Serious question , anyone on here going to be answering them over the next couple of months...
Point being if they can't get hold of you by mobile how are they going to put quarantine measures into practise, doorstep you everyday until you answer?
I want to know how they are getting my number in the first place.
Ad unless its someone who i know, who can tell me themselves, how will they know if ive been in contact with someone without the app?
Notice BoJo dodged the question about financial support for people isolating. The problem is that if someone is Self employed and the government cant pay them, its not worth their while isolating if they've stood 1.95m from someone for 15 mins in a queue in tesco.
Apple Wumble wrote: ↑Thu May 28, 2020 7:54 pm
I want to know how they are getting my number in the first place.
Ad unless its someone who i know, who can tell me themselves, how will they know if ive been in contact with someone without the app?
Notice BoJo dodged the question about financial support for people isolating. The problem is that if someone is Self employed and the government cant pay them, its not worth their while isolating if they've stood 1.95m from someone for 15 mins in a queue in tesco.
Isn't it not through your doctor's records?? I understand these are unprecedented times but isn't there data protection issues with all this?
Apple Wumble wrote: ↑Thu May 28, 2020 7:54 pm
I want to know how they are getting my number in the first place.
Ad unless its someone who i know, who can tell me themselves, how will they know if ive been in contact with someone without the app?
Notice BoJo dodged the question about financial support for people isolating. The problem is that if someone is Self employed and the government cant pay them, its not worth their while isolating if they've stood 1.95m from someone for 15 mins in a queue in tesco.
Isn't it not through your doctor's records?? I understand these are unprecedented times but isn't there data protection issues with all this?
Data protection gets thrown aside with the pretence of ‘a national emergency’. Shame the extra powers won’t get rolled back when it’s over
kokomO wrote: ↑Thu May 28, 2020 7:51 pm
Serious question , anyone on here going to be answering them over the next couple of months...
Point being if they can't get hold of you by mobile how are they going to put quarantine measures into practise, doorstep you everyday until you answer?
Oh right, this is about contact tracers? I did wonder for a minute.
I guess if they can't get hold of you they will just give up and move onto the next poor sap.
Apple Wumble wrote: ↑Thu May 28, 2020 7:54 pm
I want to know how they are getting my number in the first place.
Ad unless its someone who i know, who can tell me themselves, how will they know if ive been in contact with someone without the app?
Notice BoJo dodged the question about financial support for people isolating. The problem is that if someone is Self employed and the government cant pay them, its not worth their while isolating if they've stood 1.95m from someone for 15 mins in a queue in tesco.
It's be a pretty sh*t app if it doesn't look at what your phone number is.
Apple Wumble wrote: ↑Thu May 28, 2020 7:54 pm
I want to know how they are getting my number in the first place.
Ad unless its someone who i know, who can tell me themselves, how will they know if ive been in contact with someone without the app?
Notice BoJo dodged the question about financial support for people isolating. The problem is that if someone is Self employed and the government cant pay them, its not worth their while isolating if they've stood 1.95m from someone for 15 mins in a queue in tesco.
It's be a pretty sh*t app if it doesn't look at what your phone number is.
But apparently the contact tracing has started and the app hasn’t been rolled out?
Also I don’t think most apps look at your phone number unless you have to put it in when you sign up?
Apple Wumble wrote: ↑Thu May 28, 2020 7:54 pm
I want to know how they are getting my number in the first place.
Ad unless its someone who i know, who can tell me themselves, how will they know if ive been in contact with someone without the app?
Notice BoJo dodged the question about financial support for people isolating. The problem is that if someone is Self employed and the government cant pay them, its not worth their while isolating if they've stood 1.95m from someone for 15 mins in a queue in tesco.
It's be a pretty sh*t app if it doesn't look at what your phone number is.
But apparently the contact tracing has started and the app hasn’t been rolled out?
Also I don’t think most apps look at your phone number unless you have to put it in when you sign up?
Then I guess they'll request contact details from infected people.
Apps can read your phone number with appropriate permissions.
I saw yesterday, that a very large proportion of people testing positive for Covid19 were without physical symptoms. Either prior to going down with the bug true and proper, or never having any symptoms. With all this hyping by the Government and the Media regarding easing off of lockdown, I see many people out cruising in a very relaxed manner. I foresee problems again very soon.
The rebound is happening in other countries already, people get 'over-free' and cases go up again. Even in South Korea places are having to be shut down again. We will see it rising here in a couple of weeks especially after people have seen how well behaved those who govern us are.
kokomO wrote: ↑Thu May 28, 2020 7:51 pm
Serious question , anyone on here going to be answering them over the next couple of months...
Point being if they can't get hold of you by mobile how are they going to put quarantine measures into practise, doorstep you everyday until you answer?
I'm sure your GP will share your contact details ?
Normally accident claims companies trying to get you to lie about a minor crash you had three years ago or the phone company trying to sell you a new phone you don't need.