West Side Story wrote: ↑Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:24 am
If he had any b-ll-x he should just do a Putin & declare himself President for life. That way, he would soon find out how he stands with the American public. You know that is what he would like to do.
What ?
Why would you condemn so many special agents, leading politicians & Military Generals
to injury in the stampede to rip him limb from limb ?
It will be easier to designate the White House as a Federal prison and just lock them all in. Cut off all the comms and internet, allow the minions out in exchange for testimony and just sit it out while a treason trial is organised, a real show trial worthy of his hero Mr Putin.
The really, really stupid thing is that in places like Florida more than half of the Republican vote comes in by post. The elderly, including Trump, can't be bothered to go out and vote.
I can just see it all now. Trump wins by a landslide and the Democrats Challenge the result stating Trumps fears of electoral postal fraud . Trump should keep his mouth shut on this because it will come back to haunt him when he wins
There is no mail-in fraud and Trumps ignorance of how it is done makes him look even more stupid than usual, and that takes some doing. A foriegn power cannot print thousands of voting papers because each one has a unique bar code set for each voter when they apply, the system then checks the signature on the ballot with that on the application. Simple and fraud proof, any that fail are checked for clerical errors, the most common being couples signing each other form by mistake, and voters are contacted to sort it out.
Shame Mikero that our postal ballot system doesn’t work, cos I’m sure you remember the labour voting scandal of postal votes, don’t you? Been going on for years.
I agree, they left themselves wide open to criticism for that, although much of it was to do with council elections. I think it will be tightened up before the next election. More worrying are the boundary changes that will cut the number of Labour voting constituancies.
Mikero wrote: ↑Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:16 pm
I agree, they left themselves wide open to criticism for that, although much of it was to do with council elections. I think it will be tightened up before the next election. More worrying are the boundary changes that will cut the number of Labour voting constituancies.
Each time the government changes the boundaries they will do whats best for them! Self preservation and all that.