Anyone else getting a sense that there's suddenly a lot of possible conflicts ready to erupt? Is it me, or are things suddenly feeling a lot less stable (and that's not just because of Covid)?
Armenia and Azerbaijan are at it and threatening the security of the main Caspian pipelines.
Turkey and Greece are fronting up to each other over gas reserves, threatening the security of Cyprus and possibly dragging other Eastern Mediterranean states into a conflict.
France is asserting its dominance as the regional military power.
The Chinese are up to all sorts of shenanigans in the South China Sea, and pissing of their neighbours.
Russia continues to occupy eastern Ukraine and is often provoking the Baltic states.
And then there's the powder keg that is the Balkan states.
This decade hasn't had the best of starts, but it could yet descend into a much bigger shiit show. I really wish things would go back to being boring again.
Dunners wrote: ↑Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:54 pm
One of their earlier, and therefore better, albums.
I bought that back in the day.
A while back I put Sunday Bloody Sunday on the juke box in a pub in town. The knuckle draggers asked the owner to put it off and he did. There was a bit of a heated debate, some staring and low level animal noises but I demanded and got my money back.
y o y o y wrote: ↑Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:28 pm
Dunners you didn't mention the possible American Civil War II
I have a feeling that, after the election and once the various activist bases have been stood down, a lot of the current tensions should subside.
Oh ok, but what about the biscuit war going on at the Burton's factory between the unions and the management, does that not concern you, or has that been resolved now?
Dunners, don't forget:
The illegal occupation of 39% of the land area of Cyprus by Turkish forces
The re-arming and pledge to disregard the 2016 peace treaty by FARC
The "ceasefire" in the Korean peninsula
The situation in Libya post the death of Gaddafi
PR China's claim on Taiwan, Republic of China
Sudan & Horn of Africa
Falklands dispute
Gibraltar dispute
And numerous others.
It would be nice to have a completely peaceful world, but I'm not too bothered. Countries are always in conflict with themselves or one another. It's big-headed, big ego, politicians and diplomats. And it will always be so IMO.
Dunners wrote: ↑Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:54 pm
One of their earlier, and therefore better, albums.
I bought that back in the day.
A while back I put Sunday Bloody Sunday on the juke box in a pub in town. The knuckle draggers asked the owner to put it off and he did. There was a bit of a heated debate, some staring and low level animal noises but I demanded and got my money back.
Dunners wrote: ↑Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:54 pm
One of their earlier, and therefore better, albums.
I bought that back in the day.
A while back I put Sunday Bloody Sunday on the juke box in a pub in town. The knuckle draggers asked the owner to put it off and he did. There was a bit of a heated debate, some staring and low level animal noises but I demanded and got my money back.
Dunners wrote: ↑Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:50 pm
Anyone else getting a sense that there's suddenly a lot of possible conflicts ready to erupt? Is it me, or are things suddenly feeling a lot less stable (and that's not just because of Covid)?