ComeOnYouOs wrote: ↑Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:41 pm
Course lockdown & social distancing is awful, but its better than dying
We have it it pretty relaxed here. In continental Europe, the lockdown was a proper lockdown where you had to have a pass from the government to go out, and those who were caught outside without one were dealt with severely.
This talk about the economy gets on my tits...who cares about the f*cking economy..thousands of people are dying for gods sake. The amount of money being spent by the government is far less that it was for the Iraqui war, and for the farce that was Afghanistan .
Every country is in the same boat, so no one will have an advantage.
I want the lockdown to last as long as people are dying, because I value humanity more than money
You talk as though people had never died before the corona virus came along. About 170k people die in the UK every year from heart disease alone, and a similar number from cancer.
You have to care about the economy, because there is far worse in store for the country if the economy goes completely belly up. I read a stat the other day (though I have not verified it) that said in the US, for every person who had died (and their average age is over 80) 700 people had lost their jobs, many with families to support. At what point does the straw break the camel's back? 7000, a million?
Nobody wants to see anybody dying - though some on here think most Tories do - especially the tragically avoidable deaths (like exposure of key works through not having the right PPE) but people are going to die from this, it's an illness, and shutting people away forever won't fix it, shutting people away will help to get it manageable so far as not overwhelming the NHS goes, and then the lockdown will end gradually. I suspect vulnerable and older people will be asked to stay indoors for months until a vaccine or drugs to treat it are widely available.
And I'd check your facts on how much was spent on the Iraqi and Afghanistan wars vs how much the corona virus is projected to cost.
If you really want lockdown to last as long as people are dying, then lockdown will be going on for months because we are going to be with this thing for a long time yet.
It's a horrible no-win situation, nobody denies that, but it is not as simple as money vs death.