Your missing the point as per usual
I’m saying that a higher percentage of people get addicted to prescription drugs and your saying well that’s ok cos there prescribed
which bit don’t you understand
Shall I draw you a picture

So all in all there’s a huge drug prescribed or not problem in the UK
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by CreamofSumYungGai »

It’s all about making money, whether it be Big Pharma or the illegal gangsters.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Lucky7 »

CreamofSumYungGai wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:56 pm It’s all about making money, whether it be Big Pharma or the illegal gangsters.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

Lucky7 wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:55 pm Your missing the point as per usual
I’m saying that a higher percentage of people get addicted to prescription drugs and your saying well that’s ok cos there prescribed
which bit don’t you understand
Shall I draw you a picture

So all in all there’s a huge drug prescribed or not problem in the UK
No I’m not missing your point, I’m choosing not to get involved in some spurious discussion that is intended to simply dig at the medical profession for reasons known only to you. I guess you have some personal axe to grind.

I prefer to differentiate between legally prescribed, well tested and manufactured drugs prescribed by professional people for medical reasons, despite all drugs having potential side effects and scumbag dealers peddling sh*t product for personal profit irrespective of the carnage it creates.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Mistadobalina »

dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:25 pm
Proposition Joe wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:55 pm I mean, the suggestion is there in the post. You could always read it and then comment.

But either way, your ideas have been proven not to work so why do you propose the same stuff again? If you have a headache and find that punching yourself in the face doesn't relieve the symptoms, do you a) stop punching yourself in the face or b) say 'well what ELSE am I going to do, eh?' without considering any other options? Obviously you're gonna say b) but just laying it out there how daft that looks.
If you read my comment specifically relating to drugs you will see my suggestion that decriminalisation plus NHS supply of drug, combined with rehab was what I suggested. Helping rather than punishing those caught up in the cycle. Perhaps not down to them but the circumstances in which they find themselves. Compassionate.

BUT, having put such a system in place there will be those that choose to ignore it and still supply drugs for their personal gain. These people should be removed from society as they don’t have any other interest other than peddling death and misery. Lock em up as they are beyond rehabilitation. Who gives a sh*t about them, they don’t for anyone else. Don’t give a toss if it done work so long as they are off the streets and unable to continue their disgusting trade.
Why do you think drug dealers are uniquely beyond rehabilitation and redemption? Genuinely interested. In your world, Anthony Joshua would still be in jail. At what age do they become no hopers? 17? 18? How much product do they need to be shifting to be banged up forever? Is this for all illegal drugs or just class A's?

If you have kids over the age of 16, there's a good chance they've bought from dealers. There's a chance they've bought from dealers on behalf of mates, making them dealers in the eyes of the law.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Lucky7 »

dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:06 pm
Lucky7 wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:55 pm Your missing the point as per usual
I’m saying that a higher percentage of people get addicted to prescription drugs and your saying well that’s ok cos there prescribed
which bit don’t you understand
Shall I draw you a picture

So all in all there’s a huge drug prescribed or not problem in the UK
No I’m not missing your point, I’m choosing not to get involved in some spurious discussion that is intended to simply dig at the medical profession for reasons known only to you. I guess you have some personal axe to grind.

I prefer to differentiate between legally prescribed, well tested and manufactured drugs prescribed by professional people for medical reasons, despite all drugs having potential side effects and scumbag dealers peddling sh*t product for personal profit irrespective of the carnage it creates.
You still don’t get it do you

at least you got your username correct I’ll give you that one
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Mikero »

There is a major opiate crisis in the USA, due it is said, to the over-promotion of prescription drugs by the pharma companies. Medical staff have to go out on patrol with police units to inject people who have passed out in the street with an antidote.

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Re: Death Penalty

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

Lucky7 wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:15 pm
dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:06 pm
Lucky7 wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:55 pm Your missing the point as per usual
I’m saying that a higher percentage of people get addicted to prescription drugs and your saying well that’s ok cos there prescribed
which bit don’t you understand
Shall I draw you a picture

So all in all there’s a huge drug prescribed or not problem in the UK
No I’m not missing your point, I’m choosing not to get involved in some spurious discussion that is intended to simply dig at the medical profession for reasons known only to you. I guess you have some personal axe to grind.

I prefer to differentiate between legally prescribed, well tested and manufactured drugs prescribed by professional people for medical reasons, despite all drugs having potential side effects and scumbag dealers peddling sh*t product for personal profit irrespective of the carnage it creates.
You still don’t get it do you

at least you got your username correct I’ll give you that one
Grow up age7
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

Mistadobalina wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:08 pm
dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:25 pm
Proposition Joe wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:55 pm I mean, the suggestion is there in the post. You could always read it and then comment.

But either way, your ideas have been proven not to work so why do you propose the same stuff again? If you have a headache and find that punching yourself in the face doesn't relieve the symptoms, do you a) stop punching yourself in the face or b) say 'well what ELSE am I going to do, eh?' without considering any other options? Obviously you're gonna say b) but just laying it out there how daft that looks.
If you read my comment specifically relating to drugs you will see my suggestion that decriminalisation plus NHS supply of drug, combined with rehab was what I suggested. Helping rather than punishing those caught up in the cycle. Perhaps not down to them but the circumstances in which they find themselves. Compassionate.

BUT, having put such a system in place there will be those that choose to ignore it and still supply drugs for their personal gain. These people should be removed from society as they don’t have any other interest other than peddling death and misery. Lock em up as they are beyond rehabilitation. Who gives a sh*t about them, they don’t for anyone else. Don’t give a toss if it done work so long as they are off the streets and unable to continue their disgusting trade.
Why do you think drug dealers are uniquely beyond rehabilitation and redemption? Genuinely interested. In your world, Anthony Joshua would still be in jail. At what age do they become no hopers? 17? 18? How much product do they need to be shifting to be banged up forever? Is this for all illegal drugs or just class A's?

If you have kids over the age of 16, there's a good chance they've bought from dealers. There's a chance they've bought from dealers on behalf of mates, making them dealers in the eyes of the law.
I think you’re right. Perhaps after a smack on the wrist and a warning they should be given the chance to mend their ways. Those that do, great, we can forgive them for countless ruined lives. Should they repeat offend, then lock them away for a long time. Decent compromise.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Disoriented »

dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:30 pm
Mistadobalina wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:08 pm
dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:25 pm

If you read my comment specifically relating to drugs you will see my suggestion that decriminalisation plus NHS supply of drug, combined with rehab was what I suggested. Helping rather than punishing those caught up in the cycle. Perhaps not down to them but the circumstances in which they find themselves. Compassionate.

BUT, having put such a system in place there will be those that choose to ignore it and still supply drugs for their personal gain. These people should be removed from society as they don’t have any other interest other than peddling death and misery. Lock em up as they are beyond rehabilitation. Who gives a sh*t about them, they don’t for anyone else. Don’t give a toss if it done work so long as they are off the streets and unable to continue their disgusting trade.
Why do you think drug dealers are uniquely beyond rehabilitation and redemption? Genuinely interested. In your world, Anthony Joshua would still be in jail. At what age do they become no hopers? 17? 18? How much product do they need to be shifting to be banged up forever? Is this for all illegal drugs or just class A's?

If you have kids over the age of 16, there's a good chance they've bought from dealers. There's a chance they've bought from dealers on behalf of mates, making them dealers in the eyes of the law.
I think you’re right. Perhaps after a smack on the wrist and a warning they should be given the chance to mend their ways. Those that do, great, we can forgive them for countless ruined lives. Should they repeat offend, then lock them away for a long time. Decent compromise.
They need compassion and a helping hand not to be beaten with a societal stick.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

Disoriented wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:41 pm
dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:30 pm
Mistadobalina wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:08 pm

Why do you think drug dealers are uniquely beyond rehabilitation and redemption? Genuinely interested. In your world, Anthony Joshua would still be in jail. At what age do they become no hopers? 17? 18? How much product do they need to be shifting to be banged up forever? Is this for all illegal drugs or just class A's?

If you have kids over the age of 16, there's a good chance they've bought from dealers. There's a chance they've bought from dealers on behalf of mates, making them dealers in the eyes of the law.
I think you’re right. Perhaps after a smack on the wrist and a warning they should be given the chance to mend their ways. Those that do, great, we can forgive them for countless ruined lives. Should they repeat offend, then lock them away for a long time. Decent compromise.
They need compassion and a helping hand not to be beaten with a societal stick.
Exactly what I’ve said twice. Just for you I’ll say it three times. Addicts need help and compassion. The dealers are the ones Who need sorting, the peddlers of death for money. But, give them a chance to change, if they don’t then treat them the same way they treat the addicts, with contempt plus a long prison sentence. Dealers are scum profiting from the suffering of others. The addicts are the victims.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by StillSpike »

Why not just put the dealers out of business by legalising the stuff so the "victims" can get their stuff clean, tested, taxed (if necessary), and safe from the need to deal with criminals with all the risks that entails?

You can still make dealing without a licence illegal if it floats your boat - but squeezing them out of business seems to me to be the best way to handle the problem.
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Re: Death Penalty

Post by Disoriented »

dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:47 pm
Disoriented wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:41 pm
dOh Nut wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2019 8:30 pm

I think you’re right. Perhaps after a smack on the wrist and a warning they should be given the chance to mend their ways. Those that do, great, we can forgive them for countless ruined lives. Should they repeat offend, then lock them away for a long time. Decent compromise.
They need compassion and a helping hand not to be beaten with a societal stick.
Exactly what I’ve said twice. Just for you I’ll say it three times. Addicts need help and compassion. The dealers are the ones Who need sorting, the peddlers of death for money. But, give them a chance to change, if they don’t then treat them the same way they treat the addicts, with contempt plus a long prison sentence. Dealers are scum profiting from the suffering of others. The addicts are the victims.
Then why do you want to punish them further and prolong their woe?

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