Mistadobalina wrote: ↑Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:19 pm
Far, far more people are complying with this than the government had expected and modelled for apparently.
Aye laddie, they've taken our freedom without so much as a whimper.
They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our FREEDOM.
Mistadobalina wrote: ↑Fri Apr 17, 2020 4:19 pm
Far, far more people are complying with this than the government had expected and modelled for apparently.
Aye laddie, they've taken our freedom without so much as a whimper.
This is a massive problem and most people can't or don't want to see it.
Thor wrote: ↑Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:46 pm
No not at all. It's the right move, but max you know that as they take away our liberties they never give them back.
Yeah i know that. Which is why I'm advocating an immediate socialist revolution as soon as our leaders decide it's safe to lift lockdown.
Our first task will to be arrest and try by military tribunal. Boris and his accomplices. The charge will be 1st degree murder.
Thor wrote: ↑Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:46 pm
No not at all. It's the right move, but max you know that as they take away our liberties they never give them back.
Yeah i know that. Which is why I'm advocating an immediate socialist revolution as soon as our leaders decide it's safe to lift lockdown.
Our first task will to be arrest and try by military tribunal. Boris and his accomplices. The charge will be 1st degree murder.
The lockdown was enforced with immediate effect and people were expected to change their habits with immediate effect.
Again, 3 weeks in and i don't see many people breaking it. There's always gonna be some idiots but again, the point still stands. 3 and a half weeks to adapt to something that none of us have had to do in 30, 40, 50 years of our lives is an incredibly short amount of time.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a minority, the numbers are still significant enough for it to put people’s lives at risk, such is the contagiousness of the virus.
So what’s your solution mate? It isn’t an easy change to make, but having sympathy with others in a crisis doesn’t stop people dying...
Actually it does matter. Only need 80% of people to follow it for it to be effective
That sounds pretty vague. Where did you get this info?
Thor wrote: ↑Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:46 pm
No not at all. It's the right move, but max you know that as they take away our liberties they never give them back.
Yeah i know that. Which is why I'm advocating an immediate socialist revolution as soon as our leaders decide it's safe to lift lockdown.
Our first task will to be arrest and try by military tribunal. Boris and his accomplices. The charge will be 1st degree murder.
Doesn’t matter if it’s a minority, the numbers are still significant enough for it to put people’s lives at risk, such is the contagiousness of the virus.
So what’s your solution mate? It isn’t an easy change to make, but having sympathy with others in a crisis doesn’t stop people dying...
Actually it does matter. Only need 80% of people to follow it for it to be effective
That sounds pretty vague. Where did you get this info?
The key difference is that this talks about Australia, whose population about 1/3 of the UK while being 30x bigger. Even London is 10x more densely populated than Sydney. Containing the spread in a more crowded country is gonna be much harder, and the effect of a minority who don’t follow the rules will be that much greater
Thor wrote: ↑Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:46 pm
No not at all. It's the right move, but max you know that as they take away our liberties they never give them back.
Yeah i know that. Which is why I'm advocating an immediate socialist revolution as soon as our leaders decide it's safe to lift lockdown.
Our first task will to be arrest and try by military tribunal. Boris and his accomplices. The charge will be 1st degree murder.
Oh, what fun. Will this be like the Great Terror of 1936?