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Post by soloman »

Does the club really need a DOF ?I know that Nigel and Kent are self proclaimed novices when it comes to having football expertise .When uncle Barry owned the club did he know more about the game or did he leave the footballing side to his managers.
I have a feeling that our DOF is holding us back and having some sort of input into the playing side of the club and that's why he likes having RE as head coach as he is a relative newcomer to the roll. How would we get on if the DOF wasn't there ?
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Post by cockhat »

soloman wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:24 pm Does the club really need a DOF ?I know that Nigel and Kent are self proclaimed novices when it comes to having football expertise .When uncle Barry owned the club did he know more about the game or did he leave the footballing side to his managers.
I have a feeling that our DOF is holding us back and having some sort of input into the playing side of the club and that's why he likes having RE as head coach as he is a relative newcomer to the roll. How would we get on if the DOF wasn't there ?
You’re on dangerous ground here!
The Ling lovers will give you grief!!
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Post by Dohnut »

At this time let’s just hope he fully recovers from Covid without any long term side effects.
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Post by OyinbO »

let's just hope that he finds that dog that ate his homework
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Post by ComeOnYouOs »

Of course the club doesn't need a DOF. it was a sound idea for 3 to 6 months after the takeover, but now everything is stable, we dont need a DOF
The CEO does a very efficient job, and he could run the commercial side, with a football manager running the football side ( Like Slade did )
This will never happen however, because the people who own/run the club, worship Ling, as if he is a God......he has a job for life.
As a footnote, i hope the DOF recovers quickly from Covid, with no after effects.
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Post by PoliticOs »

I'm not sure. I'll have a think. Good question though, not sure I've seen it asked on here before.
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Post by Omygawd »

Groundhog Day?
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Post by Dohnut »

Omygawd wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 4:22 pmGroundhog Day?
Even that film had a happy ending. Eventually.
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Post by Oiram »

soloman wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:24 pm Does the club really need a DOF ?I know that Nigel and Kent are self proclaimed novices when it comes to having football expertise .When uncle Barry owned the club did he know more about the game or did he leave the footballing side to his managers.
I have a feeling that our DOF is holding us back and having some sort of input into the playing side of the club and that's why he likes having RE as head coach as he is a relative newcomer to the roll. How would we get on if the DOF wasn't there ?
Be probably same situation if he DOF was not there , possibly a better situation. We are too top heavy. In my view Boss is his puppet.

A fish rots from the head down , even Ling fish.
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Post by OyinbO »

The thing is, Ling & Embleton are now irrevocably bound together. If they weren't before, then the Fletcher farrago has ensured the two succeed together or fail together. So you can't get rid of one without getting rid of the other.
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Post by Dohnut »

Pointless debate.

A fit Ling will never resign. Easy money.
The board will never sack him.

He is here for as long as he wants. Probably when he decides to retire. The NL promotion sealed that deal.
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Post by JimbO »

old ground raked over
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Post by Rich Tea Wellin »

No - close the thread.
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Post by Max B Gold »

Too many cooks spoil the broth. So that's a yes from me or is it a no and I'm double bluffing.

Christ knows.
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Post by Thor »

If you can view the time we’ve had ling as a dof you would I suspect put a tick against his name and say he’s been a success. He has not just looking after the first team he is responsible for all football matters, from youth, scouting the whole nine yards.

Has he got it all right? No of course not and many including myself have voiced concerns over different matters, but when you analyse his impact on the club it has been more positive than negative.

Would I keep the dof role? Yes I would.
Would I keep Ling in the dof role? Yes I would.
Does he have to innovate and push us forwards? Yes he does.

The big issue I have is the relationship with his son, him and the club, it just don’t feel right. I can see with my own eyes he is not good enough yet plays no matter what, and does that cloud people’s judgements, maybe mine as well? Why is that happening? Ling never went in the dressing room when Justin was here, yet he does now with Ross, so is he having too much influence or interference? Possibly.

His appointments, Justin aside have been crap, and I see nothing that will give me confidence that will change. I said it when Ross was appointed we will stand still for 18 months and I’ve seen nothing to change that view point.

So where do we go from here? Ross has been given enough coaches to get the job done, he has an assistant coach to support him and bring a bridge between Ross and the players so he can assert more authority as he moves from being that bridge to being the true boss. I feel he needs possibly two players to complement the squad and then it’s down to Ross and the management team to perform.

The next two months will be crucial for Ross and for Martin which will give us a fairer reflection on what we will do this season as a team and club. I suspect then you will see Kent start to assert more influence over direction moving forwards, cos it’s his hard cold cash on the line. Also the Pepsi guy will want to see success rather than us drifting and having spent more years than I care to remember working for the yanks they don’t like failure nor do they suffer poor performance for long. They hire, they fire.

I suspect the kitchen is going to get a little hotter in the run up to Xmas. I for one hope Martin and Ross pull through, but that clock is proper ticking now in my opinion.
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Post by J R Hartley »

Well thought out and posted, gives some answers and posses some questions that will loom larger soon
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