Prediction League 20/21

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Prediction League 20/21

Post by Thor »

As it appears that HMM does not want to be involved with this board or run the prediction league on here, I am happy to step up and run it. I did ask big Ron if he would be prepared to do it, but he’s happy doing his one on the other board which is fair enough.

So let’s get this party started!

Please post up your predictions in the current thread running already. Once you read the below you may want to go back and amend and add to the post so that you have a higher chance of scoring.

Points will be awarded as follows.

5 points for the correct score
3 points for the correct aggregate (predict 3-1 but it’s 2-0)
2 points for a draw
1 point for a win or loss prediction regardless of score
3 points for 1st goal scorer guessed correctly (1st named player)
2 points for the last goal scorer (2nd named player)
1 point for any named player who scores an own goal
Red card prediction will earn 5 points
Yellow card prediction will earn 2 points
10 points for total number of red and yellow cards issued during the game
10 for correct attendance within 25 people (when they resume with fans in attendance nothing will be awarded till then)
5 points for the closest prediction of attendance (again only once fans are allowed entry)

Good luck to everyone.
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Re: Prediction League 20/21

Post by y o y o y »

Thanks Thor. Looks very ambitious and time consuming for a busy man like yourself. Good luck
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Re: Prediction League 20/21

Post by PoundhillO »

No thanks, far too complicated.Need to get back to the original Prediction lead based on scores only
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Re: Prediction League 20/21

Post by EliotNes »

Thanks Thor, though with that scoring system you've given yourself a hell of a lot of work post-match. As I said to Murdoch last year, I think we'd all be happy with points on just the final score, scorers and possibly the crowd. But you are running it, with my thanks, and good luck.
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