* The ability to post page after page of utter drivel
* The ability to be offended if the person employed to be accountable for a teams performance is held accountable.
* im an O's fan, I pays my money , i can say what i like
* im not a qualified critic but ive been watching footy for ever
* ive played football once or twice & I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT !!
* Ross is Orient threw and threw.
* Ross is good because he pretends he likes me when I bump into in a pub.
* Stone Island
* You aint an O's fan unless you support every decision the club makes.
* Alabi goes well in a chant
* Extend everyone. Programme sellers, the flats on the corners, Ling Jr.
* The S*n brings us and ECK-SPOSURE.
* Hires people for their company when they have no experience.
Any more