Topple the Racists website

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Re: Topple the Racists website

Post by Ornchurch »

ComeOnYouOs wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:44 pm
Ornchurch wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:39 pm
ComeOnYouOs wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:29 pm Ive known 4 racists, in the last 10 years ago, and when i confronted them about it, everyone of them said they were not racist.
I reckon all racists actually dont think they are racists
Not sure if its relevant, but I wanted to share that
Ive known a number of stupid people over the years and from talking to them they didn't realise that they were stupid.
Not sure if it's relevant but thought that I would share.

The sooner that people realise that others have different opinions without giving them a label the better life would be.
That would suit racist right wingers like you....wouldn't it
You're proving my point. We disagree but I'm not racist and not a ring winger.

Me and PoliticOs have different opinions, and had our disagreements, but we managed to have a sensible discussion on this thread yesterday without calling each other names.
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Re: Topple the Racists website

Post by StockholmO »

PoliticOs wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:45 pm
Beradogs wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:37 pm Poliico, you are doing a lot of asking for others to consider their views but not doing a whole lot of considering yourself. You say there is a horrendous problem with Racism. Where? I was born and bought up in East London, I ran with a gang who spent their teenage years pioneering hip hop in the uk, I played football in majority black teams for 20 years. I am married to a non white and my mother is Italian, you know, one of those dark ones. I have never in my life met a single racist or heard a single racist comment directed at anyone I know or love.I should have met hundreds of racists. Tell me you’re experience with all these racists because dare I say it, you might want to consider the company you keep. The UK is one of the most tolerant places on Earth. This is a culture war and the left need to stop trying to divide us.
Ignorance is bliss.

If you don't think it exists, you're hardly likely to see it. I can appreciate and accept experiences will be different, but look at the statistics for nearly every walk of life. Maybe you don't notice it because your threshold for what is acceptable is a little wrong, Beradogs? You've also said 'everyone is a bit racist' in other threads, so what is it? Everyone is a bit racist or no one is racist at all?

What culture are we trying to pit at war with each other?

I agree, we are one of the most tolerant in many ways. But I'm obviously far more patriotic than you as I want us to be better than we are.
PoliticOs. Are you an ‘energy vampire’ vampire 🧛‍♀️?
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Re: Topple the Racists website

Post by PoliticOs »

Maybe! But I'm just pretty capable of having adult conversations in spite of them being exhausting. It's a good self development tool!
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