Ramadan In The 21st Century

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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by spen666 »

WSS, you still haven't explained how you are going to force people to eat nor have you explained how you are going to decide if someone hasn't eaten and is fasting?

In your bigotted little world, please explain to people who aren't so biggotted how this would work.

Oh and what about Article 8 of the ECHR? The article that gives you a right to respect for your private life? Force feeding someone is not respecting their private life
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

West Side Story wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 5:05 pm And it ain't just Islam. All Religions have some pretty bizarre practises
I think that is a reasonable view. From a previous post I mentioned my own religion and some, what I consider, odd practices. But that’s the nature of religion and some of theses practices go way back in time when perhaps they started for some good reason yet are now blindly followed, religiously.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Real Al »

Replace Muslims in the OP with Rasta and fasting with smoking ganja.

Want the religious bloke to perform brain surgery on your kid now? 😂
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Clive Evans »

spen69. You don't half go off at tangents. I have not suggested that people should banned, stopped or anything. I just think that when peoples "strange " beliefs impinge on other peoples lives, we should perhaps examine what is happening. The minute I suggest such an analysis, all the " snowflakes" are up in arms. People say non-diabetics are the only people who can have low blood glucose. What a mis-guided view. When someone is collapsed, one of the first checks, is for blood/glucose. If you are driving you will probably be alright as it is sedentary. But if you are on your feet all day, it is a different story. Plenty of Religions have allowed more than one spouse. Banned in UK. Plenty of Religions advocated cannibalism. Banned in UK. Plenty of Religions allowed marriages to young children. Banned in UK. When some Australians made investigations at Pitcairn, half the male population were gaoled. Look what happened to Galileo when he questioned the Pope on a serious scientific matter. Similarly go and look at what happened to Anne Askew, when she questioned Transubstantiation. How far are you allowed to go in carrying out a " private " life?
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Proposition Joe »

FFS. Any pretence of 'just starting a conversation' was blown out the water when immediately mentioning grooming. Pretty see through, might lock this shortly.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by spen666 »

West Side Story wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 6:52 pm spen69. You don't half go off at tangents. I have not suggested that people should banned, stopped or anything. I just think that when peoples "strange " beliefs impinge on other peoples lives, we should perhaps examine what is happening.

So if you are not going to force people to eat then your post is as irrelevant as your reference to Asian grooming gangs on a post about fasting

The only strange belief impinging on others lives is your strange belief , with nothing other than anti Islamic prejudice to support it, that you should force feed people as you deny them the right to fast.

The minute I suggest such an analysis, all the " snowflakes" are up in arms. People say non-diabetics are the only people who can have low blood glucose. What a mis-guided view. When someone is collapsed, one of the first checks, is for blood/glucose.
you are inventing things again. No one other than you had made the above allegation

Please you are driving you will probably be alright as it is sedentary. But if you are on your feet all day, it is a different story. Plenty of Religions have allowed more than one spouse. Banned in UK. Plenty of Religions advocated cannibalism. Banned in UK. Plenty of Religions allowed marriages to young children. Banned in UK. When some Australians made investigations at Pitcairn, half the male population were gaoled. Look what happened to Galileo when he questioned the Pope on a serious scientific matter. Similarly go and look at what happened to Anne Askew, when she questioned Transubstantiation. How far are you allowed to go in carrying out a " private " life?
And you start your post accusing me of going off at a tangent.....you have covered Asian grooming gangs, polygamous marriages and paedophilic actions and now the Pope and Galileo on a IST about fasting during Ramadan......

Yep, I go off at tangents whereas you don't eh?
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Clive Evans »

The reason I mentioned grooming, was that people who could have done something, shied away from investigating. I think there is a scientific basis in what I say, and people are scared to investigate as they will get accused of bigotry.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Sid Bishop »

West Side Story wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 6:52 pm spen69. You don't half go off at tangents. I have not suggested that people should banned, stopped or anything. I just think that when peoples "strange " beliefs impinge on other peoples lives, we should perhaps examine what is happening. The minute I suggest such an analysis, all the " snowflakes" are up in arms. People say non-diabetics are the only people who can have low blood glucose. What a mis-guided view. When someone is collapsed, one of the first checks, is for blood/glucose. If you are driving you will probably be alright as it is sedentary. But if you are on your feet all day, it is a different story. Plenty of Religions have allowed more than one spouse. Banned in UK. Plenty of Religions advocated cannibalism. Banned in UK. Plenty of Religions allowed marriages to young children. Banned in UK. When some Australians made investigations at Pitcairn, half the male population were gaoled. Look what happened to Galileo when he questioned the Pope on a serious scientific matter. Similarly go and look at what happened to Anne Askew, when she questioned Transubstantiation. How far are you allowed to go in carrying out a " private " life?
I had not heard of the story of tragic story of the very brave lady ''Anne Askew' before.
Just looked it up and got the basics. Long story and when I have some spare time, I will take time to read it all.
Brutal times indeed and and Henry the 8th was a real tyrant who manipulated religion for his own interests.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Proposition Joe »

West Side Story wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 7:06 pm The reason I mentioned grooming, was that people who could have done something, shied away from investigating. I think there is a scientific basis in what I say, and people are scared to investigate as they will get accused of bigotry.
What did Christians do about Savill noncing his way through kids? Scientific basis? Shut up.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Clive Evans »

Same thing really, because he was revered as some sort of icon, people were scared of speaking up. Just like I am now, because you are on my case, telling me to shut up. I have been rude to nobody. I suggest you learn some manners. Mr Proposition Joe
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Proposition Joe »

Suggestion noted. I'm kind of done with this place.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by greyhound »

lets put it this way I will still be having eggs bacon tomatoes two of toast on the same day who cares. :D
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Esteban »

spen666 wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 5:42 pm
West Side Story wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 5:04 pm Right, I have been doing other things since I posted and not been online. I was not running away! Typical,when people do controversial things and hide behind Religion, people shout out Racism etc!
I am not sure you understand what you are talking about Race & Religion are completely separate things. Not sure why you are conflating the two, unless you do not understand the difference.

Mind you you managed to being Asian grooming gangs into a post about the effects of fasting during Ramadan, so we shouldn't be too surprised

Now i reckon abstaining from food and drink whilst doing an important job, is controversial, if you read my article carefully before your apoplexies, you would have noted my highlighting Ramadan in the period of longest total daylight. I know from being a diabetic, if I have done unusual exercise and not eaten, I become quite light headed. Some diabetics have been accused of being drunk until further tested.
you may be diabetic and have problems if you fasted, but I hate to tell you not everyone else is diabetic or has health trouble if they fast

Who decides what is abstaining from food. If for example I choose not to have any lunch because I am having a large meal at tea time, am I fasting and should I be force fed at lunch time?

Are you really advocating force feeding people who choose not to eat when you decide they should eat?

Now, your clearly crackpot idea might have a hope of being listened to if there was even the slightest tiniest bit of evidence that missing lunch caused any risk to health. There is of course no such evidence in existence that I am aware of. You are complaining about an imaginary problem brought about seemingly because of some issue you have with a particular religion.

Indeed, man used to regularly fast and binge eat. Historically man was a hunter gatherer. He would eat when he had hunted and killed animals and fast inbetween such kills. So if you knew your history, you would realise that fasting is perfectly normal and indeed is more normal than the idea of eating three meals a day.

Now for the nosey people who need to know why I lost my job ( why? ). I had a dream job as a school lab technician after I took early retirement from BT. The head Technician was a Muslim. He was always pretty horrible to me and in fact I reported him for bullying ( the bizarre thing is, he put his hands up and admitted to it ). Anyway after I had been there 6 months, I went in to work with a fairly high fever. I felt rough and told them. Head Tech was fasting and had been ratty for a few days. Ofsted were in the school and he delivered the wrong books to the wrong class. He had his ear bent by Head of Science Dept. I was busy doing my own work and he snarled at me to sort out his drop-off. Being unwell I told him to F-off and I was going home sick. When I returned to work, I was told I was sacked by Headmaster ( he not know I joined Union ). There was a big row involving Local Authority. Headmaster refused to back down. i was offered virtually any job going in the Council. But politely told them what they could do with their job, as I now had picked up my BT Retirement lump sum and getting full pension. But I was livid as this was my dream job. Karma: I was told 18 months later head tech had gone & Headmaster was sacked as he had drunkenly wrapped his car around a tree, shortly after having his collar felt for trying to trade Honours!
So, you were sacked for gross misconduct for using foul and abusive language towards another member of staff.

Were you fasting at the time? No? Then what has fasting got to do with your choice to use gross misconduct. You were sacked because of your own gross misconduct that had nothing to do with fasting at all.
Spen, oh my, with that single comment I think you’ve become my favourite boarder. Excellent take down, sir.

Genuinely impressed with you. Please accept my apologies for any aggravation my previous posts may have caused you.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Redcard »

All religion is nonsense . Ramadan is nonsense on stilts. It’s Said to cleanse ones soul, yet it doesn’t prevent Muslims from slaughtering all and sundry at the same time. Total bollocks.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

Redcard wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 10:00 pm All religion is nonsense . Ramadan is nonsense on stilts. It’s Said to cleanse ones soul, yet it doesn’t prevent Muslims from slaughtering all and sundry at the same time. Total bollocks.
History is littered with religious wars, including those fought in the name of Christianity. But for many people, religion offers strength and comfort and who the feck are we to criticise that. Comments like that demonstrate a total lack of understanding.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Long slender neck »

When is somebody going to have the courage to speak out about these fasters and their dangers? Tomorrow maybe YOUR child will be given the wrong textbook!
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by BiggsyMalone »

West Side Story wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 10:37 am I am going to be controversial here, but would like to open up a serious & sensible debate. This year Ramadan is falling in May/June. In the UK this is the period of maximum daylight hours. People who observe Ramadan, cease eating & often drinking too during daylight hours, unless they have a medical dispensation, and even then they often attempt to observe the fast. There is an article about this on the BBC website about a girl who says she gets ratty. Now I have a vested interest as, I lost my job because of this ( somebody else was fasting ). But are we happy that the bus or lorry driver has been driving all day long with nothing to eat? Or what about being treated by a doctor similarly starved? Teachers on their feet all day and so on. Being diabetic I know that low blood glucose can have a bad effect on your body. Often creeping up on you without you being aware. Anyone know if anyone has collected data on traffic accidents during Ramadan? My gut instinct tells me that this is a similar situation to the Asian grooming offences. Because of sensitivity to peoples Religion, Political Correctness and so on, it is perhaps a "no-go " area. Over to you guys. Please try and be objective. This is a serious thread.
Judging by the end of your post, you probably deserved the sack.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Lucky7 »

[quote=Redcard post_id=16034 time=1559336423 user_id=119]
All religion is nonsense . Ramadan is nonsense on stilts. It’s Said to cleanse ones soul, yet it doesn’t prevent Muslims from slaughtering all and sundry at the same time. Total bollocks.

i reckon that's a straight red disgusting comment
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Max B Gold »

dOh Nut wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 10:04 pm
Redcard wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 10:00 pm All religion is nonsense . Ramadan is nonsense on stilts. It’s Said to cleanse ones soul, yet it doesn’t prevent Muslims from slaughtering all and sundry at the same time. Total bollocks.
History is littered with religious wars, including those fought in the name of Christianity. But for many people, religion offers strength and comfort and who the feck are we to criticise that. Comments like that demonstrate a total lack of understanding.
Bit surprised Redcard condemns all religions but stops short of providing examples of violence commited in the name of other religions other than Islam. Leads me to think he isn't really condeming religion in general one little bit.

We should have a survey where we can vote on the worlds most violent religion my money is on capitalism.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Max B Gold »

Proposition Joe wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 7:42 pm Suggestion noted. I'm kind of done with this place.
They win.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Redcard »

Since when has capitalism been a religion, and in view of the fact this thread was about Ramadan that’s what I have referenced. I can’t be arsed to list the acts of violence during Ramadan , but trust me there is no cessation. The bombings , wars, stabbings, continue, Ramadan or not.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Max B Gold »

Redcard wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 10:50 pm Since when has capitalism been a religion, and in view of the fact this thread was about Ramadan that’s what I have referenced. I can’t be arsed to list the acts of violence during Ramadan , but trust me there is no cessation. The bombings , wars, stabbings, continue, Ramadan or not.
Capitalist states have never bombed, shot, bayonetted, stabbed or suffocated anyone quietly? In pursuit of their faith?
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Redcard »

Max, what the hell are you on.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by F*ck The Poor & Fat »

I think it’s best not to encourage redcard by getting into debate. Based on his comments he clearly has no understanding of religion so has nothing of value to say.
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Re: Ramadan In The 21st Century

Post by Redcard »

Your right, there is nothing worthwhile to say about organized religion.
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