* The ability to post page after page of utter drivel
* The ability to blame a man for all that is wrong in life if your team loses
* im an O's fan, I pays my money , i can say what i like
* im not a qualified critic but ive been watching footy for ever
* ive played football once or twice & I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT !!
* I'm bored at work who can I annoy
* i bloody Hate Martin Ling as Well .
* Dont start me on Ling Jnr .
* Juddy should play for ENGER-LAND
* How dare you slag me off for my opinion on R o s s , im an O's fan like you
* you're rhetoric is rather dramatic (
* Using this list as fuel to carry on (
* Upminster throws a wobbly confirming point 2 (
* Legal actions & inactions bought forthwith to the table( UpO
* Super Fans complaining about hand washing
* Super Fans complain of Face Touching .
* Moderators banning the word R O S S.
( unless its spaced out )
From use
How very very childish
Maybe they should just ban the letters O R & S
An O's fan like me you say ?