is this realy happening

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is this realy happening

Post by greyhound »

sitting hear just wondering is this just a dream
or is this something you only see in a movie. i am not
embarrassed to say its worrying to say the least not just for me and
the wife and all the family as well. god knows what it must be like for family's
with love ones who have to work. this is like a horror story.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Southcoastsoftee »

I wish it all was a dream/nightmare, it scary alright, I’ve been laid off and my wife work in a supermarket on checkouts, it’s doing her in mentally, Christ I wish it was over right now, but I guess we will all just have to hang in there as best we can.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by greyhound »

Southcoastsoftee wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:15 pm I wish it all was a dream/nightmare, it scary alright, I’ve been laid off and my wife work in a supermarket on checkouts, it’s doing her in mentally, Christ I wish it was over right now, but I guess we will all just have to hang in there as best we can.
its the not knowing that's scary. bud.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Dunners »

Southcoastsoftee wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:15 pm I wish it all was a dream/nightmare, it scary alright, I’ve been laid off and my wife work in a supermarket on checkouts, it’s doing her in mentally, Christ I wish it was over right now, but I guess we will all just have to hang in there as best we can.
Sorry to hear that, fella.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by EliotNes »

It gets more unreal the longer lock-down goes on. And 3 more weeks just announced.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Real Al »

Southcoastsoftee wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:15 pm I wish it all was a dream/nightmare, it scary alright, I’ve been laid off and my wife work in a supermarket on checkouts, it’s doing her in mentally, Christ I wish it was over right now, but I guess we will all just have to hang in there as best we can.
Obviously people are thanking the NHS, but I've seen that people are also leaving notes of appreciation out for binmen etc. Hopefully your wife is getting people thanking her too, but you can certainly tell her thank you from me.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by BIGRON »

Oh it's real alright , and it's bloody frightening 😢😢
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Southcoastsoftee »

Thanks all for your kind words, I’ve passed them on and they are appreciated. 👍. But as was said, it the not knowing that’s one of the worst things.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Disoriented »

Southcoastsoftee wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:15 pm I wish it all was a dream/nightmare, it scary alright, I’ve been laid off and my wife work in a supermarket on checkouts, it’s doing her in mentally, Christ I wish it was over right now, but I guess we will all just have to hang in there as best we can.
Hang in there bud.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Long slender neck »

I'm more worried about the hysteria and how the world has reacted than the actual virus.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Cheshunto »

About 3 weeks ago I was saying to friends how I thought that when I woke the next morning I would find that this was all a bad dream and it wasn’t happening at all.
Those thoughts have gone now, I just want to avoid getting this bloody virus. Seeing those poor people struggling to breathe in hospital scares me.
It’s hard to see the exit strategy right now, and as for Football, that seems further away than ever.
God knows if I’ll get to see a home game at Orient before the Autumn.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Clive Evans »

Prestige Worldwide said "I'm more worried about the hysteria and how the world has reacted than the actual virus."
So you are not really bothered by Covid 19? ( Amazing! )
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Long slender neck »

I am healthy with no known health conditions, there has been just 1 death in my NHS trust in the last five days, so my odds are good. Vulnerable people I know are staying in. I was at my most worried when the shops were ransacked by panic buyers.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Cheshunto »

Prestige Worldwide wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:42 pm I'm more worried about the hysteria and how the world has reacted than the actual virus.
I would ignore the hysteria if I were you, the virus is real and serious , just ask the poor people in hospital trying to survive and those 13,000 who didn’t make it.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Long slender neck »

Yes I feel for those who have it or are especially vulnerable to it.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Mick McQuaid »

You may not be especially vulnerable and would statistically speaking have a great chance of surviving if you were to get unwell enough to need hospital treatment. The problem as has been endlessly pointed out but you don't seem to grasp is the number of people who need that level of intervention. If the number of people needing it exceeds capacity and you can't be treated then you're just as f*cked as the 90 year old coughing up his lungs beside you.

I know six people now who have had to go to hospital with it, two have died, one was 61 and in reasonable health and one 70 something. The 87 old who was already receiving dialysis has pulled through and about to be discharged, a 50 year old is 'deteriorating'. I know a handful of others who were confirmed but mild and quite a few more that have probably had it but not been tested.

At some point there will need to be a way of letting some people get on as close to normal, and as has also been pointed out it will be possible and likely to be area specific if there is good enough testing to keep any outbreaks at a manageable level. At some point there may well be a return to the herd immunity idea you seem to propose, which I don't believe has ever really gone away, but it needs to be done at a level health services can cope with or there will be a huge amount more deaths.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Long slender neck »

I'm not proposing herd immunity, but I am keen for a relax of lockdown for those not vulnerable in the near future. What other option is there?
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by DonaldRocks »

Mick McQuaid wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:46 pm You may not be especially vulnerable and would statistically speaking have a great chance of surviving if you were to get unwell enough to need hospital treatment. The problem as has been endlessly pointed out but you don't seem to grasp is the number of people who need that level of intervention. If the number of people needing it exceeds capacity and you can't be treated then you're just as f*cked as the 90 year old coughing up his lungs beside you.

I know six people now who have had to go to hospital with it, two have died, one was 61 and in reasonable health and one 70 something. The 87 old who was already receiving dialysis has pulled through and about to be discharged, a 50 year old is 'deteriorating'. I know a handful of others who were confirmed but mild and quite a few more that have probably had it but not been tested.

At some point there will need to be a way of letting some people get on as close to normal, and as has also been pointed out it will be possible and likely to be area specific if there is good enough testing to keep any outbreaks at a manageable level. At some point there may well be a return to the herd immunity idea you seem to propose, which I don't believe has ever really gone away, but it needs to be done at a level health services can cope with or there will be a huge amount more deaths.
Your wasting your time as he isn't listening and doesn't care if the health service is overrun. I fully appreciate where you coming from and I totally agree with the points you have clearly made. Well done.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Long slender neck »

:roll: I haven't said that at all.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Mick McQuaid »

Prestige Worldwide wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:58 pm I'm not proposing herd immunity, but I am keen for a relax of lockdown for those not vulnerable in the near future. What other option is there?
That really makes no sense then, at least aiming for herd immunity has some logic to it, even if it is a fairly brutal assessment that other people losing their lives is worth it so that you can get along with your normal day to day life. Your idea is just to relax the restrictions because it's all a bit of a a pain in the arse for you?

The option is for stringent and rapid testing when capacity is there, and area by area restrictions as needed until a vaccine is hopefully (I think it really is just a matter of time) found. That would allow people to get on with normalish life in relative safety. At some point there does need to be an honest debate about what level of death is deemed acceptable, the cancellation of routine appointments is building up a big health problem, routine doesn't mean not important. The impact on people's mental health is huge and there needs to be some balance between wellbeing and preserving life. That's not even starting on the economic impact and the knock on effects from that. Unfortunately honest debate is not something I would expect from our current government.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Long slender neck »

All the things you listed in your second paragraph are good reasons for relaxing lockdown, I don't know why you thought that my only motivation would be because it's a pain in the arse.

I'm not sure herd immunity is achievable but the more people that develop immunity, the better for everyone.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by tuffers#1 »

Prestige Worldwide wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:58 pm . What other option is there?

Stay in & get bored like everyone else.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Thor »

The scientists have suggested that more people will die from the lockdown than from the virus.
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Adz »

Thor wrote: Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:36 am The scientists have suggested that more people will die from the lockdown than from the virus.
Link please
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Re: is this realy happening

Post by Adz »

The next step is to identify who has already had it and they can they return to a normal(ish) life.
Then those who are most likely to be asymptomatic return.
Analyse from this group who got it, risk levels, etc
If good next group to return if not there'll be a pause.

Basically if you're at high risk don't expect your social isolation to end this year,
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