So what’s going on with football then?

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So what’s going on with football then?

Post by Fanny »

Specifically, what’s going on with the 20/21 League Two season?

Who got promoted from the conference in the end? Barrow and who else?

When is the league starting?

What’s the deal be with fans? All games behind closed doors? Reduced capacity? If reduced capacity who gets priority to attend a half empty Brisbane road? Will away fans be allowed?

How long until clubs start going out of business due to having no proper income for months? Which clubs are most in danger?

Is the 20/21 season basically a write off before it’s even started?

And non League Two related:

The fake crowd noises on live football games on tele: yay or nay? Personally I can’t stand it. The sporting equivalent of canned laughter.
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Re: So what’s going on with football then?

Post by kokomO »

Playoffs for who go up with Barrow are just starting funnily enough, today I think. Boreham senseless v Halifax and Yeovil Barnet. The winners of those will play notts county & Harrogate for a place at an empty Wembley. Even more empty than it is on a national League playoff day.

Only one down (Stevenage) because of bury (rip)
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Re: So what’s going on with football then?

Post by JimbO »

Barnet playing Saturday think the games are on BT for those that are interested.

Personally hoping they come up so there's another London club in the division
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