Which Tom floats your boat ? It's Hanks versus Hardy (actually 2 for the price of 1 Hardys).
Road to Perdition squeaked through a tie break to get to the knockout stages. Damn fine movie, Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law, Daniel Craig (lucky b*stard that's married to Rachel Weisz). "There are only murderers in this room"
Legend - apparently Tom Hardy is "difficult" on set. Don't care - thought he was very good in this pic based on the life of the Krays. I'm sure there were many, many of our current boarders who were just walking with their dads outside the Blind Beggar when Ronnie shot George Cornell - most of East London must have been there, the number of folk who claim to have been there.
Bandoff - Gangster Movie Edition - Round 1 - Tie 6
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